
Chapter 1067: hand to hand combat

The sound of sniper rifles reverberated continuously in the valley, and in the Starlight Armed position, soldiers were knocked down by bullets one after another.

Lin Xun held the sniper rifle in his hand, always locked on the position of the bandit leader, and the palm of his grasping the gun body trembled slightly due to excessive force.

He is an excellent hunter, but seeing the prey constantly provoking in front of him without being able to counter it makes him very uncomfortable.

The first line of defense had very few manpower. Under the suppression of the bandit leader, the heavy weapons in the position could not exert their formidable power at all.

After paying the price of more than 30 casualties, the bandits rushed to the front of the position 30 meters.

At this time, the gunshots of the bandit leader also stopped.

The two sides are about to fall into a melee, and if they continue to shoot at this time, the possibility of accidentally injuring their own people is too great.

Lin Xun looked at the bandits who rushed to the front of the position, took out the hunting knife around his waist, and instructed on the walkie-talkie: "Medical team, cover the wounded to retreat, and the rest are ready to fight hand to hand."

The voice fell, and countless figures appeared behind the bunkers of the position, and a row of sharp bayonets reflected the brilliance of the sun.

"Da da da……!"

The soldiers in the front row of the two sides began to frantically pull the trigger. After the bullets were empty, they rushed towards one place like a tide, and hundreds of people quickly twisted into a ball.

At the moment of the collision, more than a dozen people on both sides were stabbed by the other's bayonet.

Hand-to-hand combat no longer requires tactics, and the bandits do not pay attention to any tactics. In this group of brave and fierce fighting, there is no individual assassination training, and there is no assassination technique that compensates for each other through formation. Experience accumulated in countless fights.

This was an extremely tragic hand-to-hand battle. Both sides were already red-eyed. The clanging sound of the bayonet collision, the muffled sound of the gun **** hitting the body, the screams of the injured, and the irrational roar rang out.

This gang itself is a team under the Hedong Gang, not the cannon fodder like the Bodhisattva Gang, so the machine gunners at the back saw their companions and the enemy strangled together, and removed their fingers from the trigger.

According to Hu Yihan's instructions, their current tactic is not to rush forward, but to be stationed in the Yaoshi Valley area, try to make a big noise to attract the attention of the Hedong Gang, and strictly order the commander not to participate in hand-to-hand combat.

To put it bluntly, this company is the cannon fodder that was pushed out. It doesn't matter how many people they can annihilate, and it doesn't matter how many people they can survive, as long as the gang feels that they are vulnerable, that's enough.

War requires dead people. It is far more meaningful for these people to be eliminated by bandits here than to die on the frontal battlefield. Since it is a battle that he knows will lose, of course Hu Yihan does not want to lose officers, so he specially gave Lin Xun. Under an order, shooting is absolutely not allowed on the battlefield, because his marksmanship is too accurate, once the sniper is exposed, it will attract the opponent's firepower to cover.

But he underestimated Lin Xun's **** nature. Facing the enemy's firepower suppression, he had been holding back for a long time. He was aiming at the enemy 100 meters away before. Defeated and rushed down the hill with a knife.

It was a brutal, but equally bizarre battle.

Although the Starlight Guards call themselves armed, the bandits who were recruited not long ago have no sense of belonging to the Starlight Company, and they don't even know the meaning of their existence. They don't have the will of the soldiers, and they don't have anything they want to protect. Chaos The scene of slaughter is everywhere, but few bandits have mastered the skills of hand-to-hand combat.

What the two sides are fighting for is courage. They are fighting here at the moment, no one knows the big man at the top, what is the reason for starting the war, nor what kind of interests they are fighting for, and they do not realize that they are the victims of interests.

The source of their courage lies in survival. They don't know anything, they only know that they can survive only by fighting, and they can fill their stomachs only by killing the enemy.

Lin Xun's first opponent was the second-in-command of the opposite gang. The weapon in his hand was a red tassel spear. In the crowd, he didn't scream like the others, but didn't say a word. Bent over to wait for work.

Lin Xun saw the blood-stained barrel of the second master's gun and several corpses lying beside him, and charged at him with a hunting knife in his hand.

Perhaps there is a sense among the masters. The second master seems to have noticed that Lin Xun is not a lovable guy.

Lin Xun rushed to the opposite side of the second master's house and kept a distance of three meters from the other party. The tip of the hunting knife in his hand was pointed to the ground, the blade was facing outward, and the back of the knife was aimed at himself.

The second master has learned martial arts since childhood. A red tassel spear is nearly two meters long, and the red tassel is still dripping blood after penetrating the bodies of several people.

He has seen many masters, and the weapons used by the opponent are different, but the moves are all traceable, but he has never seen this starting move of Lin Xun.

Picking up the knife is a slow-moving move, and because of the single attack route, it cannot be changed, so almost no one uses this move as a starting move.

The second boss really wanted to treat Lin Xun as a half-assed man who liked cats and tigers, but the other party's hunting knives were sharply polished, and the blades were full of gaps, indicating that there were definitely a lot of people who died under his hands.

Battles on the battlefield are rarely as fancy as in the movies, and very few people can even survive within three moves. Basically, after two people meet, it only takes five seconds at most if the weapon is not released. , and the winner can be determined.

The so-called fight is nothing more than fighting off the opponent's attack, then taking the opponent's life with one blow, and then looking for the next target.

The second master was still the first to lose his temper.

His red tassel was two meters long, while Lin Xun's hunting knife was less than one meter long.

The impatient second master pulled out a spear and stabbed the spear at Lin Xun's left shoulder, then changed his moves in the air, and then retracted it and aimed at his throat again.

Lin Xun didn't move, his right foot slightly retreated, and he kicked the back of the hunting knife. When the blade jumped up to his waist, he lowered his body and stabbed the second master's lower ~ The second master was startled, and secretly said something bad.

When people on the battlefield are fighting, what they want is to kill with one blow, and not give the enemy a chance to continue to fight back, but Lin Xun is a hunter. The frontal confrontation with the empty door wide open, but preparing to leave wounds to the opponent.

When he was a hunter in the past, Lin Xun faced the beasts. The most common method was to shoot the prey with hollow arrows, and then wait for it to slowly bleed to death. The longest time, Lin Xun followed the prey in the desert for three days.

The second boss stabbed in the air, quickly withdrew the long spear, held the gun's barrel with both hands, and smashed it towards Lin Xun's chin with the side of the gun's handle.


Lin Xun was already prepared, he used the blade to open the opponent's gun, and while the hunting knife was bounced by the gun, he stabbed and slashed out.


The head of the second master flew in the air, and before he lost consciousness, he even saw Lin Xun kick down his decapitated corpse and rushed towards the other bandits.