
Chapter 1068: Frustrating 1st battle

After Lin Xun killed the second leader of the bandit gang, he burst into the crowd with a hunting knife in his hand, and the long knife in his hand flew coldly, and he overthrew five or six bandits in an instant.

These bandits who dared to rush up to start a hand-to-hand battle were very sensitive to the danger. When they found that Lin Xun was not ordinary, they gave up fighting him alone, and instantly surrounded six people.

In the face of the four bayonets and two machetes, Lin Xun tossed and turned among several people, without even a chance to catch his breath. In the chaos, one of the opponents cut his arm, and then quickly avoided the attacking one. The bayonet, dodged behind the opponent, stretched his arm forward, and slit his throat with a knife.

The bandit's carotid artery was torn open, and the blood was sprayed to the front several people under the action of the heart pump. A knife stabbed into the opponent's chest and knocked down a bandit next to him.

Lin Xun opened and closed, and quickly overcame the three bandits. In the face of Lin Xun's fierceness, the remaining three bandits did not dare to fight him one-on-one, and formed a back-to-back formation without dead ends to protect themselves.

"Da da da!"

A member of the guard not far away overturned the opponent and fired at the three bandits in succession with a rifle, and was immediately killed by a knife from behind.

Lin Xun retracted his gaze and found that there were corpses lying on the ground around him, and more than half of the guards had been injured or killed. The two sides were still fighting fiercely, and people were constantly being penetrated by bayonets.

Not far from him, a guard member's stomach had been opened by a bayonet, and his pink intestines were dripping all over the ground. He still used his last strength to knock down the opponent, and then bit on the opponent's Adam's apple.

There were also people who had been chopped with blood and blood. With more than a dozen knives in their bodies, they knelt on one knee and supported their bodies with the broken saber. When they saw someone rushing over, they ripped off the pull ring of the grenade on their waist. , the other party ran away when he saw this, leaving the soldier alone to be blown to ashes.

Another soldier who had fallen to the ground and couldn't get up saw the bandit retreating towards him, slashed the opponent's ankle with all his might, made him fall to the ground, and then jumped up and bit the opponent's cheek.

Although Lin Xun is fierce, he has never really participated in a war. This is the first time he has participated in such a large-scale hand-to-hand battle. He lacks sufficient psychological preparation and command experience for such a chaotic team battle. The bandits of the rabble also showed amazing fighting power and fighting will.

This kind of scene made Lin Xun's blood flow.

This **** scene is enough to shock anyone. The amount of bleeding caused by cold weapons is greater than that caused by gunshots. The ground under everyone's feet has been stained with blood, and the ground is full of flying limbs and flowing organs.

The teams that fought with the bandits were all from gangs, and they didn't even undergo systematic training, so they didn't gain much advantage. The most dazzling group of them were those who acted as supervisors and guards. A gang of gun gang veterans.

These military-trained fighters are not the same as the bandits. When they are fighting, they are not fighting alone, but cooperate with their teammates in a tacit understanding. The person who subconsciously covers the flank for him.

When fighting against bandits, the soldiers of the gun gang are obviously different from ordinary guard members. They have a special tacit understanding, and they are fierce. When fighting against the enemy, they will also pay attention to protecting themselves, as long as they seize the opportunity. , they will try to kill the enemy with one hit, and make good use of blocking and distance, and rarely put on a posture of perishing together, and this is the result of their long-term military training, and it is difficult for bandits from the wild to compare.

A veteran soldier beheaded the bandit in front of him, and then shouted to Lin Xun: "Sir! We are about to be surrounded!"

Lin Xun took two steps, killed a bandit with his back turned to him, and shouted loudly, "Retreat!"

A bandit in the distance heard Lin Xun shouting, pulled out the horn from his waist, and began to play with his cheeks puffed up. The surrounding guard members heard the sound and all began to retreat to the rear. Facing the surrounding bandits, everyone began to block mechanically. , hack, retreat.

The position where the first line of defense was spread out was in the open area of ​​Yaoshi Valley, dozens of meters behind, was a narrow section of more than ten meters wide, and the teams from both sides were once again entangled here for a short time.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

A light machine gun ambushed on the back side of the valley spewed out the tongues of fire, and the bandits who were chasing were covered by fire and immediately dispersed.

After the distance was widened, the hand-to-hand battle came to an end, and the two sides began to shoot at each other. However, the bandits did not pursue rashly when the depths of the canyon were unclear.

The hand-to-hand battle lasted for fifteen minutes. Medicine Stone Valley was already like a slaughterhouse. The air was filled with a pungent smell of blood. The pond in the distance had been dyed red with blood. It froze here in the most tragic moment.

It was the service, a company stationed by the Starlight Armed Forces on the front line was almost wiped out, leaving only single-digit soldiers, who withdrew with Lin Xun and his guards.

A small leader of the bandit gang tapped the battle damage and quickly found the bandit leader: "Boss, the casualty statistics on our side have been calculated, a total of fifty-eight people were killed and more than sixty were injured, twenty of them. Seriously injured, I am afraid there is no way to save it! The second master was also lost in the melee!"

The bandit leader gritted his teeth and scolded: "Damn, the number of people on the opposite side seems to be more than 100, and it can cause such a large casualty to us!"

"We are not feeling well, and the other party is also uncomfortable. They dropped at least 80 corpses, and only a dozen people escaped." The little leader paused: "Boss, what should we do next?"

"Clear the battlefield immediately, build a position, and defend the Valley of the King of Medicine! The situation on the battlefield is still unclear. We can't act rashly to avoid falling into a trap!" The bandit leader instructed his opponent, then took out his satellite phone and dialed Getai. number.

On the other Getai saw the call from the support force, and got on the phone nervously: "Hello? How is the situation on the front line?"

The bandit leader said quickly: "Everything is going well, we have defeated the vanguard of the Starlight Armed Forces and regained the Yaoshi Valley position!"

"Did you shoot down Medicine Stone Valley?" Getai was stunned for a moment. His original plan was to let this troop delay the big troop as much time as possible. After hearing this, he asked incredulously: " Didn't Bodhisattva say that the team in the Kujiao Canyon is the main force of the Starlight Armed Forces, and it is also equipped with tanks?"

"We have occupied the opponent's position, and their number is not large, not even heavy machine guns, and no tanks!" The bandit leader thought for a while: "Could this be their vanguard?"

"This is too strange. They fought in Yaoshi Valley before, how could there be only so few people stationed in the water source?" Getai thought for a while, and continued: "Our large force is expected to be ready in six hours. You can rush to the Medicine Stone Valley, you can stay in place and garrison! Don't move forward to avoid an ambush!"

The bandit leader responded: "We both have the same thoughts on this matter! I have ordered the garrison, don't worry!"