
Chapter 1072: skirmish

The temperature of the desert at night dropped sharply, and the heat of the day had dissipated, replaced by a cold wind.

Although the walking spring will move, it is only the result of sand coverage, and the location of the underground overflow is generally fixed.

Under the swaying moonlight, a small pond has formed on the ground, reflecting the moonlight. Several jerboa and lizards are gathering by the pond to drink water. There used to be some beasts here, but during the famine that lasted for several months , the beasts have been almost killed.

The reconnaissance troop of the Hedong Gang also rushed to the walking spring. This troop was sent to the Xingge Desert a few days ago to perform a reconnaissance mission. They have survived in the desert for many days. But the water source must be self-supplied.

At 11:15 in the evening, the teams from both sides collided unexpectedly.

Without any dialogue, the vanguards of the two troops fired at the same time, and the sounds of rifles, machine guns, and micro-chongs were connected together.

The leading troops of more than 20 people on both sides launched a tragic fight. After the bullets were emptied, they were short-handed, and the grenades exploded one after another, spreading and turbulent in the desert.

A kilometer behind, Jiao Baldzi heard the gunshots and began to lead his team to support him.

They arrived faster, and at the cost of the sacrifice of four of the vanguard squad, they completely wiped out the enemy troops.

As Jiao Baldzi pulled the bayonet out of a bandit's chest, the soldier in front also shouted at him, "Sir! The lights came on in the distance, and the enemy troops came over!"

"Prepare for defense!" Jiao Baldzi looked at the continuous lights in the distance and roared hoarsely: "One row is divided into two squads to cover the flanks, and one squad is left to block the opponent's advance route with grenade launchers. The second row Fire defense, three rows of trenches."

"Tom tom tom!"

The grenade quickly exerted its power, and the grenade was fired at the gangsters in the distance.

At first, Jiao Baldzi thought that what they met was also a small unit of the other side, and did not pay attention to them, but as the firepower network of the other side was spread out, he found that the number of the other side was far more than them, and the front line hundreds of meters in front The gunshots were drumming, the flames were flashing, and the enemy was at least the size of a battalion.

Bunkers in the desert are easy to excavate, and it doesn’t take a moment to dig a fox trench for people to shoot in a prone position. Although they cannot resist artillery fire, they can largely avoid being hit by stray bullets.

"Tut tug! tug tug!"

A soldier used a light machine gun to continuously shoot short bursts of gangster front lines, and at the same time roared at Jiao Baldzi: "Sir, the size of the opponent is beyond our expectations, but in this kind of plain area, they can't charge, As long as we leave one squad to suppress them, we can get the rest to evacuate."

"No, we can't evacuate!" Jiao Baldzi knew that this was the best time to evacuate, but he quickly rejected his subordinate's proposal and added: "Call the battalion headquarters immediately and let the second company come to support!"

Judging from the sound of gunfire, the number of people on the other side is indeed better than them, but from the perspective of firepower configuration, the other side has no grenade launcher except for a machine gun, and there is also the sound of bolt-action rifles, which is enough to see that the other side Not the main force of the gang, 80% is a peripheral gang sent out to carry out reconnaissance.

If they were defeated by such a motley group of troops, the other party would definitely see that their defenses in the Xingge Desert were empty, so the most effective way was to eat this group of bandits.

The reconnaissance staff next to him saw that Jiao Baldzi was going to fight resolutely, and his face was a little embarrassed: "Sir, we came out this time to conduct reconnaissance, so everyone is light and easy to carry, and the ammunition they carry is extremely limited. The support of the follow-up troops is the fastest It will take two hours to arrive, and we may not be able to make it by that time.”

Jiao Baldzi thought for a while: "The grenade and grenade fired a salvo on me, and rushed over to grab their position!"

The reconnaissance staff became more and more puzzled. In this great plain, there is no such thing as a favorable position. They risked to charge, except for adding casualties, even if they grabbed the opponent's position, it would be meaningless: "Sir, let's rush up like this, is there no point? Meaningful!"

Jiao Baldzi didn't explain: "Listen to me, grab a prisoner who can breathe!"

After a round of artillery shelling, the team began to charge forward quickly. The bandits in the distance were very weak in combat. Facing the Starlight Guards equipped with fully automatic weapons, they did not resist, and they began to retreat before they charged, but the guards were still on their side. Three people were killed while running.

The reconnaissance staff quickly dragged a bandit with a broken leg and rushed to Jiao Baldzi: "Sir, caught it!"

Jiao Baldzi reached out and grabbed the other's broken leg: "Which gang are you from? What's the purpose of coming here?"

The bandit was in severe pain and cried out, "We are from Scorpion Ridge! We will come if the big boss wants to come, we don't know what to do!"

"Apart from Scorpion Ridge, is there anyone else here?"

"I don't know, I'm just a subordinate, as long as I take care of the meal, I'll do whatever I want!"

"What other gangs are there around you Scorpion Ridge?"


Jiao Baldzi asked a few questions in the mouth of the bandit, and then cut open the opponent's neck with a knife, and stopped shooting at the same time.

The bandits in the distance are fighting lively here. Seeing that the other party has stopped shooting, the gunfire has also died down. I don't know what medicine is being sold in the other party's In the empty desert, Jiao Baldzi's voice It quickly spread: "The side by side on the opposite side, we hacked the tricks, they all pulled the strings and hit the yard! (The brothers on the opposite side, we saw the wrong person, everyone came out to scout, it's our own! )”

When a small leader of the Scorpion Ridge Gang heard Jiao Baldzi shouting, he was also startled: "Report!"

"We are living kilns, we are the scorpions of Lepery Mountain! The master is Weiziman!" Jiao Baldzi got up on the ground at the same time as he shouted, and led the crowd towards each other: "We came from the Bach Mountains by way of detour. , responsible for tracking the large army of Starlight Armed!"

"The Xingguang armed forces have entered the Xingge Desert?" The bandits on the other side saw that Jiao Baldi had spoken to them and walked towards them, each of them stunned, thankful that they had not encountered the enemy. At the same time as the troops, they were still shouting: "Damn, how many people have to die in this misunderstanding!"

"I just felt that the sound of your gunshots was not like those of the Starlight Armed people. If I hadn't asked the injured brothers on your side, I'm afraid we would have really had an infighting!" When he could clearly see the gangsters, he suddenly picked up his gun and started shooting at the crowd.