
Chapter 1080: 1 husband should be closed, ten thousand

The idea that the little leader was going to rush the **** surprised the bandits around him.

A bandit next to him looked at the open field illuminated by the moonlight ahead, and the fragments and corpses that were smashed by machine guns and splashed everywhere, and said nervously: "This open field in front is at least 30 meters long, let's There is no suitable weapon in hand to attack that tank, just rushing forward like this, that is killing your life in vain!"

"Otherwise, what else can we do? We have already lost the artillery support, and there is the supervisor team behind. There is only a dead end to retreat, and there is at least one way to survive! Otherwise, when the tanks come out, we will be in vain!" The leader took out the bayonet at his waist and stabbed it twice against the ground: "The soil here is soft, so you can dig trenches and move to the front slope."

Another bandit was worried: "What if the tank comes out?"

"Bazooka!" The little leader gave the answer nimbly: "Gather all the bazookas on our side, and as long as it shows up, give me a blast! The rest dig trenches alternately and move towards the **** protection as soon as possible. !"

"This is the only way to do it!" The leader of another gang took off the folding shovel around his waist and shouted to the people behind: "Everyone digs trenches on the spot and moves to the front **** alternately."

The tank was hiding inside the cave, and the searchlights on the car swayed in the open field ahead, and when they saw a person, they would shoot and shoot.

"call out--"

A rocket penetrated the darkness and hit the tank far away, and was immediately blocked by the frontal armor. The tank did not attack because of this provocation, but retreated to the depths of the cave.

"Damn it! It seems that the equipment of the Starlight Guard is not very good. They are also afraid of destroying equipment such as tanks!" The little leader saw the tank retreating, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes: "Don't everyone dig trenches, take advantage of the lack of After the firepower is suppressed, immediately go to a group of people to rush down the **** and occupy the commanding heights first!"

After the little boss said, some bandits with active minds all rushed towards the soil **** in front.

They did so little tricks below for a long time, and they were not shot from a high place, indicating that there was no enemy army on the slope, and the other side's tanks did not know when they would emerge. Means can avoid tank fire.

The **** protection ahead is exactly what Hu Yihan said about the final line of defense.

They fought with the bandits before, all to delay time, but here is their bottom line.

Once the team was beaten out of the Kujiao Canyon, they had no choice but to go to the Xingge Desert for a full-scale battle.

There are indeed no soldiers on the edge of the **** in front, because it is a flat surface. If the gang has the ability to strike with artillery fire, any ground troops will be covered by artillery fire like a fake position in front.

The earth **** extends to both sides of the valley, and at the end is a vertical cliff like a knife and axe.

And the positions where these cliffs border the soil slopes have been excavated and blasted to create military caves that are more than one meter above the ground.

As a result, the attacking troops could not see the enemies in these hiding caves at all under the slope, making their direct firepower ineffective, and the soldiers hiding inside the mountain walls on both sides were completely unafraid of the artillery fire from the bandits, and The line of sight conditions are excellent, and the field of vision in front of them is quite wide.

"Tudoo tug...!"

The bandits who rushed to the **** first, encountered a full range of firepower coverage when they just emerged. The machine guns in the Tunbing Cave were madly strafing against the ridgeline of the hillside, and then cooperated with the sharpshooters selected by the troops to launch a spree. A game like whack-a-mole.

One husband should be closed, and ten thousand people should not open it.

The small leader's wishful thinking was quickly shattered. The bandits rushed the **** three times in a row. The corpses were already covered on the hillside. Faced with such surging firepower, they couldn't rush up the hillside at all, even if they got stuck on the edge of the hillside. , and it is difficult to make an effective counterattack.

The troop caves on the side of the Starlight Armed Forces are dug very deep, and there are a lot of stones and sandbags stacked outside. The caves are also built with reverse slopes and depths. The grenade can't be thrown that far, and the rockets can hit, but the opponent The snipers were more accurate. They blasted the enemy and couldn't hurt the opponent's people, but because they didn't have cover, they were shot dead.

The little boss saw hundreds of people on his side going up, and the corpse rolled down like a falling rock. He hid behind a rock and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "The situation has changed. A sturdy line of defense has been built here, and if we advance only with manpower, we are dying! Without artillery support, we would not be able to push up at all! If we continue to stay, we are a group of fat sheep that are slaughtered by others! Please retreat! Repeat, Request to retreat!"

A response quickly came from the walkie-talkie: "We have asked the headquarters, and you are not allowed to retreat. You are stationed at the same place. Repeat, if the headquarters does not have the next order, you are stationed there!"

Hearing the above response, the little boss angrily threw the microphone over, gritted his teeth and cursed, "Fuck you!"

The bandits on the side saw the grim look of the leader and asked in a low voice, "How is it, what did you say above?"

"The group of idiots let us continue to stand! I will guard him!" The little leader smelled the blood in the air and said, "Order the troops to back immediately! We have been deadlocked here for too long. , continue to stay, in case they bombard us, we will be damned!"

The bandit next to him was short of breath: "But if we retreat back, we are going to shoot at the muzzle of the supervising team!"

"Withdraw within the acceptable range of the supervising team, at least you can't stay here!" The little leader turned around and walked back: "His uncle, if attacking here now, it is the direct line troops of the Hedong Gang, they They have withdrawn long ago, these **** are using us as cannon fodder!"

Inside the headquarters, after Liu Ping received the call, he excitedly found Hu Yihan: "Sir, the position is back to the news, the bandit gang has been repelled, we have killed more than 100 people here, and only one person was slightly injured. , which shows that our tactics are no problem!"

"Don't be too happy. This time, the Hedong Gang's team is leading the battle. They won't send out their elite troops until they find out the details of each other. Now that our real defense line is exposed, they will definitely make a big move. Attacking, that is the most difficult time for us." Hu Yihan asked calmly: "The second battle plan, are you ready?"