
Chapter 1112: disaster

After the bandit sentry was attacked by the insect swarm, while running, they also started to fight back with their guns.

In the valley, Ma Jie heard gunshots suddenly sounded, and he was refreshed for a moment. He pulled out the walkie-talkie and asked, "What's the situation on the mountain? Has anyone encountered the enemy?"

The bandit's desperate cry quickly came from the walkie-talkie: "Insect swarm! We are attacked by an insect swarm!"

This response shocked Ma Jie, before he had time to care about other things, he roared loudly: "Everyone prepares to defend the hills on both sides, the insect swarm is coming!"

The movement speed and scale of the bug swarm were more ferocious than Ma Jie had expected, and the bandit sentinels were swallowed by the bug swarm before they reached the edge of the cliff.

"Hula la!"

A few seconds later, the flying insects in the air appeared first, and after covering up the moonlight, they pressed towards the bandit's position from the air.

"Bang bang!"

Ma Jie drew out his gun, fired two shots into the sky, and roared loudly: "The bug swarm is coming, everyone, don't panic, prepare flamethrowers, grenade launchers, and machine guns for me, obey my orders and fire!"

The bandits who were about to go to the front line also turned around at this moment, and all ran back to the position, hiding in the bunker and lowering their bodies.


Among the flying insects, the frontmost insects had already landed on the ground, hit the ground, tents, and camouflage nets, and then rushed towards the crowd.

"Da da da!"

"Bang bang!"

In order to protect themselves, the bandits in the team have given priority to firing, shooting at sporadic bugs.

Ma Jie hid behind a trench, saw a large number of flying insects crushed down, and shouted: "Fire!"

"Hoo hoo—"

The flamethrowers scattered in the position opened fire at the same time, and countless flames rose from the ground in the darkness, instantly illuminating the valley.

The flames swept through the swarm of insects, the flying insects were enveloped by high temperature, their wings were also scorched, and they began to fall downward in large pieces, and there was an aroma of barbecue in the air.

Faced with the continuous spray of flames, the first flying insects were quickly dispersed, and the scattered insects were wiped out by the bandits in the shortest time after they landed.

After the bugs were roasted by the flames, they emitted a seductive aroma, and the bandits who had been hungry for a long time began to loot and share the food.

The guards around Ma Jie saw the bandits looting the bugs and the calm valley, and asked curiously: "It's weird, didn't the people above say that the bug swarm is coming? But the movement is too small, right? Could it be the top The people who are here are dazzled, is it just a branch of the bug swarm that raided our side?"

"No! If only a group of flying insects came here, the gunfire above could not stop so quickly, and they didn't move at all! The sentry reported before that they found a large number of corpses on it. I suspect that the insect swarm It should be delayed by these corpses."

While Ma Jie was speaking, he picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: "Everyone, get ready for me! This is just a small part of the bug swarm, don't relax. You are now eating bugs with your heads down, and you will become a **** monster later!" Food in the mouth of a bug!"

The bandits living in the refugee area, no one thought that Ma Jie's words were alarmist. They ate a few mouthfuls of the corpses of the bugs indiscriminately. After recovering some strength, the bandits pointed their guns at the hillsides on both sides again.

The swarm appeared suddenly.

Like a river breaking its embankment, it pours down from the cliffs on both sides.

Those terrains that are difficult for humans to pass through have no obstacles for them.


With Ma Jie's roar, all kinds of firearms in the position were fully fired, and the front of the insect swarm seemed to be cut off by a single knife, and instantly turned into a horizontal line, with fragments flying and flames everywhere.


The grenade launched a volley, and the shells fell into the swarm of insects, forming craters, but they were quickly filled by the worms that came later.

In the blink of an eye, the bandit's position was surrounded by black swarms, and gunfire and jet flames were everywhere.

In the Xingguang armed position, Liu Ping found that the attacking rhythm of the bandits suddenly slowed down, and the spies also reported gunshots from the other side's position, and quickly found Hu Yihan: "Sir, the Hedong gang's position is in chaos. It seems that they should be Already in contact with the bug swarm."

Hu Yihan heard the words, and responded quickly: "The attack of the insect swarm is not a trivial matter, and there is a risk of spreading at any time. Let our troops prepare for defense! Tell the artillery to open fire!"

The Starlight Armed Forces repeated their old trick, and quickly fired a batch of shells with defused fuses into the bandit's position. There were only two long-range artillery shells on their side that could hit the bandit's rear position, and the number of such super-large-caliber shells was extremely rare. , the total is less than 20 pieces, so there was no bombardment of the bandit position before, and the Hedong bandit gang didn't even know that their position was also within the attack range of the Starlight Armed Forces.

The shell fell into the enemy's line, and soon a bandit ran to Ma Jie: "Brother Ma, the Starlight Armed Forces sent four explosives that defused the fuze, and there were leaflets made by them inside."

Ma Jie looked at the constant swarm of insects that would not decrease no matter how hard he fought, he gritted his teeth and asked, "What is written on the leaflet?"

"On the leaflet of the Starlight Armed Forces, there are only a few simple sentences, saying that if we cannot resist the attack of the bug swarm, we can retreat in their direction, and the other party can provide us with fire cover, but the premise is that we have to join the Starlight Armed Forces! "

"Fucking fart! After I finish cleaning up these bugs, the next step is to slaughter them!" Ma Jie yelled, and then raised the horn in his hand: "Brothers! Hold on to me. The refugee area is rampant because the refugees have no weapons in their hands, but we have everything here! There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Hoo hoo!"

Two fire dragons shoot at the insect swarm, UU reading www.uukanshu. com showed the determination of the bandits to fight the bug swarm.

As Ma Jie said, the equipment on the bandits' side is indeed very advanced, capable of killing the bug swarms on a large scale.

However, their defensive shortcomings are too weak.

In the past, when insect swarms swept across the desert, almost all of them were stopped and wiped out by the fortress, because the fortress not only had high walls for protection, but also had a large supply of ammunition, and the flamethrowers could stay on all day long.

But the fuel in the hands of the bandits is limited, and the fuel of the flamethrower is not easy to store, and there is a risk of explosion. In addition to attacking fortifications, this kind of equipment has extremely limited effect on the frontal battlefield, but to deal with insect swarms, it is precisely Again, this kind of equipment works best, but Ma Jie soon received a bad news that their fuel storage was being consumed in large quantities and was on the verge of threshold.

Just as Ma Jie was thinking about how to solve the problem of fuel supply, there was a scream from behind the position, and the originally rhythmic gunshots became extremely chaotic in an instant.

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