
Chapter 1238: 80000

The first snow in winter was bigger than in previous years.

Two consecutive days of blizzards left Wugu City completely covered in silver. The noon sun shone down, the ice and snow melted, and the roads became muddy.

Ning Zhe, accompanied by Hu Lang, walked into Lu Meng's office in the first division's residence.

Seeing Ning Zhe entering the door, Lu Meng greeted him with a smile: "Yo, isn't this the King of Lingnan? Quick, please take a seat."

Ning Zhe looked at Lu Meng, who was wearing a military uniform with straight trousers, and laughed, "Master Lu, is our relationship so foreign now? Is it still so formal to meet me?"

"If it wasn't for waiting for you, I would have been on my way back to Daosui City by now." Lu Meng sat on the sofa and poured a cup of hot tea for Ning Zhe: "I received a call from the Army Headquarters. , let me go back to the winter debriefing, and see you today, I have to leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will miss the meeting time."

Ning Zhe was a little surprised by this: "The military chief's debriefing, isn't it only the senior officers of the army guards who can participate? What's the matter with you, because your second brother was promoted, so you went through the back door?"

"Don't slander me! If I was willing to go through the back door, I wouldn't be still living in Wugu City. The reason why I was called at the meeting of the military headquarters this time is because I made a great contribution!"

Lu Meng held the teacup and said, "The problem of bandits in Lingnan has always been a headache for the chaebols. Many people tried to solve the problem here, but they were unsuccessful, but I did it. This is a great achievement. , and thanks to your help, without you, I would never have been able to return to the military world, let alone have today's achievements."

"Friends are mutual. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Our relationship would be far away." Ning Zhe asked Lu Meng while drinking tea, "In all, you have been working in Wugu City for a long time. Now, and the position has already reached its peak, since he returned with military merit, will his position change?"

"It's not clear at the moment, but I think it's very likely that I will be transferred to work."

Lu Meng lit a cigarette and said to Ning Zhe, "The problem I am most worried about now is that if I am really transferred, it will have an impact on you. In the past six months, the Lu family will give it to you. I will be responsible for all the supplies, if it is someone else...

You also know that the fortresses have an innate sense of superiority to the refugees, and the bureaucracy is heavy. If I don’t get my hands on it, I am very worried that they will deduct your materials. In this way, it is in the Draw your blood. "

Ning Zhe gently turned the teacup in his hand: "You don't need to worry too much about things on my side. If it was a few months ago, it would have been easy for Mr. Lu to get my supplies, but now the Lingnan area has been blocked. I am integrated, and along the way, all the troops I met in the desert are my armed forces, and if you offend me at this time, Lu Shi will also weigh the price."

Hearing this, Lu Meng squinted his eyes slightly, and then quickly returned to normal: "You must know that the strength of the Starlight Company is supported by the Lu family, if you lose the material supply of the Lu family, you can't do anything about it. To support those people under you, you must have a sense of awe for the Lu family."

"Not necessarily?" Ning Zhe smiled and said, "Nowadays, our trade with the other three clans is very impressive, and a large amount of materials are sent to Lingnan every day. Even if we leave the Lu family, we are not as vulnerable as you think. In contrast, the Lu family is the one who should have the least conflict with us now, after all, they are the last thing they want to see the border chaotic again, right?"

Lu Meng couldn't help but said: "To be honest, you feel very bad for me right now. You have to be clear, no matter how strong the Starlight Company is, you are still living on Lu's territory..."

"I tell you this because I take you as a friend. I can cooperate with Lu, but I will never give my life to Lu. I know what you are worried about, and what I can assure you is that I will never give up. You will take the initiative to harm the interests of the Lu family, and you will maintain due respect for the Lu family, but don't think about making me submit to the Lu family."

Ning Zhe reminded: "I only have a cooperative relationship with the Lu family, not a subordinate of the Lu family, or a puppet they support. On this matter, our ideas are conflicting. What you want is to make the Lu family better. Well, what I want is to make myself better."

"I just want to persuade you to maintain a certain degree, so as not to invite disaster, but I admit that what you said is right. In this matter, our concepts of consciousness are indeed different."

Every time Lu Meng mentioned this matter to Ning Zhe, there would be differences of opinion between the two parties. Lu Meng also knew that this kind of thing would not be resolved, so he waved his hand to end the topic: "This time you come to Wugucheng in person. See me, is there something important?"

"Yeah, this year's winter is a month earlier than in previous years, and the first snowfall fell so much, presumably we are going to experience another cold winter. In the previous summer, the troops could still hold on, but in winter, Another difficulty, we need a batch of cotton and cotton for winter clothes."

Ning Zhe paused: "I know that cotton is in short supply, and it is not in our trading category. The reason why I came here in person is to ask you for help in private. Now Starlight Arms has sufficient funds, we can use more than the market. purchase at a price.”

"Although Lu's agriculture is, the cotton planting area is not very large. Every year, a large amount of cotton needs to be imported from other chaebols and the Central Plains, and the gap is also large." Lu Meng and Ning Zhe They looked at each other: "Didn't you ask the other three chaebols for this kind of material?"

"How could it not? We have already started preparations a month in advance, but we also need skills to trade with the other three clans. If we ask for a kind of material for a long time, let them realize that we are in great demand for this kind of material. , these guys are going to sit down and raise prices."

Ning Zhe picked up the cigarette case: "In contrast, I believe in the Lu family more."

Lu Meng narrowed his eyes: "I haven't prepared the necessary supplies for a month. How many people are in your army now?"

Ning Zhe stretched out a palm.

Lu Meng was startled: "Fifty thousand?"

Ning Zhe immediately withdrew two more fingers: "Eighty thousand, there are currently thirty thousand Starlight Armed troops, and fifty thousand excavation teams, workers and family members of soldiers. These people are all raised by me, in order to collect 80,000 pieces. Cotton jackets and trousers, and winter quilts, my head is about to explode."

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