
Chapter 1239: play with fire

The rest of the catastrophe Chapter 1239

After Ning Zhe's words, Lu Meng opened his eyes slightly, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes: "I have made a simple estimate of your situation, and I feel that you have at least 50,000 people to support. I imagine it is even more, the private power of 80,000 people is probably more than the three major oligarchic companies."

"I don't know if the population I control has surpassed oxygen and brilliance, but it definitely has not surpassed the dark horse. Don't forget, the behind-the-scenes controller of Pei Mu's rebels is the dark horse company, and they now occupy the three fortresses of the Pei family. And large tracts of land, there are already tens of millions of people.”

Ning Zhe lit a cigarette, licked his lips and said, "Actually, my current situation is also very embarrassing. Now that we have established a company and want to win over the people armed with Starlight, we naturally need to distinguish ourselves from bandits. Feels how difficult what I'm doing, but lately I've really started getting tired.

To feed so many people, the biggest problem is that Lingnan has no production capacity and cannot be self-sufficient. The more important problem is that there is no shortage of people, but there is inequality. No matter what we do, there will always be people who think it's unfair. When we were in Fort 87 , For such a big fortress, there are only 20,000 to 30,000 people in the market town, but I am responsible for nearly 100,000 people.

It is estimated that after the winter clothes on our side are released, many refugees will choose to join the Starlight Armament in order to survive the winter. Faced with this huge pressure, I have not yet thought of how to deal with it. Sitting in this position , it's really hard. "

"In Lingnan, it's not your Starlight Company that pours the most resources into the refugees, but the Revolutionary Army, right?" Lu Meng smiled: "As far as I know, the Revolutionary Army has been distributing money and food to Lingnan for the past six months. There are refugees in the region, and the number of people is expanding rapidly, and the number of fighters has reached 25,000."

"At least 30,000." Ning Zhe corrected the number Lu Meng said and said with a pouting: "To be honest, although I admire the dedication of the revolutionary army, it is really difficult for me to understand their thankless way. .

You also know that the main reason why our Starlight Company can sit back and relax is that the revolutionary army has firmly defended the Qiongling Mountains, and their growth is also a good thing for us.

We have an agreement between the two parties that the revolutionary army will not block the materials exported from Lingnan, and 30% of the imported materials will be distributed to them as a reward. It stands to reason that these materials are too hard to support their own troops, but the revolutionary army On the contrary, the people living in poverty have shrunk food and clothing, and distributed all kinds of resources to those refugees.

I heard that the refugees supported by the revolutionary army live even better than the soldiers of the revolutionary army. It is precisely because of this that many loafers have become parasites of the revolutionary army. If the revolutionary army asks, I am afraid that the military might Will scale faster, but they don't ask for anything.

I have communicated this matter with Su Fei more than once, but our concepts are also conflicted, just like your and I have different views on the Lu family, and our attitude towards the refugees is also different. Although the Starlight Company has a lot of business , but we are keeping a profit. Let’s look at the revolutionary army. They have occupied Qiongling for so long, and they have hardly saved any wealth. "

Lu Meng shook his head gently: "In your opinion, Su Fei is changing the lives of the refugees, but in my opinion, Su Fei's behavior is playing with fire and setting himself on fire. He is trying to change the ideology of the refugees. Dangerous, the expansion of the revolutionary army will definitely arouse Lu's vigilance, he is causing trouble for himself."

"On this point, the two of us have the same opinion. To tell you the truth, I also reminded Su Fei that he was too high-profile. Although he came to Qiongling with the acquiescence of the Lu family, but from a certain In a sense, the occupation of Qiongling by the revolutionary army is equivalent to blocking Lu's throat."

"The Star Wants To Retire"

Ning Zhe maintained the same attitude as Lu Meng on this matter, but said helplessly: "But you should be very clear that the revolutionary army itself is on the opposite side of the chaebol, and the right and wrong in their eyes are very pure, and they are not Will weigh the so-called interests, I can't persuade them, nor can I persuade them."

"What I'm worried about is that once the behavior of the revolutionary army arouses the attention of the senior management of the Lu family, the situation is out of our control. Know why your Xingguang company can survive in Lingnan and survive so well?

Because the chaebol will not cooperate with the refugees, nor will they have anything to do with the refugees. The refugee group is a tool for the chaebol to transfer internal conflicts. With the refugees as a comparison, the people in the fortress can feel happy. You are equivalent to Lu Shizhe One of the options, so that they can achieve their goals without taking the initiative to contact the refugees. "

Lu Meng fiddled with the tea set on the table, and continued in a steady voice: "The chaebols don't want the refugees to become civilized, let alone allow them to have their own thoughts. Trying to make the refugees sober is a very dangerous thing in itself, not to mention the revolutionary army. purpose is still so obvious.

The Lu family was able to allow the Starlight Company to exist, because what you pursue is only profit, and the profit itself is a game invented by the chaebol, but what the revolutionary army wants to do is to rewrite the rules of the game, you should really persuade Su Fei to stop and continue If this goes on, he is undoubtedly committing suicide. "

"If he can be persuaded by me, this person is not Su Fei." Ning Zhe pursed his lips: "He is a person with a clear distinction between public and private, the relationship between us has always been at the stage of personal friendship, as for career. , we have basically nothing in common.

At this point the two of you are the exact opposite. You've been giving me the feeling lately that you're more and more conflating personal and public affairs, just like when I approached you, it was from a friend's point of view, and You are always leading me to business. "

"The three of us live in different worlds, and of course our views on the world are not the same." Lu Meng smiled: "I also hope you are well, and I hope that through my efforts, you and the Lu family can be bound more closely. Some, after all, in this world, there is no stronger umbrella than the chaebol, right?"

"But who do the chaebols represent?" Ning Zhe asked back: "The Lu family's chaebols are full of intrigue, you have to be clear, the Lu family is not the whole you imagined, and it is impossible for me to be with the whole Lu family. Bound together, from the beginning to the end, I just wanted to bind you, but you dedicated yourself to the Lu family, you must be clear, I am a refugee, you can't expect a refugee like you to go for Lu Do you give everything?"

"Perhaps you are right." Lu Meng did not refute Ning Zhe this time, and said, "This time, I will help to solve some of your cotton gaps, but you have to promise me a condition."

"Don't worry, my people are not available yet, and I will not distribute the materials to the revolutionary army."

Ning Zhe didn't wait for Lu Meng to clarify the topic, he took the initiative to say: "The cotton we imported before was also given to the revolutionary army according to a 30% share, but they were all distributed to the refugees. The army has not made winter clothes yet, I don't know Su Fei. What do you think about those parasites, but I will not risk my own people to freeze to death to ask Su Fei to hand over those supplies."+Bookmark +