
Chapter 1240: No regrets

The rest of the catastrophe Chapter 1240 leaves no regrets

Ning Zhe and Lu Meng chatted in the office for about half an hour, and then they settled on the cotton supply, and the topic came to an end.

Lu Meng glanced at his watch and said to Ning Zhe, "An old comrade of mine passed by here a few days ago and brought me some high-quality beef and mutton. Let's stay here at noon and have a hot pot together."

"Forget it, you are busy with military affairs and have a tight schedule. We don't need to waste time because of this meal. After you are done, we will have many opportunities to eat." Ning Zhe smiled: "You put the cow Put the mutton in the car for me, and I can bring it back myself."

"Haha, get out!" Lu Meng scolded with a smile, "Why don't you stay for a meal together?"

"No, the two of us are old and married. It's time for us to have no interest in lying on the quilt, so what are we tossing about." Ning Zhe waved his hand: "I'll leave if I don't have anything to do. I haven't entered the city for a long time, just in time. You can go to the shops in the city and buy some supplies to take home."

"Let's go, I'll take it to you!" Lu Meng walked to the edge of the cabinet and took out a few tins of tea: "This is the tea that my friend gave me, you can take it back and taste it."

The snow fell, and Lu Meng said goodbye to Ning Zhe at the entrance of the barracks. When his vehicle disappeared at the intersection, he opened his mouth to Zhang Duo, who was beside him: "Wait a minute, you can go to the military department. Among the supplies we will allocate this winter, Allocate half of the cotton to Ning Zhe."

Zhang Duo was stunned when he heard the words: "Fourth Master?"

Lu Meng turned his head and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"What you just said, but allocating military supplies, this goes against your principles." Zhang Duo blinked and said, "Before this, you have never done such a thing."

"There is always a precedent for everything, and this case is not an example." Lu Meng patted the snowflakes on his shoulders, looked at the soldiers standing guard at the box and said, "Our troops are issued winter clothes every year. This year's winter clothes are made thinner, so the soldiers can still I wore last year's, but if Ning Zhe and the others didn't have winter supplies, it would be really hard to survive this winter.

I have made a great contribution to pacifying the bandits in Lingnan. When I return to Daosui City this time, there is a high probability that I will be transferred. To put it bluntly, this may be the last time I will help Ning Zhe in this position. Once I return to Daosui City Daosuicheng, the meeting between us is becoming less and less, and it is not regrettable to help him before leaving. "


On the other side, Hu Yihan drove his vehicle and walked towards the pharmacy in the fortress, preparing to buy some medicines to bring back to the company, and at the same time asked Ning Zhe, "Are you going to buy anything other than medicines? go back?"

Ning Zhe thought for a while and replied, "I won't go back after this trip. You have to pay more attention to the company's business."

"Aren't you going to go back?" Hu Yihan glanced at Ning Zhe: "Then where are you going?"

"Recently, I have been worrying about cotton, and Lu's businessmen have contacted a lot, but as Lu Meng said, cotton is indeed a scarce commodity in this world today."

Ning Zhe lowered the car window to a gap, lit a cigarette, and continued: "Lu Meng can be so happy, and he has agreed to help so decisively, which shows that he has a good idea of ​​​​this matter, and he dares to promise me this matter, the only possibility. It is to mobilize military supplies.

Lu Meng is a person with strong principles. He would never touch such things as military supplies, and his willingness to sacrifice Lu's interests can only explain one thing. He wants to compensate me. I also want to use my last power to help me once. "

Hu Yihan slowed down the car: "You mean, Lu Meng is leaving."

"It's time to go." Ning Zhe brushed off the ash from the car: "Now that the most important thing for the Lu Tianhe family has been done, Lu Tao has become a new star in the military world, and he will definitely go to a higher position. To go up, he also needed a shield with a higher status. As a member of the family, no one was more suitable than Lu Meng.

"The Guard is Here"

With the merits of pacifying Lingnan, there is no problem for Lu Meng to take a step up, but this is not necessarily a bad thing, at least for us, it is not a bad thing.

You also know that now that the Starlight Company is growing stronger and stronger, the Lu family will become more and more defensive about us. If Lu Meng continues to stay here, he will only be sandwiched between us and the Lu family. If things go on like this, Sooner or later, problems will arise. We can gain a firm foothold in Lingnan. It is considered that Lu Meng has achieved us. Now that he wants to take a step forward, I should also achieve him. "

Hu Yihan nodded: "So, you want to go to Daosui City to pave the way for Lu Meng."

"Forget it, in fact, the word paving is not accurate. Lu Meng's ability to agree to help solve the cotton problem shows that he has enough psychological preparation for his transfer, but after all, he has a special status. This is him. If he is in trouble, I will help him, and if there is no problem, I will not know."

Ning Zhe paused: "Old rules, I'll take Zhang Fang and Lin Bao over there."

"Lu Meng has helped us a lot, and you should help him too."

Hu Yihan didn't think there was anything wrong with this, but he still suggested: "Actually, I don't think you need to operate behind the scenes on this kind of thing, you should still say hello to Lu Meng, in this case, the strength of the two of you can be used together. Go, it will be much easier to do things.”

"Forget it, Lu Meng didn't mention this because he is also very entangled in the relationship between us. A person who wants to enter politics must be I can feel it, The balance in Lu Meng’s heart is currently tilting towards the side of the official career, and a person who pursues an official career does not need to have real friends.”

Ning Zhe smiled: "To communicate with him emotionally at this time will drag him down and cause him trouble."

Hu Yihan asked with a slight smile, "Have you really decided to be an unsung hero?"

"I'm not a political person, why should I be so cold-blooded." Ning Zhe popped the cigarette **** out of the window: "We are not powerful people, just lay people, everything is worthy of conscience, just don't leave any regrets, all day long like officials in the chaebol Just as good at calculating, how **** tiring!"


After meeting with Ning Zhe, Lu Meng briefly explained the military affairs at the barracks, and then boarded the vehicle to report to Wugu City.

When Lu Shi and Ning Zhe negotiated the terms, they said that they would recognize the legal status of Xingguang Company and the legal status of its employees, but it was only when the two sides got in touch that Ning Zhe realized that the other party was playing a word game.

The Lu family admitted that the people of the Starlight Company were no longer criminals who could slaughter at will, but they were still refugees. Although Lu's law did not stipulate that people in the fortresses could slaughter refugees at will, there would be no one waiting for such a thing to happen. to hold the perpetrator accountable.

Fortunately, Ning Zhe never expected that he could bring a group of refugees into the fortress.

That afternoon, Zhang Fang and Lin Bao rushed to Wugu City with a team of Ning Zhe's personal guards, and everyone immediately set off and rushed towards Daosui City. +Bookmark+