
Chapter 1391: unify 1 opinion

Wu Hao grew up in Lingnan since he was a child, and he has heard countless horror legends about Jin Qinhuan.

But this did not arouse the panic of others, Zhang Fang even waved his hand and said: "We people have seen some things in the world anyway, and we are not those ignorant refugees. We don't need to believe these strange things. There are countless villains in the world, and I have never seen any of them being dragged into hell. The so-called gates of **** can only scare children."

"If the misty forest is really rich in supplies, I suggest that we go and have a look. Whether this place is suitable for us to settle down or not, at least it can be used as an evacuation point. We can let the large troops gather outside the misty forest first. Then send a small group of troops to explore, even if this place cannot be used as a settlement, at least some supplies can be carried out.”

After Hu Yihan finished talking about his thoughts, he looked at the others and asked, "What do you all think of this proposal?"

"I agree!" Li Lin gestured with his hand: "Compared with those legendary monsters and ghosts, the guards who are attacking us right now are the most dangerous beasts! We have seen their weapons and equipment before. Fight hard, death is our only ending, at least I haven't heard of a ghost in mythology that came out with a rocket launcher!"

"I agree too!" Lin Bao nodded and said, "The truth is within the range of the cannon. Our current firepower is very difficult to fight against the chaebol's troops, but if we are fighting against wild beasts, I don't think we will be at a disadvantage! Even if the dinosaurs are resurrected, Once I hit it with a cannon, it also has to kneel down and sing conquest for me!"

With two people taking the lead, others followed suit.

"At present, the guards are launching a general attack on Dongshanling, and the time left for us to evacuate is extremely limited. Since everyone thinks that the misty forest is a place to go, let's go and have a look. Whether it is successful or not, we must at least withdraw from Dongshanling first!"

Ning Zhe made the final decision: "Wu Hao, you are in charge of the transportation of materials, and transport away our weapons and ammunition that have not been destroyed first. Grizzly and Deng Tu will lead their respective troops to stay and block them. After the others go to Dongshanling The mountain is being defended, and the large troops are starting to evacuate!"

After the decision to evacuate was made, everyone began to sort out the information and important items, and gunshots continued to come from outside. Just as Ning Zhe was about to lead the guards to go out to check, Ren Jiao returned to the headquarters first: "Just now there is a little girl outside." A group of rebels, trying to attack the headquarters in vain, has been eliminated by me, I didn't expect that there would be rebels in the headquarters."

Ning Zhe knew that the whole Dongshanling was in chaos at the moment, so he looked at this kind of thing very calmly: "The Starlight Armed Forces is in danger. These officers are their best nomination certificates. I originally thought that I had given these people the best life in the refugee area in exchange for their loyalty and trust. I didn't expect that their humanity would still remain in the face of catastrophe. Can't stand the test."

Ren Jiao pursed her lips and responded: "I know it's inappropriate to say these things to you at this time, but I always think there is something wrong with the way you manage the army. Although your army has a rich material life, the relationship between you and them During the time, it is always a state of exchange. You are exchanging the quality of life and the protection of your family for these soldiers to work for you. This is not like commanding the army, but like an exchange of benefits.

In the past, when the Starlight Armed Forces ruled Lingnan, if you could give them the best life, these people would naturally be loyal to you and submit to you, but now the chaebol must have given these people better conditions in order to instigate them. The betrayal of others seems natural. You only pay attention to their material life, but ignore their spiritual construction. This is a terrible thing! "

Ning Zhe nodded and said: "I don't know how to command troops, but I understand human nature, and I also know what refugees need most. In terms of winning people's hearts, I am indeed inferior to your revolutionary army."

Ren Jiao corrected: "This is not to win people's hearts, but to show true feelings. Lies will always be seen through one day. Only confessing to each other is the basis for maintaining trust for a long time!"

Ning Zhe was noncommittal, and changed the subject: "Did you find Baldy Jiao?"

"No." The teacher shook his head: "Our team has touched the area of ​​Wave Ridge, but it has been captured by the rebels and the guards, and all the traffic arteries have been occupied. You know, the guards also have exoskeletons. Armored soldiers, we can't go too deep, but according to our judgment, Baldy Jiao has either rebelled, or... As you know, Wave Ridge is the most violent position for the guards to attack."

A look of disappointment flashed in Ning Zhe's eyes, but he soon returned to normal: "Is there no way to rescue?"

"We grabbed a few tongues, but they didn't know anything. Many soldiers in the rebel army changed camps in a daze. It must be that the defecting officers didn't spread the news in advance in order to prevent leaks. Now the rebels The army is in a mess, we don't even have a target, let alone a rescue."

Ren Jiao shook her head: "As far as I know, Baldy Jiao is your direct descendant. If he really encounters the rebels, I think you should know the result better than me."

"I would rather hope that Baldy Jiao died on the battlefield of the charge!" Ning Zhe stretched out his hand and rubbed his cheeks: "Baldy Jiao is the earliest group of brothers around me. He has been traveling with me for so many years. If he dies on his own In the hands of others, even the body was not found...then I feel ashamed of him."

"Isn't this the fate of most refugees? Dead corpses in the wilderness, life is like nothing." Ren Jiao sighed: "Now you and are working hard to change this situation, otherwise Baldy Jiao would definitely not be The last victim."

"You don't need to comfort me, I understand the cruelty of war." Ning Zhe quickly adjusted his state: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we should evacuate."

Independent column station.

After Lu Meng was woken up by Lu Tao's adjutant, he rushed to the tent where Lu Tao was with sleepy eyes, yawned and asked, "Second brother, what's the matter, you came to see me so late?"

The soot in Lu Tao's hand had been burning for a long time, and he suddenly broke it when he knew he had made a move: "Xiao Si, Dongshan Ridge has been breached."

Lu Meng was stunned when he heard that, "Second Brother, what did you say?"

"I just received the news that the troops of the First Army have captured Dongshanling and completely occupied it. The rebel forces are guarding the back of Dongshanling. It seems that they are about to abandon their position and continue to flee." Lu Tao made a gesture. Take a deep breath: "We underestimated Lu Feibai, he really did it!"

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