
Chapter 1469: crumple

Ren Jiao's words made the nerves of everyone who was watching the beasts fighting in the distance from the tree house tense.

Ning Zhe looked in the direction of the flashlight, and found that the beasts were all rushing towards the pond at the moment.

If they were afraid of the jungle before, then what they are afraid of now is the air behind them.

Seeing this scene, Lin Bao said nervously to Zhou Gong: "You said before that there are no ghosts in this world, so how do you explain this scene? If there are no ghosts, what is driving these beasts to flee to us?"

"Now is not the time to discuss these, everyone is ready for defense! Beware of those beasts crossing the river!" Ning Zhe lost his rifle while fighting the gorilla, took out the pistol at his waist and loaded it, and asked Zhang Fang: "Do we still have flares in our hands?"

Zhang rummaged in his backpack, and quickly took out the bullet and the starting gun: "There are three more bullets!"

Ning Zhe pointed his pistol to the side of the single-plank bridge and said, "Listen to my command, aim at the position opposite the single-plank bridge, and prepare to use the characteristics of animals that are afraid of light and fire to drive them away!"

Under the inexplicable oppression, the herd of beasts in the distance rushed towards the direction of the pond at an extremely fast speed.

When those herbivores are running, they will still avoid predators. A group of serows have nowhere to hide but jump into the water.

The moment the ripples swayed on the water surface, the piranhas lurking under the water began to churn. The serows that fell into the water screamed and were eaten by the piranhas. The originally churning white waves were also dyed red with blood.

When some smart carnivores saw this scene, they knew what danger was in the water, but they did not dare to retreat under the drive of fear, and rushed towards the single-plank bridge.


A jaguar jumped onto the single-plank bridge, turned his head and roared at the other animals, drank away a few lone wolves, and then started to flee in the direction of the island at a steady pace.


Ning Zhe pulled the trigger and fired a shot at the tiger jaguar on the single-plank bridge: "Flare!"

"call out--"

The flare flew towards the ground with the tail flame, and the light instantly lit up in the forest.

After widening his field of vision, Ning Zhe found that the situation outside was even more tragic than they just seemed.

The ground on the other side of the river was already covered with dead animals, so dense that it was difficult to see the ground clearly.

The jaguar on the single-plank bridge was disturbed by the flare, slipped under his feet into the water, and was soon surrounded by a large group of piranhas.

An elephant in the back panicked and ran towards the single-plank bridge, but ignored its own weight. The single-plank bridge was trampled off with one foot and fell into the river.

The pond below is very deep, but it is nothing to the elephant. The elephant fell into the water and wanted to run to the small island inside, but because of the bite of the piranha, it quickly retreated back to On the shore, one of the legs was bloodied.

Seeing that the single-plank bridge was broken, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with worry: "This is terrible, without this single-plank bridge, how can we leave!"

"Leaving is not something we need to consider now, let's save our lives first! It's not necessarily a bad thing if the bridge is broken. Without the passage to the island, the fish in the water have also become a barrier for us!" Ning Zhe raised his voice, Shouted to another tree house: "Everyone saves ammunition, don't block the animals on the opposite side of the river bank! Mainly protect the two trees where we are!"

The animals outside became more and more competitive, all the animals huddled together, biting and roaring at each other.

Behind the woods, the invisible threat was still approaching, and the animals at the back of the line seemed to have been pulled from their vitality in an instant and fell straight down.

The threat of death drove the animals into a frenzy, and they no longer cared to fight, and began to scramble to escape the danger that made them tremble.

The animals at the front were squeezed into the river and quickly became the food of the river fish. In the end, the aggressiveness of those river fish was much less, and it seemed that they had never seen so much food.

Zhou Gong watched the animals scramble to escape, and then watched the nothingness behind them, and his emotions became a little nervous: "Although I don't know why these animals are escaping this area, it is foreseeable. Yes, the things that make them feel fear are moving towards where we are, and their living space is collapsing.

We are trapped here, although it is safe for the time being, but if we continue to develop at this speed, I am afraid that what the animals fear will definitely move to where we are in a short period of time! "

A guard next to him heard the words, his body was shaking like a sieve: "That is to say, will we also die in an instant like those animals?"

"But we can't leave now. There are too many animals below, and the only single-plank bridge to leave the island has been destroyed. We have been trapped on this isolated island!" Zhang Fang clenched his fists: "Yes There is no good solution?"

"No." Ning Zhe took a deep breath: "We are already trapped in this place!"

"Could it be that the chaebol troops who were trapped in the rainforest lost their lives because of this reason?" Ren Jiao looked at the animal corpses on the other side of the river: "If the chaebols had entered Jin Qinhuan's troops, they would have been killed by this. If something is destroyed, then they are faced with a This kind of massacre without dead ends, there is no way to escape, let alone resist!"

"Yes, when we were attacked by animals at noon, they all ran in one direction, but now the animals are coming from all directions, which means that our area has been surrounded by this kind of weirdness. It's gone!"

Dr. Chen nodded: "Although we don't know what this weirdness is, what we can be sure of is that it can kill animals in an instant! And these animals are more sensitive to danger than humans, so many animals Being forced to rush to a place shows that this kind of weirdness has no dead ends!"

"Da da da!"

There was a burst of gunshots in the opposite tree house, followed by a roar: "There are monsters under our feet! Pay attention to defense!"

Zhang Fang took the flashlight and looked under the tree, and found that several large snakes the size of a bucket had already swam to the island from the water, and were about to crawl up their tree.

Dr. Chen saw the following giant snakes along the gap in the floor, and the corners of his eyes twitched: "This is a green anaconda, the largest snake in the world! Drive them away! Judging from their size, their winding force is strong enough. Break our two trees!"