
Chapter 1575: High Valve Mission

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rest of the catastrophe!

When Lin Xun heard Gao Jun's words, he curled his lips and said, "The fortress and the refugee area are completely two worlds, and people outside can't contact the inside at all, not to mention that you are a fugitive from the high clan, even if you are still Heir, you can't get in without saying hello inside!"

"No, there is still a way! With money to pave the way, it is not difficult to contact the inside of the fortress." Ning Zhe waved his hand to interrupt Lin Xun and asked Gao Jun, "I can find a way to help you contact the people inside the fortress, But do you think they'll really let you in?"

"At least you can try it. Even if they don't see us, at least there is no danger." Gao Jun responded: "Now the civil war in the Pei family is in full swing, and the conflict is still escalating. They are eager for supplies from the outside world. It can also be seen that the current battle between Pei's guards and the rebels is like a balance, and any raise of chips can change their inclination.

I can use my status as the heir of the high-profile to make a big cake for them, seek some kind of shelter and help from them, and promise that as long as they can help me, I will provide them with the help of the high-profile, and Whether Mr. Pei cooperates with me or not, it is nothing more than a talk, and they will definitely meet me.

But I also told you that I did this entirely to help, and had nothing to do with my own purpose. You must not make up some conspiracy theories, saying that I was using you and entering the Pei family was just for yourself. Back to the high valve or something! "

After listening to Gao Jun's words, Ning Zhe rubbed his palms and asked, "Your current status is that of the Gao Clan's wanted criminal, and there are many people in the Gao Clan looking for you, so you are not afraid that they will detain you and follow the rebels. Cooperation?"

"Impossible." Gao Jun is not worried about this: "What Pei needs now is friends, not enemies, and having a chaebol willing to help them will be a great encouragement to them, even if they don't have friends. , they can also stalemate with the rebels, if there is one more enemy, their pressure will be too great.

To sum up, there is a high probability that Pei's people will negotiate with me. Even if the negotiations between the two sides break down, they will not be able to stand against me, because this is participating in the internal affairs of the high clan. For the current Pei's , This is a big taboo. If you agree with my plan, I can let you enter the fortress together as my entourage. This is better than sneaking in by yourself, right? "

Ning Zhe turned his attention to the few people around him: "What do you think of this plan?"

Hu Yihan thought for a moment: "This plan is indeed much safer than sneaking into the fortress. The problem I am worried about now is that Pei's identity verification will be carried out on those who enter the fortress. Investigate and our identities will be exposed.”

Gao Jun responded with a relaxed look: "I don't think Pei Shi will be too concerned about your identities, because now I am a black household, and their attention will definitely be on me, as long as they confirm my identity, there is no problem. Yes, there is no need to put more effort into the people around me, besides, I am a pure high-ranking bloodline, in their opinion, it is impossible for me to risk my life to bring your revolutionary army into the city."

Ning Zhe was in a hurry to enter the fortress. Hearing Gao Jun's response, he said in agreement: "I think this method can be tried, but we should not have too many people, so that even if we encounter problems, it is easy to hide."

Zhang Fang thought for a while and asked Gao Jun, "How can we be sure that you won't betray us and give us as gifts in order to seek cooperation with the Pei family?"

"It doesn't make sense for me to do this. Even if I really cooperate with the Pei family, it is impossible for them to send troops to help me in their current situation, so I talk to them about cooperation, at best, just seek some intelligence support, and if I really If you want to seek cooperation, it is better to directly find a satellite phone and talk to my grandfather."

Gao Jun shrugged and said: "My problem now is not that I can't go back to Gao Clan, nor that I can't contact my grandfather, but because I have been labelled a criminal. Contacting my grandfather will only increase the pressure on him, and those who want to deal with me will not let me return to the high valve easily.

Now I am a wanderer. When I am with you, I have at least a partner. Although you have a very fierce attitude towards me, I can feel that you are all very kind people. Only by your side can I be the real person. It's safe, so I'm doing this because I really want to help, as long as you trust me. "

"Deal! This matter is decided." Ning Zhe made a decisive decision: "Tomorrow morning, I will find a way for you to contact the people inside the fortress. The personnel are still the original four-person team, and we will pretend to be you. If this method doesn't work, we can only give up."

Early the next morning, the sun jumped above the horizon, and the sun was shining.

The rising of the sun did not make the temperature rise, and the refugees who had left the night shift looked numb, dragged their tired bodies out of the outer city, and walked towards the direction of home.

At the entrance of the outer city, people from the law enforcement team wearing padded jackets are searching the bodies of the refugees who leave and checking the documents of the refugees at work.

In front of a city gate, the law enforcement team saw the five Ning Zhe coming, and found that their clothes were very different from those of the put their hands on the pistols around their waists: "How many of you are What are you doing? Get your documents out!"

"Sir, we are not local refugees! We need your help for something." Ning Zhe raised his hand slightly, indicating that he was not a threat, stepped forward and whispered: "We are the mission of the Central Plains High Clan, and we met locally. Some accidents, I would like to see the highest officer here, and please accommodate me."

The law enforcement team watched a few people vigilantly: "Are you from the Central Plains? Do you have any documents?"

"Didn't I say, we encountered some trouble, so the documents are not around." Ning Zhe turned his palm and handed a small gold bar: "Sir, please be more accommodating, please help me pass it up, I will Find a way to prove my identity, and when I see the person I want to meet, I will definitely thank you!"

The law enforcement team saw the gold bar in Ning Zhe's hand, and his expression softened a lot. He took over to verify the authenticity, and then looked at Ning Zhe: "Go back and wait."

When Ning Zhe saw that the other party had received the gold bars, he immediately supported himself and stepped back: "Thank you!"

The law enforcement team waited for Ning Zhe to retreat to a safe distance, then walked to the door, picked up the landline phone beside the table, and dialed a number.