
Chapter 1596: fall apart

The sound of gunfire rang out, and the sniper, who was hanging his body on the distant city wall, only stepped on a stick inserted in the crack of the wall to maintain his balance was hit by the bullet, and his body fell from the top of the wall like a kite with a broken string.

Lin Xun killed the sniper without even changing his position. He shook the scope and continued to search for other snipers. At the same time, he shouted to Ning Zhe, "The enemy is destroyed, you can act!"

"Da da da!"

Hearing Lin Xun's voice, Ning Zhe appeared on the side of the bunker, killed several approaching agents, and then shouted to Shangguan Xiaohu, "Go!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"

After the sniper on the spy's side was knocked out, the machine guns of the revolutionary army also began to exert their firepower, and the bullets fired at the spy's position indiscriminately, and began to buy time for Ning Zhe to transfer.


The two just ran out of the bunker where they were hiding, and the firepower from the spy came one after another, and the shells fell on the bunker where they were just hiding, causing a series of explosions.

Without the threat of enemy snipers, the remaining soldiers of the revolutionary army began to charge forward, and used superb marksmanship to carry out a powerful sweep of the high-level agents.

Ning Zhe quickly ran into the yard where Lin Xun was, and saw Gao Jun lying on the ground, his brows tightened: "What happened to him?"

"I checked, and he's fine. It must have just been activated because he was using too much power, and he passed out." Lin Xun saw that Ning Zhe was safe and sound. Brother, be careful!"

Ning Zhe turned to look and found that several figures had crossed the wall. He turned around very quickly and raised his gun, pointing at those people.

Before Ning Zhe could pull the trigger, a strong sense of suffocation enveloped him, and he felt like a hand had grown out of his body, holding his heart tightly.

This intense pain from the inside out made his whole body stiff, and his legs unconsciously knelt down.

In the blink of an eye, several vines rose from the ground and swept towards the people at the top of the wall, forcing them out of the courtyard wall.

"Da da da da!"

Another attacker leaned over the wall on the right and started firing frantically at the yard.

"Big brother!"

Shangguan Xiaohu, who had just rushed into the yard, didn't hesitate and threw himself directly on Ning Zhe.

The spy at the top of the wall didn't shoot for long, before being frozen by Ren Jiao who came over, he fell down from the top of the wall.


Hu Yihan led the others and quickly rushed into the yard, guarding Ning Zhe's side.

Ning Zhe felt a warm and smooth touch on his body, and pushed Shangguan Xiaohu: "Ahu! How are you?"

"I'm fine!" Shangguan Xiaohu climbed off Ning Zhe's body and touched his body everywhere, feeling numbness in his left arm, he reached out to touch his left shoulder, and found that his palm was covered in blood: "I was shot, but The location is not fatal!"

Before Ning Zhe could breathe a sigh of relief, Hu Yihan squatted beside Lin Xun and shouted, "Azhe! Something happened to Xiao Xun!"

When Ning Zhe heard the news, there was a bang in his head, and he rushed over like a conditioned reflex.

The indiscriminate shooting of the spy just now made Lin Xun also affected. A bullet was hitting his chest. At this time, although Hu Yihan pressed the wound on his chest tightly, he still couldn't stop the blood from gushing out. .

Ning Zhe has experienced hundreds of battles, and of course he can see that the location of Lin Xun's bullet is in the heart, but he still shouts hysterically: "Military doctor! Where is the doctor?!"

A soldier saw that Lin Xun started vomiting blood unconsciously, and shook his head: "It's useless, the heart is shot, even the gods can't save it!"

Hearing these words, Ning Zhe suddenly raised his head and looked at the soldier with split eyes.

As Ning Zhe's personal guard, the soldier had never seen him look like this, he couldn't help but shuddered and looked away unconsciously.

Lin Xun's blood was draining very fast, and blood dripped all over the ground very quickly, and steam rose in the low temperature.

Ning Zhe's eyes turned around, and his mind was already blank.

He was raised by Mr. Lin since he was a child, and he has always lived with Lin Xun as long as he can remember.

Although the two did not have any blood relationship, they were more like brothers. In Ning Zhe's eyes, Qin Xiaoyu and Lin Xun were his only relatives in this world.

Since Ning Zhe took over the revolutionary army, his personality and behavior have changed a lot, and even Qin Xiaoyu, who is very close to him, feels unfamiliar.

In the past, Ning Zhe was extremely selfish and could give up everything for his own survival. The life and death of others had nothing to do with him, but now Ning Zhe began to learn to think about others and put all his energy on the well-being of the refugees.

Perhaps as Fan Ke said to him, Ning Zhe is also trying to live like Su Fei. He is imitating Su Fei's behavior consciously or not. Even in the eyes of others, he has become a bit of a woman. Ren, but at least this way he can make himself feel that Su Fei has always been by his side and never left.

Ning Zhe tried his best to make himself unselfish, but only in Lin Xun's arrangement, he moved his selfishness and arranged Lin Xun in a military academy with no gunpowder smoke, very low risk, but high rank.

As a big brother, he still hopes that Lin Xun can grow up under his own wings.

He took Lin Xun away from Jin Qinhuan this time, and his original intention was to use this journey to get rid of heavy work, communicate with his younger brother a lot, and take him back to the land where he grew up since childhood.

I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly.

From refugees to Xingguang Company, to the revolutionary army, and the military government of Jin Qinhuan, they fought countless classic battles, large and small, and the people around them also survived in that cruel environment.

He didn't expect that these former fraternities would leave so simply one by one.

First, Cao Xinglong died in the siege of the test body, and today Lin Xun was hit by a stray bullet, and he fell so suddenly.

Refugees are at the bottom of the world, there is no way out without revolution, but revolution will always kill people.

Everyone knows Ning Zhe is also very clear, but he can't let go.

He will never forget the entrustment of Mr. Lin before his death, that he must take good care of his younger brothers and sisters and become the pillars of the family.

Lin Xun went from a doll less than his waist to the seven-foot boy he is now, and was completely raised by Ning Zhe.

Ning Zhe thought that if there is a day when the revolution is successful, Lin Xun and Qin Xiaoyu are both there, and he can also have a safe and secure home.

But it was such a small wish that collapsed in an instant.

Ning Zhe didn't know how to explain it to Mr. Lin, he didn't know how to explain it to Qin Xiaoyu, and he didn't even know how to explain it to himself.

After Zhang Fang inspected the corpse, a sentence pulled back Ning Zhe's thoughts: "I know this person, he is Wang Jinjue's subordinate!"

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