
Chapter 1623: open up

Half a month later, the whistle of the steam fortress echoed in the rainforest, and the convoy stopped in front of the checkpoint.

Ning Zhe stepped out of the car door and felt the warm and humid air blowing towards his face, quite a feeling of being reborn.

Compared with the desert in Beihuang, the environment in Jinqinhuan is undoubtedly more supportive. Ning Zhe has been living in the refugee area since he can remember, although they also had their own house in No. 87, but in comparison, Jin Only Qinhuan can give him a feeling of home.

When the officials at the checkpoint saw Ning Zhe's return, they all greeted him. During his absence, there were many things that the people below were undecided about, and they were all waiting to ask for their opinions.

Ning Zhe swept his eyes and saw that Qin Xiaoyu was also in the team that greeted him, and waved to others: "Everyone goes to the conference room of the base to prepare for a meeting. If there is any related work that needs to be reported, please bring it up at the meeting. I don’t need any welcoming ceremony here to block the passage here!”

The group quickly dispersed, and Ning Zhe also got into Qin Xiaoyu's car: "Why are you here too, are you here to pick me up, or do you have something to say?"

"Both of them. A lot of things have happened in Jin Qinhuan recently. The reason why these people are waiting for you here is because there are some things that can't be said at the meeting." Qin Xiaoyu waited for the car to start, and told Ning Zhe. Said: "Since we sent out the materials to support the Jing clan, we have been trying to find ways to raise materials, hunting, picking, and thinking of all kinds of methods, and even processed some grains with edible additives."

Ning Zhe picked up Qin Xiaoyu's thermos cup, poured a glass of water into the lid, and asked, "What is the exact amount?"

"In order to collect this batch of materials, we have done our best, but we have only collected less than 20,000 tons, and there is still a gap of more than 90,000 tons." Qin Xiaoyu introduced the situation on Jin Qinhuan's side, and Zhong Ye A look of sadness flashed: "We've already thought about everything we can think of, and we can't fill this gap 100%, so I came in to find you, and I want to send the more than 30,000 tons of materials in my hand first."

"Let's go. After this batch of supplies has been transported to the Jing clan's jurisdiction, it will be distributed to the local refugees. Let them survive first." After Ning Zhe made this decision, he continued with some worry: "For a long time, the rebels have Under the pressure of the Xiahou clan and the Pei clan, the Jing clan is blocked. After the supplies from our side have been shipped, the Xiahou clan will definitely move. If we want to gain the Jing clan's trust, we must make up for the shortage of materials. , otherwise this batch of goods will really go to waste."

Qin Xiaoyu rubbed his temples tiredly: "This is the next thing I want to say. Although the rainforest where we are located is rich in materials, in recent years, due to the expansion of towns, many beasts have fled to the depths of the rainforest. Professor Yan prohibits The troops went into the depths of the rainforest to hunt, and he said that this practice is to fish out of the pond, which will cause irreversible damage to the ecological environment of the rainforest, or even a kind of destruction."

Ning Zhe, who is a hunter, has a deep understanding of this kind of thing: "Professor Yan is right, although there are many creatures in the rainforest, there are not many species that can really be eaten. It is very picky, and the meat of many beasts does not meet their edible standards."

"I didn't refute Professor Yan's meaning, but I noticed a word he said at the time, called fishing while exhausting the lake." Qin Xiaoyu said to Ning Zhe, "The Material Department has a new plan, and that is fishing."

Ning Zhe came to the spirit: "fishing?"

"Yes, we have already set up a seafood processing plant. The so-called processing is artificial drying and natural drying. The construction cost of this kind of plant is very low. Even if it cannot be used for seafood processing, it can be used as a meat processing plant in the future. ."

Qin Xiaoyu explained: "Eight hundred kilometers away from Jinqin Ring is the outer sea. According to Professor Yan's calculations, most of the world is now covered by radiation, and the Free Federation is a pure land and an isolated island.

I discussed this with Professor Yan. He said that the radiation level of the Jinqin ring is so low, so the ocean adjacent to the Jinqin ring is probably not polluted. In addition, there has been no fishing for many years, and the marine biota should develop very well. Yes, if we can catch fish, we should be able to scrape together a good portion of it. "

"Fish is a very luxurious food in the fortress. If we can really carry out marine fishing, it is indeed a new source of food." Ning Zhe heard the news and asked with great interest: "This matter is now How's it going?"

"Crossing 800 kilometers of rainforest is a huge challenge in itself. If we want to fish on a large scale, we have to consider a series of costs such as transportation and road construction. The military has dispatched a division. 20,000 people have also been summoned, and roads are urgently being built, and the Ministry of Military Intelligence has also sent a group of agents to accompany people from the scientific research center to the seaside to investigate, and there is no feedback yet."

Qin Xiaoyu explained: "The reason why the two things are carried out at the same time is because our side is short of time. Jin Qinhuan has never sent anyone to the seaside before, and this 800-kilometer rainforest is also an unknown journey. It will take 20 days to get news, but we can't wait that long. We can only build a road first. According to Professor Yan, the use of the ocean is of great This road will be built sooner or later. can be used.”

"Jin Qinhuan is really a blessed place, it can always bring us surprises." After listening to Qin Xiaoyu's plan, Ning Zhe thought for a moment and said, "You should pay attention to the matter of ocean fishing, and if there is any news, you must first Report to me at once! Apart from this, are there any other difficulties?"

"Not yet. In order to collect the supplies to support the King Clan, the people in our material department are going crazy. Although the supplies have been shipped, there is still a lot of finishing work that has not been completed. For the 210,000 tons of supplies, we A total of more than 30 teams were dispatched at the same time, and all the steam fortresses outside were transferred back for centralized transportation. We have not yet completed the statistics of the data submitted by these transportation teams."

Qin Xiaoyu mentioned things at work, with lingering tiredness in his eyes: "By the way, Song Jia knows that I'm here to pick you up today and let me tell you something. She said that as the director of military intelligence, she appeared here. This kind of situation will make people imagine, but when you return to the base, you must meet her first, she has something very important to report to you."

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