
Chapter 1624: 1 pin horizontally

After Ning Zhe returned to the Revolutionary Army base, he asked Hu Yihan and Zhang Fang to preside over the meeting first, while he went to the Military Intelligence Department alone.

Because of the special responsibilities of Song Jia's MI, the usual way of doing things is very low-key. The office is not located in the base, but has set up multiple offices in the city. Even the people inside the MI do not know how many they have. office.

In the backyard warehouse of a grocery store near the base, the flap of the underground passage was lifted. After Ning Zhe got out, he walked to a shelf, pushed open the secret door, and entered the office on the mezzanine of the wall.

This room is an emergency base of the MIDF defense base. It is dimly lit, the walls are covered with various firearms, the exoskeleton is supported on the shelf against the wall, and there are a lot of ammunition in the corner.

Song Jia saw Ning Zhe enter the door, got up from the chair, and gave a military salute: "Ning Shuai!"

"My own person, why are you being so polite." Ning Zhe waved his hand, walked over and asked, "Xiaoyu said that you have to see me for something important, what happened?"

"Come with me." Song Jia gestured with a solemn expression, and then led Ning Zhe into the inner room: "We recently made a discovery, and this discovery is not good for Jin Qinhuan."

Ning Zhe's gaze went over Song Jia's shoulder, and he could see that there was a bed in the room inside, covered with a white blanket, and a pair of feet were exposed under the blanket. Is this a corpse?"

"Perhaps it can be understood in this way. This person is a spy we arrested a few days ago. To be precise, he is one of a group of spies." Song Jia walked over and lifted the blanket. The following humanoid object is revealed: "I can't even describe to you whether this is a corpse or a wreckage."

Ning Zhe frowned when he saw what was on the bed.

It was a robot, and its appearance was almost 100% realistic, so even when it was unable to move, it still maintained a lifelike appearance, like an ordinary person lying on the bed, but its abdomen had been cut open, The mechanical bones and dense lines supported inside are exposed.

"It's hard to understand, right." Song Jia saw the look flashing in Ning Zhe's eyes, and walked over to lift the robot's face, revealing the metal head below: "The first time I saw this guy, I was also frightened. It took a jump, because we Jin Qinhuan used an independent ground network, which is a unique technology. Unless the robot outside is logical, it is absolutely impossible to accept remote control in this place."

Ning Zhe walked up to the robot and looked at the wiring in his body and the skin and muscles made of silicone. His hair stood on end because of the Uncanny Valley effect: "Have you talked to the people in the scientific research center about this?"

"Zhou Gong went private once and conducted a comprehensive inspection of this robot. It can be determined that it is a product of Guanghui Company. Gangdan also conducted a comprehensive inspection of this thing. Unfortunately, its processor has a self-destruction function. We It's not even clear if it's a logic or a remote-controlled robot."

A worried look flashed in Song Jia's eyes: "No matter what type of robots these robots are, but they appear here, it shows that the Guanghui Company has been eyeing us, otherwise no one in the entire Federation will be able to make such high-precision robots. Robots."

Ning Zhe took his eyes back and turned his head to look at Song Jia: "How were these robots found? How many are there?"

"A week ago, the Material Administration decided to explore the eastern coastal areas. Qin Xiaoyu found me and asked me for intelligence support. I sent a group of elite special intelligence personnel to the rainforest to investigate, and at the same time secretly conducted research on the scientific expedition team. to protect.

With your previous experience of being attacked by the rebels, our plan this time was very thorough. It was during the process of protecting the scientific expedition team that the special agents discovered that these robots were sneaky, so they mobilized troops to carry out an investigation on them. arrested and met with mortal resistance. "

As Song Jia spoke, she walked over to the bed and lifted the robot's palm, revealing the gun barrel in her arm: "These guys have all been remodeled, and according to Zhou Gong, they belonged to paramilitary combat robots. At that time, there were ten of them in total. The two of us caused huge losses to our people. We paid fifty casualties to surround these people in a valley.

When we mobilized the professional equipment here, these robots all started the self-destruction program because they had no hope of retreating, and their bodies turned into wrecks. This guy fell into the pond for some unknown reason, so the end of the damage was avoided.

We investigated these robots and found that their hidden identities have not been formally registered, and it is impossible to determine what way they entered Jin Qinhuan, nor what their purpose is. Over the years, Jin Qinhuan and Guanghui Company have always There was no contact, and their sudden intervention made me feel very uneasy. As the intelligence director of Jin Qinhuan, I have to tell you about this. "

"We have just provided material support to the Jing clan, and the North Wilderness will soon change. At this point, there can be no other changes. It is right to block the news. Who will participate in the scientific research team sent by the scientific research center this time? ?"

Ning Zhe thought about this for a while, and his first reaction was Gangdan. As far as he knew, Guanghui Company had been researching artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction experiments for many years, and the emergence of Gangdan was undoubtedly a huge breakthrough. Knowing the identity of Gangdan is too special, so he has been ordering to block the news of Gangdan, and even many people in the scientific research center do not know the existence of Gangdan.

But looking back at when they were attacked in Fort 111 before, there were also robots involved, so it is not ruled out that the Guanghui company is employed by people.

"The leader is Dr. Chen. Besides him, there are two water quality scientists, a geologist, a biologist and a chemist." Song Jia handed the list of people next to him to Ning Zhe : "This is the information of the scientific expedition team."

Ning Zhe flipped through the folder in his hand and found that Gangdan was not listed, but he couldn't figure out what was inside: "Are you sure that these robots are going to the scientific expedition team?"

"They didn't show any aggression to the scientific expedition team. They were anomalies discovered during our investigation. As for their real purpose, it's unknown, and even if they caught a living, I don't think we have the ability to deal with them. Robots conduct interrogations."

Song Jia paused for a while, then added: "In recent times, more and more external forces are staring at Jin Qinhuan, and now even oligarchs like Guanghui have come to intervene. This is not a good signal."

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