
Chapter 1625: backtracking

After listening to Song Jia's report, Ning Zhe pondered for a moment, and then said to her: "The matter of Guanghui Company should be suppressed for the time being. All information is limited to the internal knowledge of the Ministry of Military Intelligence. In addition, Jin Qinhuan must be strictly cleaned up. The series of incidents we have encountered recently were all done by spies installed by various valves, no matter what method you use, you must minimize the loss, something similar to the spread of test bodies, absolutely cannot happen a second time!"

"I will do my best!" Song Jia covered the robot again with a blanket: "After Jin Qinhuan collects the rest of the supplies, he has to carry out a transport to Jing's, and when the next transport is done, I want to go to a Wen Jing clan, although we have been planting spies in the territory of other chaebols in recent years, we have never been able to do anything inside the chaebol, and this trade is a good opportunity."

"Yes." Ning Zhe nodded: "When I went to the Jing clan this time, I found that the Jing clan's people were not optimistic about the war with the Xiahou clan, and there were many people inside who were taking the opportunity to benefit themselves. These people are not the enemies of Jin Qinhuan, as long as we can give enough price, they can be easily corrupted."

The rapid development of Jin Qinhuan has attracted the attention of many forces. Ning Zhe went to the Jing clan to resolve this crisis, but the sudden entry of Guanghui Company once again gave him a bad feeling.

Although the current Jin Qinhuan is peaceful, there is actually a huge pressure behind this peace.

The war between the chaebols and Jin Qinhuan is inevitable. Back then, when the Lu family rushed the Starlight Armament to Jin Qinhuan, it was a hasty problem because they did not think a group of refugees could survive in such a place. Qinhuan not only survived well, but also became a potential threat.

Back then, Lu's fighting against the rebels was just to clear the threat in the territory, and there was no benefit at all. Even if they fired a single bullet, it would be a waste for them, so after achieving their goal, they would promptly Stop loss.

But today's situation is completely different. Jin Qinhuan's large amount of materials has changed the outside world's view of them, and the rebels have changed from a trouble in the eyes of the chaebols to an attractive piece of fat.

Once a spark falls on this explosive barrel, Jin Qinhuan must encounter a full-scale invasion war, and they will have no way out.

Ning Zhe has repeatedly tried to avoid leading the war beyond Jin Qinhuan, because they have no way out in this battle. If they cannot defend Jin Qinhuan, these hundreds of thousands of people will completely lose their way out.

Although the Guanghui Company did not show hostility, they definitely did not come with goodwill when they came to Jin Qinhuan. In this huge vortex, any small changes would affect the overall situation.

Jin Qinhuan's residential area B, which was almost destroyed due to the outbreak of the test body, is still in the reconstruction stage. With this lesson learned, Song Jia did not dare to take it lightly. The streets and factories outside are always filled with a large number of plainclothes detectives. In the vicinity of key facilities such as schools and hospitals, the military and police are on double duty.

Ning Zhe has been away for nearly two months, and he has a large backlog of official business that needs to be handled by him, and he is very busy every day.

The materials sent to Jing Clan were already on the way when Ning Zhe returned. When he returned to Jinqin Ring on the eleventh day, the convoy had already called back, saying that Jing Clan had begun to receive the materials.

In the afternoon, Jing Clan sent a request for a call. Because Jin Qinhuan had no satellite signal, Ning Zhe deliberately drove out of the foggy forest and dialed Jing Zhengxin's phone number in the communication car. .

After the call was connected, Jing Zhengxin didn't exchange any greetings, and cut to the subject: "Mr. Ning, Jing Clan is very grateful for your help in the snow, but I received a report that the materials you sent this time seem to be 300,000 tons away, and there are more A big gap."

"Jin Qinhuan's transportation capacity is limited, and the sea of ​​death is also a difficult place to pass. In order to transport this batch of materials, we have made great efforts." Ning Zhe had already thought of the excuse and replied calmly. : "But don't worry, Jin Qinhuan will bear all the losses caused during transportation. We will make up for the missing goods as soon as possible and send them to Jing Valve."

Jing Zhengxin's tone was a little dissatisfied: "The 300,000 tons of goods are the amount we agreed at the beginning. If you don't get everything together, it will be difficult for me to deal with them."

"I know what you are questioning. You are afraid that we will go back on our word. After delivering this batch of supplies, we will find an excuse to drag the rest of the supplies." Ning Zhe smiled: "I can personally go to Jing Clan to negotiate, it is enough. This shows our sincerity, and we will send the missing materials to the Jing clan in small quantities.”

Jing Zhengxin still remained indifferent: "Sorry, this is an era of trust crisis. Your remarks do not reassure us. We cannot fulfill our agreement until the negotiated materials are delivered to Jing Valve in full."

"Xin Gong, the remaining tens of thousands of tons of supplies are not in place, it is really an accident, please be sure to convince the elders to let them send troops as soon as possible, if there is no military deterrence, it is absolutely impossible for the rebels to keep us in their place. The site is transported, and now that the Jing clan has received the supplies, it will definitely attract the attention of the Xiahou Clan!"

Ning Zhe persuaded earnestly: "After receiving the supplies, if the Jing clan does not take action as soon as possible, but instead gives the Xiahou clan time to react, it will be consuming the advantages that he has in his hands, and he will never ~You will suffer from chaos, don't you understand this truth?"

Jing Zhengxin showed indifference to this: "The reason why we refused to send troops is because Jin Qinhuan did not fulfill the agreement. If all the materials are not in place, the Jing clan will not risk military action, I am only responsible for the allocation of materials. Man, it's useless for you to tell me this.

As for what the Xiahou Clan would think, we Jing Clan don't care. After all, the two sides have already torn apart their faces, so what can we do when we receive supplies? As for whether they will stare at you Jin Qinhuan, it is not something I should care about, hehe. "

When Ning Zhe heard this response, he lowered his stance and said: "Xin Gong, I guarantee with my personality, the materials promised by Jin Qinhuan will not be short of even a grain of food, please help to mediate this matter, you can rest assured. , I will never let you help in vain!"

Jing Zhengxin vetoed without hesitation: "I am indeed greedy, but all I am greedy for is the money that I should get. This matter is too big, it is related to the military transfer of the Jing clan, I agree randomly, but I will lose my head. "

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