
Chapter 1673: please fight

Not only Ning Zhe couldn’t stand the food for the guerrillas, Shangguan Xiaohu also asked: “Because of Lu’s blockade, Jin Qinhuan can’t transport supplies for you, but he has been providing you with funds all the time. Why are you still so poor?"

"The headquarters did provide us with a lot of funds, but in a place like the refugee area, money may not be able to buy supplies! Before Gong Zhuang was in the city to exchange gold for food, Lu's secret service agency It was discovered that he died in a shootout during the investigation."

Chao Xingchang sighed: "In the past year, our guerrillas have done a lot of work to attract refugees and distribute supplies to them. Although we have gold in our hands, we dare not sell it in large quantities. Firstly, we are afraid of causing illegal activities. The worry of the elements is also because they are afraid of arousing Lu's awareness.

Although our work is mainly to win over and help refugees, we rarely have direct conflicts with the Lu family, but some conflicts are inevitable after long-term activities on the Lu family's territory. As our booth grows bigger and bigger, the Lu family also Knowing the existence of the guerrillas, they have been attacking us.

Just before the war between the Xiahou clan and the Jing clan, the Lu clan organized a large-scale campaign to wipe out more than a dozen of our secret strongholds, causing hundreds of deaths. The Lu clan did not relax until after the war broke out. The intensity of the search for us has been reduced, but all the fortresses have begun to be under martial law, and it is becoming more and more difficult for us to obtain supplies. "

Ning Zhe didn't expect the situation of the guerrillas to be so difficult, so he asked Chao Xingchang, "Why haven't I received any reports about these things?"

"It's difficult for us, and it's also difficult for the headquarters! I know that Jin Qinhuan's supplies cannot be sent to the refugee area. If we report this kind of thing, we can only let the headquarters get angry with us." Chao Xingchang scratched his head: "We We were originally refugees, and we have experienced all kinds of hardships. Food shortage is not a disaster for us. Since we are an independent guerrilla, we have to overcome difficulties by ourselves, and we can’t trouble the headquarters for everything.”

"Living in such a difficult environment, you still have to keep working, thank you for your hard work." Ning Zhe looked at the simple food on the table, but couldn't whet his appetite: "What's the current situation with the guerrilla column?"

Chao Xingchang had prepared the endorsement in advance, and seeing Ning Zhe's question, Liu Chang responded quickly: "Our column is relatively small, with five regiments and fifteen battalions under its jurisdiction, distributed around the twelve fortresses of the Lu family. At present, there are 130,000 refugees registered in the register who are willing to naturalize Jin Qinhuan, and more than 6,000 guerrillas, but most of them are engaged in intelligence work, and there are only about 3,000 people who are really capable of fighting."

"Three thousand people have combat capabilities?" Ning Zhe was a little surprised by this, because this number was six times more than they expected: "What kind of level do you mean by combat capability?"

"I have a gun in my hand, and I can shoot it, and I can understand basic combat instructions during combat." Chao Xingchang licked his lips: "After our guerrilla team was established, we tried our best to get guns. Lu's side The area itself is seriously infested with banditry. We have ventured to Lingnan several times, recruited some bandits there, and obtained some weapons.

Although the guerrillas have always lived in the refugee area and have not been directly led by Jin Qinhuan, we have not relaxed our requirements. All those who join the guerrillas will undergo a two-week training to learn combat instructions and some basics. Knowledge, as well as assassination and fighting training, if you don’t have a gun, use a wooden stick instead, and if you don’t have a grenade, throw a stone.

Every month, our troops will conduct intensive training to ensure that all personnel can maintain combat effectiveness and be able to use firearms proficiently in the event of a battle. In addition, we are also conducting simple training for the refugees. To deal with emergencies that may arise at any time. "

Shangguan Xiaohu raised his eyebrows and asked, "How long will it take for you to assemble this team of 3,000 people?"

Chao Xingchang responded: "The personnel are scattered, and there will be relatively more personnel at the headquarters. Within 12 hours, I can gather an army of more than 1,000 people."

"Let these people gather first, we may have military operations that require your cooperation." Lin Xun turned his attention to Ning Zhe: "We have brought a company's equipment this time, and we can distribute it to them and let them select elite fighters to cooperate we."

Ning Zhe thought for a while, then waved his hand lightly: "Let's forget about this. The combat capability of the guerrillas has not been tested. It is still unknown whether they will be able to display their combat effectiveness when they really go to the battlefield. Moreover, the guerrillas are Jin Qinhuan's foreign agent." Organizations, they exist to maintain regional stability and wait for Jin Qinhuan to liberate these areas, if there is a problem with these people, it will affect the development of the guerrillas, we must be cautious."

"Ning Shuai, I don't agree with what you said. Although the guerrilla column is not in Jinqinhuan, it is also a revolutionary team led by the military government. We are a family! It is our honor to cooperate with the headquarters to fight!" Chao Xing Chang looked at Ning Zhe and the others seriously: "For a long time, not to mention the soldiers below, even I, the chief of staff of the guerrilla column, have never met with the leaders of the military government, although Jin Qinhuan admitted our identity, but I always have a sense of being outside.

I usually need to report some of Lu's situation to the headquarters, and I get in touch quite frequently, but many of the soldiers below don't even know where Jin Qinhuan is. How can such a team have a sense of honor? And what about belonging? If there is anything that requires the cooperation of our guerrillas, you can just tell us. This will make us feel that we are also contributing to the revolution and have a sense of belonging! "

"Revolution is the cause of all It doesn't mean that people who have not joined Jin Qinhuan are not in revolution. Every refugee who wants to make his life better is fighting against the chaebol. We have seen every effort you have made for the refugees, and no one will forget your meritorious deeds."

Ning Zhe looked at Chao Xingchang's earnest eyes, nodded and said: "I will leave you with advanced equipment for fifty people. Since you want to assist, gather your troops to Daosuke City and let the rest Troops are also gathering at Daosuke City, but they must be dispersed and must not attract Lu's attention. You are in charge of commanding the guerrilla troops to fight, and we will send you specific instructions immediately."

Chao Xingchang became excited: "No problem."

Ning Zhe continued to ask, "What's the current situation in Daosuke City?"

"Half a month ago, Dao Sui City suddenly strengthened the security level. In the past, when refugees entered the outer city, they did not need to be inspected, but now they are strictly guarded when entering and leaving the fortress, and the refugees have to be searched!" Chao Xingchangdun After a while: "The people in the fortress all dislike the group of refugees. The body search is not strict. It is easy for one or two people to sneak in. But if you want more than a hundred people to enter the city with weapons, it is definitely useless."

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