
Chapter 1687: changing situation

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rest of the catastrophe!

Lu Meng was so powerful that the long-established public trial meeting ended hastily in a very dramatic way.

As the ninth elder of the elders' association, Lu Heng had a prominent identity. When there was a rebellion at the scene, he quickly left the scene under the protection of the guards.

After Lu Heng boarded the car, the secretary was afraid that he was in a bad mood, and said: "Heng Gong, although there is a rebellion against the party in the matter of Lu Meng today, Lu Tao let him go after all, although Lu Tianhe has already removed Lu Meng from the family tree. , but they are still brothers after all! Lu Meng was taken away under his supervision, we can use the pretext of suspecting that Lu Tao is doing public welfare for his own sake, impeach him to the elders, and ask others to take over the pursuit, and... "

"Why do you want to change people?" Lu Heng sat in the car, his face had no anger at all, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Lu Meng was taken away by the rebel party, and Lu Tao has already screwed up this matter. , at the moment to replace him, is to wipe his ass! Let him do this, if he can catch people, everyone will be happy! If he let people go, I will never give up. "

The secretary has been with Lu Heng for many years, and just listening to him say this, he understands that he has already made relevant preparations.

Lu Heng ignored the secretary's compliment, picked up the car phone, and dialed the phone number of a family member: "How are you doing the things I asked you to prepare?"

The other party responded confidently: "Uncle, don't worry, I have been preparing for this matter for a long time. If there is a problem, I will punish myself and apologize! I will never go back to see you!"

Hearing this answer, Lu Heng became a little more relaxed: "Now all the chips of the Lu Tianhe family are on Lu Tao, and there is also Lu Jiazhen to support him. If you want to let the Lu Tianhe family fall, you must seize it. This opportunity, I have already attracted the support of three other elders. As long as your affairs can be done, the family will have the hope of turning over! I am already old, and I just want to help you younger generations while I am still useful. The road is paved."

A firm answer came from the receiver: "Don't worry, uncle, I know the importance of this matter, and there will never be a problem!"

"Remember, you're not helping me, you're helping yourself!"

Lu Heng dropped a sentence, hung up the phone immediately, and sighed, "Although these juniors of the family have some abilities, they are still far worse than Fei Bai."

Just as Lu Heng said these words, the driver who was driving suddenly became nervous and stepped on the brakes with two feet in a row. He found that the brake pedal did not respond, and the electronic products such as the display screen in the car also went out instantly. Immediately shouted: "Our vehicle is out of control, protect Henggong!"


In the voice of the driver, the vehicle in front instantly turned into a fireball. Before the people in the car could react, Lu Heng's car was thrown into the air by the explosion from the chassis, and smashed to the side of the road while spinning. .


The originally smooth-moving convoy was shrouded in flames, and several figures appeared on both sides of the road, and began to frantically suppress the survivors in the convoy.

During the exchange of fire, a group of attackers turned a blind eye to the surrounding guards and moved straight to the vehicle where Lu Heng was.

"Bang bang bang!"

One of the attackers fired three shots in a row, killing the guards who were close to Lu Heng's car. The other one quickly stepped forward, stuck a magnetic bomb the size of a cigarette case on the door handle, and pressed the remote control sideways. device.


The bomb with the directional blasting function and the iron flux did not exert much power and exploded the door with the explosion-proof function.


The killer who led the team opened the door, pointed the pistol inside the car, and began to pull the trigger continuously.

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunshots flashed continuously inside and outside the car, and soon subsided.

The car accident just now caused Lu Heng to fracture one of his legs. The killer's shooting also killed his secretary, the bodyguards and the driver in the car.

At first, Lü Heng thought they were attacked by Jin Qinhuan, but he found that the gunman outside was not wearing bulletproof vests. The clothes had just been hit by the bullet, and the clothes had exploded, revealing the metallic luster underneath. He couldn't help but widen his eyes: "You are the robots of Guanghui Company! That **** Yu Shilong, he betrayed the Lu family..."


The robot outside the car blasted Lu Heng's head with two shots. After confirming that the target was dead, he left without looking back.

In Daosui City, Yu Shilong's residence.

The secretary sat next to Yu Shilong and said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, our plan has been launched, and Lu Heng was successfully killed, but there was some accident on Lu Tao's side. He wore an exoskeleton and escaped from our ambush. already."

"It doesn't matter, once the old guy Lu Heng died, it was enough for the Lu family to be chaotic." Yu Shilong leaned on the seat with a relaxed expression: "Our people are not exposed, right?"

The secretary nodded and said, "You can rest assured that there will be absolutely no problem with our plan."

Yu Shilong raised Erlang's legs: "Where are the company guards?"

"The armed guards are all in place and have already started operations." The secretary was dubious: "Do you really think that Mr. Lu would be unable to restrain his anger and choose to go to war?"

"Today is a big day, and we are definitely not the only ones who want to gain benefits. If only one or two forces are implementing the plan, it may go well, but with so many people with different ideas gathered together, no one can control things. is going.”

Yu Shilong cast his eyes out of the window and his voice was a little lower: "As soon as the guards move, Beihuang is completely changed on this day."

"But this is also the beginning of a new era." The secretary raised the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Yu, congratulations."

In Daosi City, a large number of soldiers ran fast on the streets, chasing after Lin Xun's evacuation.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

In a two-story building on the side of the road, two machine guns quickly opened fire and began to straf the chasing soldiers outside.

Hundreds of meters away, Lu Meng heard the sound of gunfire in the distance, and suddenly paused in his footsteps: "This is a firearm unique to the Lu family, you have installed an inner responder?"

Lin Xun kept walking: "We didn't bring heavy weapons into the city this time. The gun was obtained by Ren Jiao and the others through assassination!"

Lu Meng frowned and asked, "Let's go, what about the people behind us?"

Lin Xun watched the surroundings vigilantly, and stopped in front of a residential courtyard: "These people all signed a life and death certificate before they set off. If they want to drag the enemy, someone must stay."

When Lu Meng heard the sound of the machine guns coming to an abrupt end in the distance, a flash of grief flashed in his eyes: "Is it worth paying so many people for me alone?"

"When I was on the battlefield before, I asked my brother this question. My brother said that life is equal. Whether it is the sacrificed or the surviving, their lives are equally precious. This is not a matter of quantity. , and the reason we came to save you this time is because no one of Jin Qinhuan can be hurt! This is a matter of dignity and cannot be violated!"

Lin Xun paused and looked at Lu Meng seriously: "I know his thoughts very well, but he is not absolutely sure of saving you. As a friend, he can calmly accept to fight side by side with you, even if the two of you are alone. There is a possibility of death in battle, but he must refuse to watch you suffer humiliation and leave this world!"