
Chapter 1688: ripple

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rest of the catastrophe!

Daosui City, the garrison military region.

The doctor fixed Lu Tao's arm with a steel plate and looked at him seriously: "Deputy Commander Lu, your arm has been broken, and this level of bandaging alone may not be able to protect it. I suggest you do it immediately. Surgery, otherwise once you get out of position and hurt blood vessels, nerves and tendons, it becomes very troublesome.”

Because Lu Tao had just been attacked and had large scrapes on his bare skin, he ignored the doctor's words: "I have been on the battlefield and know what this kind of injury means. The worst result is amputation, right?"

The doctor nodded: "Yes, if the wound deteriorates, it is easy to cause necrosis. If you insist on going your own way, you must sign a letter of commitment for us, otherwise, as you are, if there is a problem in the future, we will not bear the responsibility. take this responsibility."

"You go and draw up the letter of commitment, and give it to me after writing it." Lu Tao threw a sentence at the doctor, and then looked at the adjutant: "How is the plan to arrest the traitor going?"

"Military deployment has been made. The troops have surrounded the entire Xicheng District and are searching one by one! We have dispatched two divisions, and in the encirclement of tens of thousands of people, even if they grow wings, they will not be able to fly out!" The adjutant paused. : "In addition to the regular troops, our arrangement has already gone in first."

Lu Tao poured out a double dose of the painkiller and chewed it in his mouth to suppress the severe pain in his arm: "What's going on in the border area?"

"There is no news yet." The adjutant glanced at his watch: "According to our judgment, the two sides should be able to meet soon!"

"Let the front-line troops act according to the original plan. After the two front divisions encounter the enemy, all the follow-up troops will push up and attack Jin Qinhuan! And notify all the frontier fortresses to support the battlefield!" Lu Tao paused. One click: "Don't report this matter to the military department, and issue orders in my capacity. This is within my authority, and there is no need to report it to the military department!"

"Deputy commander, isn't it a bit too risky to do this?" The adjutant felt a chill down his spine when he heard Lu Meng's order: "Although you have the authority to transfer troops, but this kind of large-scale military transfer, if you don't fight Duke Zhen This greeting will definitely affect the relationship between the two of you, and it will affect Lu's decision-making, so..."

"I have no way out." Lu Tao interrupted the adjutant with a strong attitude: "Lu's initiative to attack Jin Qinhuan will indeed arouse the dissatisfaction of the Xiahou clan, but their anger will not fall on me. The group of old guys will solve this problem. Only when the war occurs will the attention above be diverted, and I will not be targeted.

Lu's dealing with Xiahou's is a group confrontation. If they are eyeing me, then I will be single-handedly! For a long time, outsiders regarded me as Lu Jiazhen's cronies. Even if I gave orders in my own name, outsiders would think that I had the support of Duke Zhen behind my back, otherwise they would not have the courage to do so. "

The adjutant's eyes showed an unconcealed concern: "But in this way, you are forcing Duke Zhen to bind you. He is your biggest supporter in the Council of Elders. If your actions arouse the dissatisfaction of Duke Zhen, you will have to deal with him in the future. Affect your career!"

"Official career, you must first be able to go on, and then consider its development." Lu Tao waved his hand to his adjutant to hand him a cigarette: "As long as today's plan can go smoothly, we will survive the disaster safely."

Lingnan, Hedong area.

A mechanical battalion sent by Jin Qinhuan was forming a defensive formation to advance in the desert.

Inside the commanding armored vehicle, the deputy battalion commander looked at the battalion commander uneasy: "Boss, do you think there is still a chance to go back when we come out?"

"Haha, what are you thinking about!" The battalion commander laughed loudly, lifted the cover on one side, pressed the cigarette on the heat transfer tube to light it, and took a deep breath: "We are Jin Qinhuan. Our team has never abandoned the tradition of abandoning our partners, and what we are doing is just a patrol mission. Isn't there an order from above, as long as we encounter an enemy, we can retreat at any time! Do you think the people of the Lu family dare to chase us in the direction of Jin Qinhuan? ?"

"That's right, we have suppressed so many troops on the border, even if they chase after us, we are not afraid!" The deputy battalion commander showed a smile and relaxed a lot: "When we were bandits in Lingnan, we dared to Let's meet Lu's troops, now that Jin Qinhuan has developed so powerfully, what the **** do we have to be afraid of!"

While the two were talking, the commander suddenly turned around: "Report, sir, our vehicle lost its communication and positioning connection and entered the radio dead zone!"

The battalion commander was taken aback for a moment: "Is there any report on the radio dead zone in the area we selected?"

"call out-"

The battalion commander's voice fell, and a missile ripped through the void, hitting the command vehicle precisely.


The command vehicle instantly burned into a fireball, and the shock wave swept away with thick smoke.

In the infantry vehicle at the rear, a platoon leader waited for the smoke to dissipate, and several chariots appeared along the dunes in front, roaring hysterically: "Enemy attack! Prepare to meet the enemy! Disengage and fight!"

"Be careful with the platoon rockets!"

In the roar of the drivers, the area where the team was located was instantly covered by fire.

Daosui City.

After receiving a call, the adjutant hurried to Lu Tao's side: "Deputy commander, our two divisions stationed at the border have been crippled! Called the rear troops for help! At present, there are only less than two of them left. The remnants of the regiment are fighting fiercely with the enemy!"


When Lu Tao heard the news, he was immediately stunned.

Abandoning two divisions was originally his strategy. Naturally, he was already prepared to abandon these two units, but according to his original idea, these two elite units could at least be able to do without support. Stick to one day.

Just half an hour ago, he had not received any abnormal news from the front line, but after only half an hour, the adjutant told him that the two divisions had been crippled.

When the adjutant just received the news, he was equally stunned, and explained to Lu Tao quickly: "According to the battle report, UU Kanshu Jin Qinhuan launched a sudden attack on the camps of the two divisions. The attack, three short-range missiles smashed into their garrison, and before they recovered their vitality, Jin Qinhuan's troops arrived. This blitzkrieg style of play made the garrison troops fail to react at all, and fell into a fierce battle! Quite suddenly!"

"It's kind of weird."

Lu Tao frowned, and his heart was full of doubts. His previous military deployment was based on the condition that Jin Qinhuan would not appear in Daosui City to save people, but would use military pressure, but now Ning Zhe It is unreasonable for the other party to take such a large-scale military operation after reaching Jin Qinhuan.

The adjutant was also kept in the dark, and said his guess: "You said, will they rob the magic field just an incentive, in fact, Jin Qinhuan has long been ready to go?"

Lu Tao's heart was vague, but his attitude was firm: "No matter what they think, it is an indisputable fact that Jin Qinhuan invaded the territory under the jurisdiction of the Lu clan. The Lu clan's all-out counterattack was given an order!"

With the shaking of the table, a circle of ripples swayed in the water glass.

Even Lu Tao, who gave the order at this time, did not expect that this ripple would soon sweep across the entire Federation.