
Chapter 1689: internal disagreement

【The rest of the catastrophe】【】

The 100-strong team led by Ning Zhe was scattered over an area of ​​more than a dozen square kilometers. There were continuous exchanges of fire with the military's search team, and gunshots were heard one after another.

In order to avoid being arrested by the military and police, the place where Ning Zhe and the others were hiding was not an ordinary place, but at the top of the residential building opposite the Xicheng District Public Security Bureau.

In front of the security situation, the police sirens were blaring, and countless police cars shuttled through the streets, cooperating with the military to carry out search operations.

Ning Zhe squatted on the ground, pointed to the map in his hand and said to others: "Now the military has completely blocked the Xicheng District, the guerrillas outside the city will pretend to attack the west gate in 20 minutes, and we need to break out to the south. , distract the search troops, then return to the Xicheng District and break through along the western city wall, you must show up during this period to attract the attention of Lu's military!"

"Does this really work?" When Lu Meng heard that Ning Zhe's plan was so simple, his eyebrows were full of worry: "This is the capital of the Lu family, and there are a large number of secret agents. The encirclement is faster than you think! You are doing this to accompany me to death!"

"Because this is the capital of the Lu family, we can't make a more detailed plan. We are not opponents, we can only fight wit." Ning Zhe handed a travel bag next to Lu Meng: "This is the Exoskeletons and firearms, hopefully two years later, you haven't forgotten how to shoot!"

"Even if I spend ten years in prison, my marksmanship is better than yours!" Lu Meng scolded with a laugh, then started wearing the exoskeleton, and said to Ning Zhe, "Actually, you shouldn't come to save me, this is Lu's internal affairs, Your participation is no different from setting yourself on fire!"

"You are wrong, the Lu family is not the fire, I am!" Ning Zhe responded in a flat tone: "As early as when you were arrested, Jin Qinhuan announced your identity, and they were using this It's a provocation for Jin Qinhuan to execute you because of your identity! Now it's them who set the flames on fire!"

Lu Meng put on the exoskeleton and installed a magazine on the rifle: "Do you really think that this fire can burn Lu's?"

"In two years, a lot of things can be changed. If you go to the current Jin Qinhuan, I guarantee you will be frightened." Ning Zhe put down the gun in his hand and patted Lu Meng's arm: "Live well, When Jin Qinhuan arrives, I will bring out the wine that I have treasured for three years for you."

"Then I really want to see the surprise you prepared." Lu Meng smiled at Ning Zhe, then turned his eyes slightly, and there was an indescribable emotion in his eyes.

Golden Ring.

After Lin Bao received Lu Meng's call, he found Hu Yihan with a panicked expression: "Brother Han, the situation is not right! The dark post 40 kilometers away called to report that Lu's troops were coming in our direction!"

Hu Yihan, who was urging Song Jia to spy on Daosui City's intelligence, suddenly widened his eyes: "Is the news accurate?"

"Military intelligence, how can it be fake!" Lin Bao nodded gloomily: "I confirmed with the dark sentry three times, and it is Lu's troops! There are at least two divisions in size!"

Zhang Fang also became nervous: "Lu's sudden dispatch of troops, could it be that there is a problem on Ning Zhe's side?"

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【The rest of the catastrophe】【】

Hu Yihan made the deployment in just a few seconds: "The news on the front line is still uncertain, it is useless for us to guess here! Send the order, let the troops retreat immediately, and set up the defense line! Prepare for the exchange of fire in the three theaters! "

"Brother Han! The Lu family has already invaded the city, why should we retreat?!" Li Lin heard that there might be a problem on Ning Zhe's side, and interjected indignantly: "Since this battle is inevitable! Then send troops to fight them. Bar!"

Hu Yihan said solemnly: "War is not a child's play. Once we engage in fire with the chaebols, it will be the rhythm of full-scale war! And Jin Qinhuan is not ready for full-scale expansion! This kind of decision cannot be made in a hurry."

"As soon as the gun is fired, we have already lost the opportunity to develop! If we have illusions at this time, we will only delay the fighter!" Wu Hao also stood on Li Lin's side: "What Jin Qinhuan lacks now is not weapons and equipment, but People! If we have friction with the Lu family, it means that we will be blocked and guard the foggy forest, Jin Qinhuan and the sea of ​​death. Once the foggy forest is occupied, Jin Qinhuan will really become a turtle in a urn. !"

"Brother Han! Let's send troops! If the Lu family really made my eldest brother have three strengths and two weaknesses, I'll change lives with them!" Lin Bao could no longer hold back his desire to fight: "For a long time, Jin Qinhuan has always been Adhere to the policy of peaceful development, and constantly accumulate strength to increase the odds of winning in the decisive battle! But this does not mean that we will lose in the fight now!

Although the Northern Wilderness is the most chaotic area in the Free Federation, it is also the area with the most sturdy combat effectiveness. The Central Plains chaebol only cares about developing the economy and rarely experiences wars, and the combat effectiveness is very low! After we send troops, as long as we can stand firm, we can fight for war! Recruit refugees into the army!

According to our statistics, Jin Qinhuan has more than 200,000 fans and tens of thousands of guerrillas on the territory of the Four Clan! As long as we fight out, these forces will soon be able to rendezvous with the large army! This way of advancement, UU reading www. will speed up our expansion countless times! "

Li Lin echoed: "I agree with this plan. The purpose of our development of Jin Qinhuan is to fight it out. This is just our foundation. This time, taking advantage of Brother Zhe's incident, it is a good opportunity. If We can even hold back this incident, Jin Qinhuan's majesty is really gone!"

Zhang Fang explained: "The main purpose of sending troops to the border this time is to put pressure on the Lu family. Jin Qinhuan is not ready for the previous war! In addition to consumption, the war is also a supply! We are sending troops out now, The logistics will face a lot of pressure, and after Jin Qinhuan has provided supplies to the Jing clan, he is in a state of resource shortage, and these must be considered!"

"The resources are gone, we can go to Lu's site to grab it! If we choose to defend, we can only consume internal resources. Who can guarantee that when we have enough resources to start a foreign war, what will happen to the situation? Lin Bao still insisted on his point of view: "Not only me, but also the military officers and soldiers have a strong desire to fight! If we don't respond, it will affect the morale! While the Lu family has not completed the encirclement, it is Jin Qin." The best time to ring troops!"

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【The rest of the catastrophe】【】

Although Hu Yihan was also suffocating in his heart, as the top person in charge of Jin Qinhuan, he must maintain sufficient reason. After thinking for a while, he restrained the idea of ​​starting a war: "The news on Ning Zhe's side has not been confirmed yet, I can't make such a choice! Let the troops retreat in an all-round way, and prepare for the battle in the three theaters! This is not a discussion, it is an order!"