
Chapter 286: The Secret of the Blood Lake Memorial

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Ning Zhe lay on the heated kang in his room and fell into deep suspicion.


Is it really as Su Fei said, has the supernatural power to call the wind and call the rain?

Or as Beifeng said, their combat effectiveness is amazing, and the forces of all parties are feared like tigers. Are they the best who have evolved under the natural law of survival of the fittest?

If so.

So why is your team so weird?

Including himself, there are clearly three demon species in this small circle, but what about the combat power?

He is a real man for three minutes, Fatty Li is a rat boss, and Lin Bao, who has just awakened, doesn't say anything about his ability. The only thing Ning Zhe can understand is that when he releases his ability, he will send out There was a loud noise, and it was accompanied by a pungent stench.

This Nima...

Is it the power that makes the world tremble?

What is the difference between the abilities of three people and the athletes who have been doping, the animal trainers in the circus, and the people who eat too many rotten eggs and make their stomachs?

Putting the three of them together, let alone subverting the world, even if you want to level a junior high school, it is estimated that you will have to encounter campus bullying and make the school gangsters on campus get a big beating!

The best?

God is the best!

The more Lin Bao didn't talk about his abilities, the more curious Ning Zhe became. However, looking at Lin Bao's appearance, he was determined not to tell Ning Zhe. At this time, Ning Zhe suddenly wanted to call Beifeng. I asked the expert in the field of demons if they knew anything about it. Unexpectedly, the idea had just appeared when Beifeng's call reached his mobile phone.

Ning Zhe sat up and answered the phone, feeling very strange: "Your ability is not mind reading, right?"

Bei Feng was taken aback by the question: "What did you say?"

"It's okay!" Ning Zhe shook his head, if Beifeng really had the ability to read minds, I'm afraid he would have destroyed Shizuo's humanity long ago because he sold Shizuo to the oxygen company: "You call me, what's the matter? "

"The matter you asked me to investigate has already come to a conclusion." Beifeng always likes to get straight to the point when he does business: "We have found some clues about the robbers in the convoy."

Ning Zhe was instantly refreshed: "Tell me about it!"

Beifeng sorted out the language: "The group of robbers you are looking for is very cautious. With our intelligence network, we have not found any clues about them. This phenomenon is rare! We can judge from this. , they are definitely not ordinary robbers!"

Ning Zhe rolled his eyes: "Isn't this nonsense? Who would dare to rob a chaebol?"

Beifeng was very dissatisfied with being interrupted: "Are you still listening?"

Ning Zhe apologized without integrity: "I'm sorry!"

"That group of robbers robbed the convoy must have been carefully planned, but according to our investigation, the convoy they robbed that day was actually disguised! The purpose of this convoy was to transport military uniforms, quilts and other winter supplies. But it's actually a weapon!" Beifeng paused for a moment: "And they also found a convoy just like them to transport materials from the planned route, but they took another route, and this route is not It was planned, but randomly generated by the computer! And it was generated one minute before the departure of the convoy!"

"That is to say, not to mention those robbers, even the people in the convoy actually didn't know which way they were going when they set off?" Ning Zhe was instantly transparent and expressed his thoughts: "In the convoy, there is a robber's inner response!"

"Yes!" Beifeng nodded: "We checked all the survivors of the convoy robbery that day through the intelligence network, and finally found a suspicious target!"

"Can you really confirm that this robbery happened because there was an insider in the convoy?" Although Ning Zhe agreed with Beifeng's logic, he did not dare to accept this fact. The investigation of this case was According to Zhang Duo's style, it was impossible for him not to investigate the identities of the team members after the incident happened, and it is even more impossible for him not to find out the news.

Beifeng didn't say it to death: "I said that the group of robbers are very cautious, so I can't say words like confirmation. This information is only conjectured."

Ning Zhe didn't interrupt: "You continue."

"A total of 24 people participated in the **** mission of the official convoy that day, including ten policemen, ten mercenaries, and four army guards! And the target we suspect is one of the four guards, whose name is Nongtai. early."

Ning Zhe was really shocked by this bold guess: "As far as I know, the Hujun is the most elite force in the hands of the chaebol! It is also their greatest military force! Therefore, every Hujun needs to go through strict political Censored! Their treatment is also the best group of people in the fortress! And for the guards, honor and obedience are above everything else! Would such a person associate with the robbers?"

"There are no absolutes in everything! There are even exceptions!" Beifeng's tone was still calm: "Nongtaichu has a very beautiful resume. He joined the army at the age of seventeen and has served for fifteen years. He used to work in the famous Blood Lake Pioneer Corps. The deputy commander! Later, he was wounded in a combat mission and was transferred to the front line. He became a middle-level officer in the fortress garrison brigade, and thus escaped the Battle of the Blood Lake Mining Area! This person has a good reputation and is prestige in the army Very high, according to our investigation, his life is very clean, and he has not yet bought a house in the city center, and his former colleagues have already achieved great success and have strong capital!"

Ning Zhe thought for a while, and touched the cigarette case on the bedside table: "What you said, I'm getting more and more An officer who is so upright and has worked hard for Pei's family for more than ten years, why? Will you betray the team?"

"Usually the more extreme a person is, the easier it is to make choices that are difficult for ordinary people to understand! But Nong Taichu's rebellion has a reason." Beifeng's voice became a little serious: "His son is a demon!"

Ning Zhe was stunned when he heard the words.

"His son was awakened when he was in physical education class at school three months ago, and was secretly arrested by Pei's that day! He was imprisoned in the Memorial Hall of the Blood Lake Pioneer Corps! And recently, Nong Taichu has always been for this Things are running around, and people are looking for connections everywhere! So he is the one who lacks money among the guards of the entire fleet." Beifeng did not hide Ning Zhe: "Pei's always has strict confidentiality work regarding the matter of the Demon Seed. It is said that The person in charge is also directly responsible to Pei's headquarters, and no other forces should know about this matter except for our Xinghuo."

After listening to Beifeng's explanation, Ning Zhe understood why Zhang Duo didn't get the news, and asked curiously, "Blood Lake Pioneer Regiment Memorial Hall, why are the Demon Seeds sent there?"

"The Blood Lake Memorial Hall is a secret base for researching demons in Fort No. 87. Because Nong Taichu once served in the Blood Lake Group, he is familiar with some of the guards and personnel of the Memorial Hall. According to the results of our investigation, he seems to be genuine. He found a relationship that might handle this matter, because he was frantically raising money during that time." Beifeng paused: "Besides, during the period when Nong Taichu's son disappeared, he should have also There are private contacts with some strangers, because our people have found that he has been to many crowded places such as nightclubs, stadiums and concerts in the recent period, and before his son's accident, he No hobby of participating in such large gatherings!"