
Chapter 303: Pei's Thunder Fury

After Ning Zhe and Shangguan Xiaohu escaped from the border checkpoint with the help of Lin Bao, the three quickly destroyed the barbed wire grid and returned to Beicheng District. After traveling non-stop, they entered a rural area and hid in a farmyard Inside the haystacks outside.

Because of excessive exertion, Lin Bao's face was pale at the moment, and he asked tremblingly with bare buttocks: "Brother Zhe, when can we go home? I'm a bit cold!"

"Wait a minute, since such a big incident happened at the border checkpoint, martial law must be imposed in Beicheng District. If we are wandering on the street in the middle of the night, if we are found by the searchers, we will definitely be arrested and inspected! We must at least Wait until dawn, when there are more people on the street, and then find a way to let Fatty Li and Dalong pick us up!" While speaking, Ning Zhe took off his coat and handed it to Lin Bao: "You wrap this up first, Keep warm!"

"Even if we don't leave, we have to find a way to get a few clothes back, otherwise just wearing this set of clothes, I guess we are enough to be judged!" Shangguan Xiaohu pointed to the clothes on his body, and then said: "The people of the chaebol themselves are more hostile to the demon species, and I don't know if they have discovered that Abao is a demon species. If he is really discovered, after he is caught, his big **** will probably have to be sewn up superior!"

"Don't scare me!" Lin Bao's face suddenly became ugly when he heard this, Chrysanthemum tightened his voice and said, "I saved you all with good intentions! Why are you cursing me!"

While the three of them were chatting, the phone in Ning Zhe's pocket started to vibrate. He saw a call from Zhang Duo, motioned for the two to keep quiet, and then pressed the answer button: "What's the matter, calling me so late?"

Zhang Duo was also puzzled: "Where are you? Why are there so many rumors?"

Ning Zhe explained casually: "I'm in the factory! Isn't this a brick and tile house being built recently? We all live in a simple factory shed, but my tent leaks air."

Zhang Duo didn't believe it at all: "You can pull it down, and your tent has no walls, so you just set up three sticks? Such a strong wind can dry you out, right?"

"Didn't I say that the tent leaked air, and I'm repairing the tent outside the house! Tell me what's going on, I'm very busy!"

"I just received news that the border checkpoint in Beicheng District was attacked. No, the word attack is not accurate. It should be said that a guerrilla war took place there! The battle has reached the level of a small-scale war!"

Ning Zhe secretly sighed that Zhang Duo was well-informed, and then said indifferently: "There is a war at the border checkpoint, what do you tell me to do? I don't care about these things!"

"I want to tell you that your information is accurate. I have read the military briefing. That night, the weapons used by the thugs who attacked the border checkpoint are exactly the same as the weapons lost in the robbery of the official convoy! But their numbers are far beyond our expectations! According to official statistics, the size of the team attacking the border checkpoint tonight is at least the size of a reinforced platoon, with more than 50 fighters! In order to suppress the riot they launched, Pei Shi also mobilized the guard team! The battle between the two sides lasted for more than 20 minutes! According to the final statistics, the border guards sacrificed 17 people, the guard sacrificed 6 people, and wiped out 16 people!"

After listening to Zhang Duo's explanation, Ning Zhe also made a rough estimate. It is estimated that there are more than 50 people Zhang Duo mentioned, including people from the Spark Organization. If they are deducted, that is to say, Nong Taichu's side At least forty people came, and most of the sixteen people who died were from their side. Thinking of this, Ning Zhe asked the question he was most concerned about: "Where are the captives? How many of these thugs were arrested? Are there any prisoners?" Didn't you say what force you belong to?"

"This is what I'm going to tell you next! Sixteen of those thugs were annihilated! But none of the prisoners were caught! According to the mission briefing, a group of thugs who were surrounded in the yard of the oil storage warehouse found it hopeless to break through , They all chose to commit suicide at the last moment!" Zhang Duo sighed unceasingly for this: "These people are too crazy, fortunately Mrs. Lu didn't have too much trouble with them, otherwise, once entangled in such a difficult bone, it would be a mess. Big trouble."

Ning Zhe pouted: "Why, are you going to give up the batch of weapons in their hands?"

Zhang Duo smiled: "Of course not, I just said that I don't want to continue to confront them head-on. I originally thought that they were a group of civilian gangsters, but now it seems that these people must have their own organization. I will investigate their identities as soon as possible, and you will also collect some clues, if you can find out the identities of these people, then things will be interesting."

"What's the point?"

"Poke the silly dog ​​on the wall! Just like you used people from our Lu family back then, we can also let these people help to take the blame!"

Ning Zhe curled his lips slightly, and then asked, "Where did you transfer people after the Chunli massage parlor incident happened?"

"Do you think I'll tell you again? Don't you think I've been tricked once, and I have to be tricked a second time?" Zhang Duo was a little depressed when he mentioned this: "Because of your behavior, we've been planning an action for a long time. They were all cancelled. I was thinking of re-deploying operations in the last few days, but the plan had to be shelved after the incident in the northern district! The incident at the border checkpoint in the northern district tonight is the largest battle in the city since the establishment of Fort 87. incident, and that gang of thugs even killed Pei’s military and police personnel! This kind of behavior will definitely arouse strong dissatisfaction among Pei’s senior management! First, Pei’s official convoy was robbed in the administrative Now those thugs are He stormed Pei's border checkpoint with a robbery weapon and clashed with the army. All of this is trampling on Pei's bottom line! It is foreseeable that the furious Pei will take action next. Dig out these robbers at any cost! This kind of action includes but is not limited to crackdown, martial law, search and arrest, dispatching secret agents to investigate secretly, etc. According to our information, Pei's spy agency has sent a group of spies to visit the mob secretly In short, this incident is not a small one, remember to keep a low profile during the recent period, because this incident not only affects the military, it is estimated that the law and order in the fortress should also be rectified!"

"I'm just an ordinary person, as long as I stop squinting and live my life, there's nothing to be afraid of!" Ning Zhe agreed, and then changed the subject: "But I'm quite curious, how dare those thugs fight in the fortress?" There was a conflict with Pei's army, do you have any guesses about their identities?"

"If you ask me about this kind of thing, I'm also stunned! This group of gangsters dare to make such a fuss in Pei's territory, there must be someone behind them to support them! It stands to reason that anyone who can organize gangsters of this scale, except us Lu The only ones left are the Jing family and the Xiahou family, but the actions of this group of thugs are too crazy! You must know that in this world, not only others can smash nails into the Pei family's territory! Once they are exposed, they will inevitably be punished by the Pei family Retaliation! But if you say that this group of people is not organized by the other two chaebols, I really can't think of any other candidates who dare to do such a crazy thing!" Zhang Duo was also at a loss about this: "I have to Admit it, the identities of this group of people are very mysterious, and this matter is too strange!"