
Chapter 307: mouse trail

The four people who came to the sorting factory to pick up metal disappeared out of thin air. This incident surprised Ning Zhe. It was hard for him to imagine how those people distanced themselves from him in such a short period of time. It aroused Ning Zhe's curiosity to a great extent. After searching outside the courtyard to no avail, he went directly to Fatty Li's dormitory and asked him, "How has your ability to manipulate animals been trained recently?" gone?"

Fatty Li didn't know why Ning Zhe suddenly asked about this, but he replied truthfully: "Some progress has been made. I caught ten mice before and trained them to pick up waste in the garbage dump. Now there are three smarter ones. , can understand my instructions, but they can only recognize some simple cans and cans at present, and it is difficult to distinguish the type of metal."

Ning Zhe asked: "When you control them, do you need to establish a certain relationship with them and use your own spiritual will to control them, or can you give orders and let them do it by themselves?"

"I have both. I can reach a relatively simple communication with them, and I can roughly understand the thoughts of these animals, but I don't know if this is my illusion, and I don't know if those animals can know my thoughts, but they It is true that I can do some simple things according to my thinking. I don't know whether it is they understood my orders or I am manipulating them, but I think the former is more likely. It is impossible that among so many mice, only three can be controlled by me." Fatty Li paused: "Brother Zhe, why did you suddenly ask me about this?"

"I need you to do me a favor." Ning Zhe said straight to the point: "I want your mouse to help me track a few people!"

Fatty Li pursed his lips and shook his head: "This is a bit difficult, because although there is a certain connection between me and mice, I can't perceive their existence. To put it simply, for me, these mice are like It is a group of children with very low intelligence, two or three years old. I can coax them to do something, but after leaving my sight, I don’t know whether they will do it or not. The scope of my ability is limited, once they leave too far, they may not be able to come back, so if you want them to follow others, this is completely letting go!"

"I have my own ideas about this matter, and you just need to cooperate with me!" Ning Zhe thought for a while, then simply got up: "Bring your mouse, let's do an experiment!"

Ning Zhe quickly learned his lesson from the failure of tracking the night before. After the sorting factory sorted out the metal the next day, Ning Zhe began to pack the scrap iron by himself, and put a lot of steel bars horizontally in the bag And steel pipes, in this case, it will be very inconvenient for the other party to transport. At the same time, he also put a few empty cans with nuts in the bag. As long as there is a slight movement, there will be a sound, which can increase the success rate of tracking .

I won't go into details about the process, it was night soon, and Ning Zhe also hibernated at the position of the previous day, and Fatty Li, who was called to the side, was also lying on the side, staring at the corner of the courtyard wall in front of him, not daring to breathe.

At around ten o'clock, four figures crossed into the courtyard again. Ning Zhe didn't know if they were the ones who appeared the night before, but what was certain was that they were definitely members of the Nongtaichu bandit group.

After the four of them entered the courtyard with ease, they began to carry the metal. In less than ten seconds, the bag had been transported out of the wall, and then disappeared into the darkness. Fatty Li saw several people leaving, I can't wait to get out of the garbage dump.

"Don't move, wait a little longer." Ning Zhe ordered softly, and after waiting for about ten seconds, he got out of the garbage dump, tiptoed to the corner and took a look, and after confirming that the outside was still extremely empty, Looking at Fatty Li beside him: "How are you doing, have you followed?"

"I don't know, I don't have remote communication with the mouse, but I have already sent out the order! I sent the smartest mouse!" Fatty Li pushed the switch of the flashlight and shook it on the ground while speaking. He let out a sigh of relief: "Brother Zhe, I should have caught up!"

Ning Zhe looked at the ground and clenched his fist slightly. At this moment, on the ground under their feet, there was a string of faint yellow marks, all of which were scattered millet.

This is Ning Zhe's method. He hung a bag full of millet on the mouse, and then opened a small hole. As the mouse moved, the millet inside would scatter out, forming a line on the ground. The trace had already followed a hole dug by Ning Zhe in the corner of the wall to the outside of the wall. He quickly climbed over the wall and began to trace the scattered traces of millet. Fatty Li also followed Ning Zhe, rubbing his feet touch the ground, erasing traces along the way.

To Ning Zhe's surprise, the mouse's tracking track did not spread as far as he imagined, but turned to the other side against the corner of the wall, only walked a dozen meters away, and then stopped abruptly. Fatty Li continued to observe, and soon found the mouse with a rice bag tied to its body in the grass next to picked it up and put it in his pocket, and looked around the open space : "Brother Zhe, did our stalking fail? I said that the IQ of the mouse is low, making it unreliable to stalk, and"

Ning Zhe waved his hands, and turned his gaze to a big rock next to him: "We didn't fail!"

The place where the two are standing at the moment is outside the west wall of the sorting factory. Outside is a large piece of wasteland full of construction waste and overgrown with weeds. When Ning Zhe was tracking those people before, he subconsciously excluded them. This direction, because the ground is full of bricks and tiles, is completely unsuitable for several people to move forward with heavy loads. It was not until they were brought to this direction by the mouse that he really observed this place carefully. The track made of millet on the ground It spread all the way, pointing directly to a large stone with a diameter of more than one meter in front of it. At the end of the track, the amount of millet scattered increased significantly, and it turned back intermittently, indicating that when the mouse was approaching the large stone, Frightened, he quickly jumped away.

Thinking of this, Ning Zhe pushed away his flashlight, and walked slowly to the edge of the big rock. Because of the low temperature, the ground on the edge of the big rock was frozen hard, and it was impossible to leave footprints or anything. On the permafrost, there are obviously some pits and scratches. On the edge of one of the pits, there are fibers left by the scraping of the hemp rope. Looking at the other side, there are obvious traces of heavy objects moving. .

Ning Zhe looked at the traces on the ground, then at the big rock in front of him, and his heart became clear instantly.

The members of the masked gang can leave so quickly every time, not because these people can fly, but because they dug a tunnel near the sorting plant, and this big rock is probably the entrance and exit of the tunnel.