
Chapter 357: The first meeting of wolf and troll

For the shantytown renovation project in the city, Ning Zhe has long known that his sorting plant made a lot of money because of the garbage here.

The so-called shanty towns are actually an old area, not as dilapidated as the shanty towns in the outer four districts. Since the fortress was built, the buildings in the city have undergone several generations of changes, and gradually transformed from the earliest brick and tile houses gathering area. A residential area.

The reason why the area under the bridge has not been developed is because the traffic flow in the surrounding area is too large, not only the traffic is inconvenient, but also the noise is not small. After being developed, although the environment is not good, it is located in the Qiaoxia District of Cannes City, and it is still put on the development agenda.

The sun at 2 o'clock in the afternoon was slightly inclined and cast on the overlapping overpasses. Huge shadows shrouded the large shantytown houses. The longest suspended highway was like a sharp bone cutter, tearing the city apart, with tall buildings on one side. The universe, on the other side, is full of desolation.

The branch of Dark Horse Company in Qiaoxia District is a three-storey building. Before the renovation project of Qiaoxia District was launched, the only business here was to handle the water supply in the nearby area, as well as the management of several water stations. This area of ​​the district is relatively barren, but after all, the dark horse company has a lot of money, and the decoration of the branch is quite stylish, which seems out of place among the buildings in the bridge area.

When the commercial car that sent Ning Zhe to the branch office stopped in front of the branch, there were already more than 20 people standing at the door to greet him. The leader was a very handsome young man of the same age as Ning Zhe. This person is 1.8 meters tall, has sword eyebrows and star eyes, and has a bit of a creamy taste. However, his strong figure also reflects the tough guy side of this person. He wears a slim suit and his chest muscles are slightly bulging. Standing tall.

After the clerk who was in charge of sending Ning Zhe over got off the car, he pointed at the young man in suit and introduced them to Ning Zhe: "Manager Ning, let me introduce to you, this is Hu Yihan, the deputy manager of the branch company under the bridge, and the deputy manager. This is Ning Zhe, the newly appointed branch manager of the headquarters, who will handle the branch business with you in the future. Before I set off, Mr. Meng personally told you to take care of him!"

Hu Yihan smiled heartily and stretched out his palm to Ning Zhe: "It's easy to say, easy to say! In the future, everyone who stirs a spoon in a pot will be his own brother! Manager Ning, please take care of me in the future!"

"Mr. Hu's words are good. We should take care of each other, but let's do it. I don't want to be a scumbag!" Ning Zhe laughed and shook hands with Hu Yihan. As soon as they made contact, he felt Hu Yihan's shyness. The fingers and jaws are very hard, with thick calluses. According to his recent experience, this person should be an experienced gun player.

"Manager Ning, after I send you to the place, even if my work is completed, I have to return to the head office." The clerk nodded slightly to Ning Zhe, and then said to Hu Yihan, "Manager Hu, then I will take the Manager Ning gave it to you!"

"It's easy to say!" Hu Yihan exchanged a few words with the clerk, then began to greet Ning Zhe to enter the door, went directly to the office on the second floor, and introduced to him: "Manager Ning, you are new here, maybe you don't know much about the branch. Next, I will introduce to you the basic situation of our branch!"

Although Ning Zhe is the new manager, he is very clear that Hu Yihan, the escrow company, is the local snake here. He smiled and said, "Manager Hu, you are too polite. We will have more contact in the future. You can just call me Azhe."

"It's okay, I don't like those vain people either. I can see that you have no air, so I won't pretend to be arrogant with you. In the future, let's be more casual. You call me Yihan and Dahan. whatever."

Hu Yihan is also a carefree personality, and he found that Ning Zhe was on the right track with him, so he continued to introduce: "Our branch used to have a total of 28 employees, and since the manager Guo Jian's accident, there are still 20 left. Six people, in addition to me, two drivers, a cook, two plumbing maintenance staff, and a treasurer who goes door-to-door to collect water bills."

"As far as I know, our branch is responsible for the water supply of the entire area under the bridge. Are there only two plumbers?" Ning Zhe scratched his nose: "What do the remaining twenty people do?"

"Security, to put it bluntly, it is a thug." Hu Yihan handed over a cigarette and continued: "The area under the bridge is too poor, and there are many local gangsters and bullies, who often steal water and control the secondary charging of water stations. For this kind of person, persuasion and education is useless, and the most important thing is to rely on fists.

Under the arrangement of the company, our branch signed a public security and joint defense agreement with the local branch, which roughly means that if there is any public security case in the local area, the employees of the company will voluntarily assist the police, but it is actually a pretense. Our side If something goes wrong, it can be settled in the name of this joint defense station. "

Ning Zhe heard that two-thirds of the company's employees were thugs, and suddenly realized that this branch under the bridge seemed to be very different from the logistics department he used to go to.

"Dong dong!"

While the two were chatting, a maintenance worker from the company also knocked on the door, and then nodded to the two of them: "Manager Ning, Manager Hu, just now our company's people went to Zhashi Lane to collect water bills, I quarreled with the residents again, and they all said that the water from the taps at home was sewage, and refused to pay the water bill on this ground!"

After hearing this, Hu Yihan, who was still smiling, suddenly turned gloomy: "Zhashixiang? Why are these guys making trouble again? Isn't the pipeline over there repaired?"

The maintenance worker explained: "Manager Hu, the last time we went to repair, we just planed the ground and repaired the cracked and leaking pipes, but the pipes there are indeed aging, and there is a lot of mud and rust inside. Residues, if we don't replace the pipeline, it will indeed affect the water quality, or, let's replace the pipeline?"

"Change your farts, they are used to their stinky problems!" Hu Yihan waved his hand: "Didn't they say there is sewage? Okay, then close the drain valve to the **** alley, thirsty for them, and let them buy bottles Let's live with water! When you can't afford it anymore, when you come to beg us, turn on the water valve again! Then I'll see who's dirty!"

"Okay." The maintenance worker heard the words and turned to leave.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Ning Zhe looked sideways at Hu Yihan: "Manager Hu, what's the situation in the **** lane you just mentioned?"

Hu Yihan explained casually: " This is the case, didn't I just say that the area under the bridge is too poor, and it is usually a problem to collect water fees, and the demolition work here is currently underway. They started to move out one after another, so they wanted to default on the water bill."

"No, I just heard that the pipeline over there has not been repaired for a long time, but before I came, I happened to read the financial report of the branch." Ning Zhe narrowed his eyes: "As far as I know, the branch is here. The maintenance expenses reported twice a year are clearly written as pipeline replacement, and the number is not small.”

After listening to Ning Zhe's words, Hu Yihan slowly raised his head and looked at him: "Manager Ning, what do you mean by that? Are you going to take us to the head office and take credit for it?"

"I'm sorry, this is my duty." Ning Zhe looked at Hu Yihan with a serious face: " can give me half of the money you hacked. If you agree, I will report to the head office in the afternoon. Ask for additional maintenance costs!"

Hearing this, Hu Yihan's eyes instantly burst into a gleam of late meeting: "Brother, I didn't see it, you are still a talented person!"


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