
Chapter 380: Information spit out by Zhang Liang

Due to the development of the bridge area, many original residents have already moved out after receiving the compensation, resulting in a large number of idle houses here.

When Zhang Liang woke up, he found himself lying in a completely unfamiliar place. The clothes on his body had been taken off, and the injured area had been bandaged. The exposed skin was covered with a layer of mucus, and the joints appeared. There were countless cracks, and the pale yellow fat and red muscle inside could be vaguely seen.

In addition to the body being bandaged, Zhang Liang's hands, feet and legs were also tied with four iron chains, and the other side was tied to the steel rods fixed to the wall to prevent them from breaking free.

At this time, Hu Yihan, Ning Zhe, Shangguan Xiaohu, and Cao Xinglong were all staring at him, and Cao Xinglong was holding a pistol with a firing hammer in his hand, aiming at Zhang Liang's body.

"Don't get me wrong, we have no ill intentions, and we don't want to hurt you." Ning Zhe saw that Zhang Liang turned his attention to himself, and explained, "It's just that everyone's camp is different, we have to guard against it."

Zhang Liang quickly figured out his situation: "I didn't kill me, and I didn't put me in a cell. You are from the Dark Horse Company, right?"

Hu Yihan nodded: "Yes, as long as you can honestly cooperate with us and answer our few questions, I can guarantee that you will not be abused and you can live!"

"Put away your negotiation skills." After listening to Hu Yihan's words, Zhang Liang showed a disdainful smile on his face: "Look at me like a bear, I can still live for a few days, do you think I am afraid of death? "

"You became like this because of Guangzhi Company, right?" Ning Zhe could indeed see through Zhang Liang's eyes that he was desperate for his current situation: "They are really worth your life for them?"

"Fuck the Guangzhi Company!" Zhang Liang suddenly became excited when he heard the name: "They are a bunch of liars! Shit!"

Hu Yihan caught Zhang Liang's resistance to Guangzhi Company, and immediately grasped the point: "Since Guangzhi Company is not worthy of your nostalgia, then you have to think about the people around you. I have already talked to Shi Chunhong. In recent years, You owe a lot of gambling debts outside, and she is always helping you secretly.

And her current husband is a psychopath and will often use some perverted methods to torture her. After you learn about this, you want to take her away and say that there is a way to get a lot of money. After that, you It just disappeared, and that's why you joined the Guangzhi Company because they promised you benefits, right? "

After listening to Hu Yihan's words, Zhang Liang struggled a bit, and the iron chain he was wearing rattled, "Did you tell Shi Chunhong about me?"

"No, we don't know your details, so we didn't tell him anything." Ning Zhe felt that Zhang Liang still cared about this Shi Chunhong, and seeing his reaction, he continued to add: "But if you don't say anything If so, I don't mind letting her come and see what you look like now."

"Intimidation is useless to me. I am a dying person, what else can I have any scruples?" Zhang Liang and Ning Zhe looked at each other, although his tone was firm, but his eyes were obviously dodging: "I want me to cooperate with you, Yes, but you have to promise me three conditions!"

Ning Zhe nodded: "As long as it's not too much, it's fine."

Zhang Liang said calmly: "First, don't tell Shi Chunhong about me! Second, I accidentally killed a taxi driver while I was running for my life, and I tried to compensate her family! Third, help I killed Shi Chunhong's husband Yu Ying."

"I don't want to lie to you." Hu Yihan said bluntly: "We can do your first two conditions, but murder is too risky, and you are not worth our risk, so we can't agree, I know you are worried about Shi Chunhong should continue to be tortured, so he can be sent to prison by all other means, such as tax evasion and other charges."

Zhang Liang was noncommittal: "Tell me, what do you want to know?"

Seeing that Zhang Liang chose to cooperate, Ning Zhe turned his attention to Hu Yihan, but in order to avoid omission of his own question, Hu Yihan kicked the ball back when Zhang Liang was willing to cooperate: "As for what you know, follow the light. All the news about the company."

"I am a gambler. There are only two things in life, living and gambling. Shi Chunhong is my ex-girlfriend. We have a deep relationship, but she married Yu Ying under the pressure of her family. He has been in contact with me secretly, and he would always secretly give me some money to repay the gambling debt.

More than a month ago, I won a lot of money in a casino. In order to let me spit out the money, the casino owner asked an old man to play a game for me, making me owe more than 100,000 foreign debts. At that time, I was desperate, so I wanted to go to Shi Chunhong for help, but I accidentally discovered that Yu Ying, the beast, had many perverted hobbies, and Shi Chunhong was tortured by him.

At that moment, I was very confused. I wanted to kill Yu Ying, but I just thought about it, because I didn't have that ability. At that time, I hated myself for not being able to live up to my expectations. I wanted to make money and take Shi Chunhong far away, so that she could stay away from that scumbag Yu Ying, But the only way I could make money was to gamble. At that time, I asked a high-interest person to borrow money. He didn't lend it to me, but said he could show me a clear path and make a lot of money.

At that time, I was already in debt, and I was stimulated by the Shi Chunhong incident, so I wanted to make a lot of money, so I went to Baoshi Flower Street according to that person's When Ning Zhe heard Zhang Liang say this, he interjected and asked, "Where is Baoshi Huajie?"

"A Hualiu Lane in Baocheng District is located in a semi-underground old-fashioned anti-aircraft tunnel. The security is very chaotic. It is supported by pornography, gambling and drugs. After answering Ning Zhe's doubts, Hu Yihan nodded to Zhang Liang: "You continue."

"Give me a cigarette." Zhang Liang put forward conditions, and after Hu Yihan handed him the cigarette he had been lit, he continued: "At that time, I went to a bar called Huandie in Huajie, and the proprietress Song Jia met me and listened to me. After talking about my purpose, I was introduced to a man called the old thief."

Hearing the name, Ning Zhe and Hu Yihan narrowed their eyes at the same time. This was not the first time they had heard the name Old Thief.

Zhang Liang continued: "I haven't seen the old thief. At that time, Song Jia gave me a mobile phone that could only accept calls but let me leave. Shortly after I went out, I received a man who claimed to be an old thief. The man called me and invited me to join Guangzhi Company.

At that time, he gave me two choices. The first one was to be their thug, and I could get a salary of 10,000 yuan a month, but no matter what happened, they would not care about us. The risk was borne by themselves, but they We're guaranteed not to be put to death, but maybe sent out of the fort. "

Ning Zhe was clear in his mind. Those who could receive 10,000 yuan should be those ordinary gangsters, but Zhang Liang was not included, so he asked, "Did you choose the second condition?"