
Chapter 381: genetic experiment

Zhang Liang nodded in response to Ning Zhe's words: "Yes, although I have no money, I have seen money when I gamble. For ordinary people, a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan is a lot, but for me, even It’s not enough to fill the gambling debt hole, let alone the matter of taking Shi Chunhong far away. I’m willing to take risks, and I’m running for quick money, so I asked the old thief what the second condition was, but the old thief didn’t answer. I."

Ning Zhe and Hu Yihan looked at each other, both of them saw in each other's eyes that they didn't understand, but neither spoke, so as not to interrupt Zhang Liang's train of thought.

Zhang Liang let out a breath of smoke: "I saw the old thief didn't speak at the time, so I told him that I was very short of money, and I was looking for him to make quick money, so the first condition was not very attractive to me, the old thief had nothing at that time. I didn't say anything, just told me to keep my phone turned on and wait for his call.

After about three days, I received a call from the old thief again. He said to me, let me go to the backyard of a plastic factory. I asked him what he wanted to do, but he didn't tell me. In those days, it was supposed to be investigating my background.

After I arrived at the plastic factory mentioned by the old thief, I didn't see him in person, but was led to a warehouse by a few young people. At that time, they asked me to take off all my clothes, checked me, and asked me to test at the same time. Although I was puzzled, I was cooperating with them in order to make money. After the test was completed, they still didn't say anything and let me go. "

Ning Zhe felt that Zhang Liang's words were very important, and asked, "Where is that plastic factory?"

Zhang Liang knew Ning Zhe's intentions, and said in a flat tone: "In Weihe Road in Jiangtian District, if you want to arrest people, it's probably not a game, because the people there have already been killed by me, according to the old thief's behavior, He would definitely drop it there."

Ning Zhe pursed his lips: "You continue."

"Three hours after I finished the physical fitness test, I received a call from the old thief again. He said that he could talk to me about the second condition. This condition is still to serve them, and I need to serve them for a total of three months, three At the end of the month, you can get 500,000!

At that time, after I heard this number, I was completely dazzled by the money, so I told the old thief, even if he made me work hard, I would do the work, and the old thief smiled and said that it was not that troublesome. , but I need to be injected with a medicine from them. As long as the medicine is finished, I can get a deposit of 50,000.

At that time, for the sake of money, I was not afraid of death, and naturally I was not afraid of injections.

At that time, after I was injected with an injection, my arm was swollen for a whole day, and I vomited and had diarrhea for two days in a row. Doing drug experiments, but for the money, I still put up with it.

At that time, there were eight people who were injected with me, but on the third day, two of them were dead. At that time, the rest of us were all scared and wanted to flee, but those people pointed guns at us. , we were not allowed to leave at all, and one person was killed because of it.

When there was no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, I could only accept my fate. I didn't expect that I actually survived it. After the high fever subsided, I was surprised to find that several people who we had received injections had all suffered from physical problems. Change, everyone's muscles have become stronger and stronger.

At that time, one of our people had this kind of change in his body, and he attacked the guard and ran out, and the other three people, like me, were all in urgent need of getting the old thief because of various pressures. The money he gave, he kept it safely, and began to do things according to the old thief's instructions. "

After listening to Zhang Liang's remarks, Ning Zhe suddenly thought of his own experience: "You mean that you became infinitely powerful because you were injected with medicine?"

"That's right, but my ghostly appearance now is also due to the sequelae of the injection of that drug!" Zhang Liang raised his cracked arm and gestured: "In the beginning, a few of us became strong. Under the remote command of the old thief, Da Wuxian has done a lot of things, including assassination, robbery, escort, etc., and later began to participate in the development project of the area under the bridge.

During this period, we were injected with a drug every day, and there was no rejection. At that time, we all gained great strength. Everyone was complacent about it, and felt that if they left after two months, not only could they get dozens of Wan, but also able to become such a powerful person.

However, we soon found out that we were caught in a huge conspiracy. Once we were ordered to assassinate Guo Jian, the manager of the dark horse branch. After the incident was completed, we were surrounded by the dark horse company and escaped for a whole day. All of them found something wrong, because our skin was dissolving. At the beginning, everyone thought that they were sweating, but no matter how they wiped or washed, they were not clean, and slowly came the rubbed skin. kind of tingling.

When we successfully returned to the warehouse to receive the injection, we learned the real reason. Although the drugs we injected can make people stronger, they will also rewrite the genetic sequence of people, making our DNA chaotic, so that we can make people stronger. A genetic disease, and skin dissolution is one of the symptoms.

At that time, people from Guangzhi told us that this was just a side effect of the injected drug. As long as we insisted on taking the drug, we could avoid the onset of genetic disease. When the two months expired, as long as we injected their blocking needle, we could recover like a normal person. , but we all know that it's a scam at all, otherwise, the old thief doesn't have to go to great lengths to find us desperate people for injections, can't we just hit our own people directly? Our symptoms are getting more and more serious. Although we are injecting medicines every day, we can no longer control the dissolution of the skin. Slowly, our skin begins to become fragile and loose, the most serious one , When wiping your nose, you can rub off the skin of the nose.

All of us know that we have fallen into a trap, but we have no chance to escape. We can only choose to work for Guangzhi Company, and keep brainwashing ourselves, deceiving ourselves that the blocking needle is real, but we all You know, this thing has no effect at all, or does not have the kind of effect they say, at least it will leave serious sequelae.

My initial idea was very simple, to get a sum of money and take Shi Chunhong to fly away, but I didn't expect that what happened on Anli Street a few days ago would reveal my identity, and the people of Guangzhi Company would also remove me. Fuck me, I've been injecting that drug for a while now, but my skin and muscles have become more and more fragile, and I've gradually lost my sense of pain, taste, and smell, and now even touch is slowly disappearing.

We were all **** deceived by the people from Guangzhi Company! According to my current development, even if I inject drugs, I can't live for two months at all. Their so-called two-month period is simply drawing a cake for us, because we can't live to get the final payment. one day! "

Ning Zhe looked at Zhang Liang who was covered in scars and desperately told about the passing of Zhang Liang. He was very clear in his heart that this guy was not a demon at all, but a biochemical human with genetic defects created by Guangzhi Company. What the thieves did to them was essentially an inhumane genetic experiment.