
Chapter 406: unexpected situation

After lying in the snow for 40 minutes, Nong Taichu's condition was already in danger, and his numb body curled up involuntarily.

At this time, his eyes were already a little swollen and painful from the cold, and his vision became extremely blurred. Only through the snowflakes covering his cheeks, he could vaguely see the red glow emanating from the burning flames in the house.

At this moment, Nong Taichu suddenly thought of his son Nong Lei.

In three days, it will be Nong Lei's birthday. Before his assignment tonight, Nong Taichu promised him that he would cook him a braised fish by himself on his birthday.

If he died in this snow at this moment, Nong Lei would definitely be very sad.

Nong Taichu recalled what his son said to him the day he rescued Nong Lei at the border station: "Dad, you are my hero, I know you will definitely come to save me!"

The current situation is chaotic. If Nong Taichu dies, how will his child who is less than ten years old and still a Demon Seed survive in this chaotic era?

Thinking of Nong Lei, Nong Taichu's mouth wriggled slightly, wanting to open his mouth to compromise, but the words came to his mouth, but they were stuck in his throat.

As a member of the bandit, Nong Taichu also knew very well that if he opened his mouth like this, he would lose his father and the number of children living in troubled times would increase.

Nong Taichu's nose was sore, but because his cheeks were numb from the cold, and no tears came out, he began to close his eyes, recalling the bits and pieces from when the child fell to the ground until he gradually grew up. Since he was going to die, he would also die here. Among the deepest memories.

Although Ning Zhe didn't talk to Nong Taichu during the whole process, he was still watching the situation on his side.

At this moment, the snow covering Nong Taichu's body already shows signs of wriggling.

Next, his bodily functions will decline exponentially until he loses his vital signs. When hunting in refugee areas, Ning Zhe would often track animals, waiting for them to be killed in this way by the cold winter.

After confirming that Nongtaichu would rather face death than choose to compromise with himself, Ning Zhe was a little disappointed: "It's almost there, bring people in."

When Shangguan Xiaohu heard the words, he stepped on the snow and went to the yard. He carried Nong Taichu, who had fainted, back to his room, ready to put it by the fire to keep warm.

"Don't let him go directly to the fire source, rub his body with snow, and restore his body temperature first." Ning Zhe didn't know whether this earthly method was useful, but when he was in the refugee area, everyone found that they were frozen in the snow. people use it this way.

While Shangguan Xiaohu did as he did, Ning Zhe also took out his mobile phone and was about to dial Zhang Duo's number to chat with him about Nongtaichu, but before he could dial, Hu Yihan called first and pressed Got down to answer: "Hello?"

The voice on the other side of the phone was not Hu Yihan, but an unfamiliar male voice: "Where is Nong Taichu?"

Hearing this strange voice, Ning Zhe frowned: "Who are you?"

The other party's tone was a little impatient, and he didn't hide the threat in his words: "Your friend, it's all in my hands, I only give you one chance to answer, where is Nong Taichu?"

When Ning Zhe heard this, he knew that something must have happened to Hu Yihan and the others. He also said with a gloomy expression, "If you want Nong Taichu to live, don't let my friend suffer any harm!"

"I'll give you an hour, take Nong Taichu and the remaining half of the notes back to the branch under the bridge, don't play any kind of careful thought, once we find out that something is wrong with you, none of the people in the branch will survive! "


After the other party stopped talking, he didn't give Ning Zhe any chance to speak, and hung up the phone bluntly.

Ning Zhe heard the busy tone on the phone, and glanced at Nong Taichu, who was still in a coma. The fists holding the phone were white with excessive force.

Before the interrogation of Nong Taichu, he had spoken to Hu Yihan on the phone, which made him beware, and Ning Zhe had seen Hu Yihan's ability with his own eyes. With his level of prudence, there could be problems, which was enough to show the ability of those people on the other side. .

When Ning Zhe talked to Hu Yihan before, he asked him to go back to the branch to pick up someone, but now that he has a problem, it means that Lin Bao, Cao Xinglong and Fatty Li must have also been arrested together. This result means that Ning Zhe's side People have been wiped out.

Before, Ning Zhe didn't know the relationship between the people of Guangzhi Company and the people of the Nongtaichu bandit group, so he chose to let the people of Xinghuo organization help him to do things together, but now he knows the identity of Nongtaichu. It was a little more apprehensive, because in his opinion, the bandits around Nong Taichu were not much worse than the biochemical humans of Guangzhi Company, and even a little scarier than them.

I tried to call Fatty Li and others, but they were all turned off. This result further confirmed Ning Zhe's conjecture.

In the face of this replacement condition, Ning Zhe has no other choice, and he also knows that the head office will not provide him with assistance, but he will never choose to sit still according to the other party's statement.

More than an hour ago, the talents of the Spark organization had just helped Ning Zhe deal with the accessories market in the West District. At this moment, Ning Zhe could no longer trouble Beifeng, so he called Zhang Duo without hesitation, saying nonsense. No one said: "I encountered trouble in the area under the bridge and need your help."

Zhang Duo heard Ning Zhe's expected impatience, and did not greet him, "You say it."

"Send some people to the area under the bridge, I am very short of staff."

"Okay, I'll let Hu Lang lead the team." Zhang Duo first agreed to the matter, and then asked for details: "What happened there?"

Ning Zhe still trusts Hu Lang's fighting literacy very much. Seeing that Zhang Duo has sent the elite of the Lu family to lead the team, he continues: "The matter is very complicated, I won't be able to explain it to you for a while, Hu Lang rushed After arriving at the area under the bridge, let him lead people to ambush under the bridge to distinguish around the company. As long as you hear gunshots, you can wait for an opportunity. As for the situation at the scene, I don't know yet, but I believe that Hu Lang can make a comparison. I am more correct."

"no problem."

After the two had finished the call, Ning Zhe continued to wait in the house for about half an hour. After receiving a call from Zhang Duo, he heard that Hu Lang was already in place, so he followed Guan Xiaohu and returned to the branch office.

Ning Zhe himself was in a residential house in the Qiaoxia District, not too far from the branch office. After more than ten minutes, he rushed to the vicinity of the branch office and let Shangguan Xiaohu bring him who had woken up and was in a dizzy state. Nong Taichu stayed outside, returned to the branch by himself, pushed the door and walked into the brightly lit hall.


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