
Chapter 407: Ancestors and Spirits

When Ning Zhe walked into the branch, the hall was brightly lit. Two thugs armed with rifles and wearing bandit hats were also on guard. When they saw Ning Zhe enter the door, they pointed their guns at him.

Seeing the vigilant eyes under the hats of the two bandits, Ning Zhe raised his arm slightly, indicating that he was not aggressive: "I am Ning Zhe, and I am not carrying a weapon."

One of the militants glanced at Ning Zhe, did not search him, but turned to go upstairs: "Come with me, our boss is waiting for you upstairs."

When Ning Zhe heard the mob mention the word boss, his first reaction was that Guangzhi Company sent someone to negotiate with him. After hesitating for a while, he also followed the mob up the stairs. At the same time, he observed the surroundings. There are no bullet marks or bloodstains inside. It seems that there should be no fierce conflict here, which makes him feel a little more at ease.

Ning Zhe didn't have too much psychological pressure on coming to meet these gangsters, because he didn't bring the second half of the scientific research notes that the other party wanted and Nong Taichu with him, and he also firmly believed that in In the eyes of this group of people, what they want is far more valuable than their own lives at the bottom of the society, and even if they have any changes, Ning Zhe has retained the Lu's spy as a back-up.

Walking in the familiar corridor of the branch, the thug finally took Ning Zhe to the door of his own office: "Come in, our boss is waiting for you."

Ning Zhe looked at the thugs: "Where's my friend?"

In the face of Ning Zhe's question, the thugs were silent. Ning Zhe found that he couldn't get the answer he wanted, so he pushed the door and walked into the room.

At this moment, the light in Ning Zhe's office room was also lit, and a figure was sitting on his swivel chair with his back facing him, holding a book in his hand.

Because the back of the swivel chair blocked the other person's figure, Ning Zhe could only vaguely see that he was a man by the shape of his head. Seeing that the other side was silent, he took the initiative to ask, "Where are my friends?"

The man in the chair did not answer the question: "I didn't expect that you also looked at the Three Kingdoms."

Hearing this voice, Ning Zhe immediately narrowed his eyes and stared at the figure on the chair.

As the swivel chair moved slowly, the man sitting on it slowly turned around, put the Three Kingdoms in his hand on the table, and got up slowly, a smile appeared on his face: "Ning Zhe, long time no see."

"Su Fei?!"

When Ning Zhe saw the person sitting on the chair, it was like a lightning strike for a moment, and his mind went blank.

He had had countless conjectures about the situation tonight, but he never thought that the person who stood on the opposite side of him would actually be Su Fei, the security guard he met in the refugee area.

When he was in the refugee area, Ning Zhe was arrested by the other party colluding with law enforcement captain Kang Wenyao because of a conflict with Xiao Qi of the Black Flag Gang, and he almost died at the guard post.

Later, it was Su Fei who extended a helping hand and won a spot for Ning Zhe as a guide for the scientific expedition team. During the arrest, I saw a glimmer of light, and entered the fortress that millions of people dreamed of, with today's achievements and status.

It was also because Su Fei had injected him with cell repair fluid that Ning Zhe could control his violent state and no longer be troubled by the strange disease that could happen at any time.

To a certain extent, Su Fei rewrote Ning Zhe's life to a large extent, and Ning Zhe was always grateful to Su Fei in his heart, and would often think of him.

When Ning Zhe finished his work as a guide for the scientific expedition team and returned to the refugee area, he heard the news of Su Fei's death, but he never believed it. still alive.

No matter what he said, he never thought that he would meet Su Fei in this way, and he was still on the opposite side.

Su Fei was wearing a neat suit at the moment. Seeing a flash of surprise in Ning Zhe's eyes, he tidied up his clothes: "Why, I have changed so much that you can't recognize me anymore?"


Ning Zhe looked at Su Fei and had a thousand words to say, but he didn't know where to start, because even he himself didn't know whether the way the two met at the moment was a meeting of enemies or a reunion of old friends.

"Don't worry, your friends are well taken care of by me, but in order to prevent them from knowing my identity, they are still detained, and this building is not as heavily guarded as you think, only the two downstairs. A bodyguard who pretends to be." Su Fei's tone was steady, and the expression on his face did not change: "Is Nong Taichu still alive?"

Ning Zhe nodded: "Yes."

"That's good!" Su Fei smiled, walked over to the bookcase in the room, opened the door and took out the two bottles of highly distilled wine inside, and gestured to Ning Zhe: "This is true, or is it true? decorations?"

Ning Zhe glanced at the wine Hu Yihan gave him: "Really, this is a gift from others after I took office."

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I borrow flowers to offer Buddha a drink." Su Fei didn't feel any nervousness. He walked to the tea table generously, picked up two tea cups, and suddenly raised his head: "Oh, by the way, before drinking, first Let your friends who are lying in ambush get It's freezing cold, and it's not easy for them."

Seeing that Su Fei had filled two glasses of wine, Ning Zhe pondered for a moment, and finally sent a text message to Hu Lang.

He didn't know how Su Fei knew that there was an ambush outside, and he didn't know why Su Fei only met him now since he was from Guangzhi's side, but he was as cautious as Ning Zhe, when facing Su Fei, But he was able to be sure that Su Fei would not hurt himself.

"Sit!" Su Fei filled two glasses of wine, waited for Ning Zhe to sit on the opposite sofa, picked up the teacup and touched the glass in front of Ning Zhe: "People in troubled times are like wormwood, this first glass of wine, to celebrate you and me Old friends reunited, and they are still alive!"

"In this year, being alive is indeed something worth celebrating." Ning Zhe took Su Fei's words, but he didn't hold up the wine glass in front of him, and looked at him with burning eyes: "Why are you here?"

Su Fei took a sip of the high-grade gin in the glass and let the alcohol slowly flow down his throat: "This is a turbulent era, we should keep some secrets for each other, just like I didn't ask. , With a refugee like you, why can you be so prosperous in the fortress and become the manager of the dark horse company, right?"

Ning Zhe was not satisfied with Su Fei's answer: "Why did you get involved with the thugs from Guangzhi and Nong Taichu? Who are you?"

"It seems that if we don't say something to you, it seems that our glass of wine will be difficult to drink... Before answering your question, it is necessary for me to make a formal self-introduction to you."

Seeing Ning Zhe staring at him stubbornly, Su Fei put down the teacup in his hand and met his gaze: "I am one of the founders of the Northern Wasteland Refugee Resistance Army and the top general of this revolutionary army."