
Chapter 483: New ghosts are troubled by old ghosts cr

After a night of rest, Ning Zhe woke up to the sound of cannons. During the night, perhaps because of the pressure of entering the war zone, everyone was disturbed by the sound of cannons and couldn't sleep. Only Cao Xinglong and Shangguan Xiaohu They slept well. One of them was because they had big hearts, and the other was because they had taken off their hearing aids, so they didn't hear anything at all.

According to the itinerary plan, after the transport team crosses the Qiongling battlefield, it still needs to continue to travel 400 kilometers in the desert to reach the Qiulin mining area under the Dark Horse Company, and the place to pass through during this period is the most chaotic place in Mobei. One of the regions, Lingnan.

The Qiongling Mountains are long and obstructed. In order to pass through this dangerous place of right and wrong as soon as possible in one day, the transport team had already set off from the transit base at 5:30 in the morning and started to march towards the Qiongling Mountains.

At this moment, the sky is still dark, but the road is very lively, and countless vehicles going to and from the front line are rolling back and forth with billowing smoke and dust.

When the sun showed half of his cheeks on the horizon, the Qiongling Mountains had already entered Ning Zhe's line of sight.

Looking from a distance, one mountain after another is ups and downs, continuous, and there is no edge.

What Ning Zhe didn't expect was that the Qiongling Mountains were not as bare and barren as he had imagined. Most of the hillsides were covered with green areas. After asking the old Zhao who sent them over from the branch office, he learned that Qiongling was not as barren as he imagined. There are a large number of evergreen coniferous pine forests growing on the mountain range. It is a rare mountain range in Beihuang with large forests, but now it has also been destroyed by the war.

This is the first time Ning Zhe, who has lived in the desert since he was a child, has seen such a large-scale mountain range and forest. On the front line, the troops of the unknown side have already advanced in advance in order to prevent the enemy from using fire and destroying the minefield. The forest was lit, ready to open up a position, and the black smoke rising into the sky was enough to explain what kind of fierce battle was taking place in this mountain range.

The entrance to the Qiongling Mountains is not as covered with tents as Ning Zhe imagined. The garrison responsible for guarding the entrance dug many caves as shelters on the mountain and on the ground. Except for a few people who were responsible for the inspection of the intersection, most of them. The soldiers were all sheltered in the bunkers and did not show up.

After the transport team arrived at the checkpoint, Lao Zhao also brought Ning Zhe to a lieutenant company commander who was in charge of the inspection, and handed the pass and a kraft paper envelope to it: "Company Commander Yu, you have worked hard to lead your brothers to the frontier. , these money are not respect, you take it to buy cigarettes!"

"Yeah." Company Commander Yu replied softly, glanced at the pass, and then looked at Ning Zhe: "Are you the person in charge of the transport team?"

"Ning Zhe!" Ning Zhe briefly introduced himself, took out a cigarette case and pulled out a cigarette: "Take care of you!"

"Take care? I can't even take care of myself in this ghost place, so what can I do to take care of you?" Company Commander Yu sneered, dragged Ning Zhe's cigarette pack away, and waved at the soldiers around him: "Go, unload all the vegetables from their car!"

"Company Commander Yu, what do you mean? Our dark horse company's transport team is passing through the road, but it has been officially approved!" Lao Zhao heard this and said in a low voice: "And our branch usually pays homage to you. "It's a bit inhumane for you to do this, right?"

"Why, why do you use this to scare Lao Tzu?" When Elder Zhao heard Lao Zhao's whispered words, he immediately narrowed his eyes and shouted without any cover: "Yes, Lao Tzu did take your money! If you don't agree, go and sue me now! I even had half of my stomach amputated to fight! Are you afraid that you will sue me? If the military court really arrests me and locks me up! I have to thank you!"

Old Zhao was a slick person, and seeing that his threat had no effect, he immediately smiled and said, "Company Commander Yu, calm down! I didn't mean to threaten you! I just ask you to raise your hand!"

"Don't talk nonsense to me! Now the war is in a hurry, and our supply lines in the rear have also been damaged to varying degrees by small units of the enemy! Today's material supply can only guarantee the delivery of weapons! The supply of vegetables has been cut off for half a month!"

Company Commander Yu interrupted Lao Zhao impatiently, and pointed at the soldiers behind him: "You show me clearly, we are throwing our heads and blood on the front line, in order to protect the people behind you, we can't even take our lives! Maybe! In one second, I had to be hit by a bullet, and I could only eat canned food three times a day! Now I'm taking my life in exchange for some vegetables for you. Is there anything wrong with this?! Mountain, keep the vegetables! Otherwise, go back to where they came from!"

Lao Zhao felt the tough attitude of Captain Yu, and his face was tangled: "Minister Ning, look at this..."

"I agree!" Ning Zhe saw Company Commander Yu's attitude and knew that if they didn't hand in the vegetables, they would definitely not be able to pass this level. Although the opponent's rank was not high, the battlefield was originally a barbaric place, even if the head office was there. You can find a relationship to dredge, but it will also take a lot of time.

The Qiongling Mountains are only 400 kilometers away from the Qiulin mining area. Including the time to pass through Qiongling, it only takes about three days. In such a short period of time, even if there is no vegetable supply in the convoy, there will be no major problems. , after all, they can supply supplies everywhere, but these soldiers can't.

These Pei's soldiers can only be stationed here for a long time. In the face of the lack of supply lines, they can only eat compressed biscuits and canned food every day. The long-term depressive atmosphere on the battlefield has made these soldiers tense, because everyone I don't know when the cannonball will hit me, so everyone has the mentality that one extra second is one second. In this case, people will become barbaric, which is reasonable.

In the eyes of these soldiers, being able to eat vegetables on the battlefield is what they care most about, and Ning Zhe is naturally unlikely to have disputes with the military over such trivial matters, so without any hesitation, he directly stores the convoy. vegetables were shipped.

After a short interlude, the team finally entered the Qiongling Mountains smoothly.

Because of the need to avoid the minefields along the way, the convoy could only drive along the route designated by Pei’s. The convoy traveled smoothly for a certain distance at the beginning. It can already be described as devastated.

On a fairly flat hillside, the whole earth was stained with blood. The sound of the cannons that Ning Zhe had been hearing yesterday happened in this place.

A night of fierce The battle area has shifted to the distance, artillery fire roared in the valley, smoke filled the air, and the clouds covered the sun.

The frontline position that was taken back by Pei was full of corpses, which was horrible to see. In order to clear the road, the corpses that were too late to deal with had to be piled up on the side of the road, like a small hill piled up with human body parts. The smell of blood in the air was disgusting. The internal organs that flowed out of the corpse had been frozen on ice.

On the cold ground on both sides of the road, the wounded soldiers of Pei's family were lying on the ground, and countless medical staff were busy in the crowd, while the wounded soldiers belonging to other chaebols were all numb and waiting to die after being disarmed.

Although it was only a glimpse, this scene has refreshed Ning Zhe's understanding of the war.

Company Commander Yu was on the battlefield, and he didn't have much hope. He just wanted to get some vegetables for his soldiers, while the chaebols who had no worries about food and clothing exchanged their lives for what they wanted.

These sons, who are in their prime, rushed to the battlefield to safeguard the interests and peace of the chaebol at the cost of their lives.

It's just that this scene of new ghosts annoyed by old ghosts and crying, I am afraid, most of the dignitaries among the chaebols have never witnessed it.