
Chapter 494: The behavior of the revolutionary army

After the dinner between Shangxu and Weishe in the mining area, Ning Zhe was sent back to the room by the two selected women. A young woman was about to take off her clothes after entering the door, while the remaining girl stood bewildered, looking a little overwhelmed.

"Enough." Ning Zhe interrupted their movements and waved to them, "I don't need you to do anything."

When the young woman heard Ning Zhe's words, her face changed suddenly, and she said in fear: "No need? This little brother, what did I do wrong? If there is something I did wrong, tell me and I will change it! "

"I said, I don't need you to do anything for me!" Ning Zhe looked at the cautious two people and said, "I will tell Cao Shaobo that you have provided me with services."

"thanks, thanks!"

When the woman heard this, she immediately knelt on the ground and began to kowtow to Ning Zhe. The little girl next to her reacted and knelt down.

Ning Zhe looked at the two helpless women in front of him and asked, "Are you all refugees?"

The young woman nodded: "I'm a refugee from the Lu family! A few months ago, a company's motorcade passed by our village and was robbed by bandits outside the village. My husband happened to be away from the village that day, so he was arrested by the Lu family. The pickets were arrested as spies."

The girl also nodded: "I am a refugee from the Jing family. My father was arrested for smuggling. I came here with my mother. We walked for seven months one after another, and my mother froze to death on the road. ."

Ning Zhe knew that it would be suspicious to leave the room now, so he looked at the young woman: "You have exchanged your body for the freedom of your family. Will the people in Qiulin Mine really keep their word?"

"Maybe." The young woman was also at a loss: "I heard that someone used this method to exchange their family members before, so I wanted to try it."

Ning Zhe continued to ask, "Can the workers who left the mining area return to their previous lives?"

"It's difficult." The woman nodded: "It's just a matter of the mining area to let the laborers go in the Qiulin mining area, but to the outside world, the laborers who leave the mining area are still guilty. If they are caught, they can only be sent to I've already made up my mind about going somewhere else, and after I change my husband, I'll go back to my original village to find someone to remarry, and then let him become a bandit."

"Being a bandit?" Ning Zhe was quite surprised by the young woman's answer: "You are willing to sacrifice your body to exchange your husband, but not to live a good life with him?"

"In the world of refugees, life can't be so easy! We are a husband and wife, and being able to rescue him is the only thing I can do for him." The young woman mentioned the sad thing, and her tears began to be like beads with a broken thread. Falling down: "After he went out, he couldn't go back to the village. There was no other way to go except to become a bandit, and I couldn't survive alone as a woman, let alone go to the bandit den with him. Looking for another family, we can live together, which is not bad."

Ning Zhe asked again, "Have you ever thought about rescuing him and living in another place together?"

"People's hearts are sinister. We live in the villages where we grew up, and we will be bullied by others. If we go to other places, it may not be a good thing. The refugees can't even get enough to eat, so how can they accept outsiders?" With tears in his eyes, he showed a wry smile: "I don't know why it's so hard for refugees to live."

After Ning Zhe felt the woman's despair, he sighed slightly: "Have you heard of the Revolutionary Army?"

The woman shook her head blankly. She didn't know the big characters, she didn't understand the meaning of the word "revolution" at all, she just thought it was from which army.

"I've heard..." The girl next to her said in a low voice: "Before there was a group of people who called themselves the revolutionary army. They robbed Jing's grain transport team and then distributed the grain to the refugees for free, but Later, Jing sent troops and arrested all the refugees who had been allocated food. At the same time, he offered a high reward. Some refugees secretly reported the secret, and the revolutionary army was dispersed. They said they were going to Pei's site. Development has also taken away many refugees from our side."

When Ning Zhe heard the girl say that the revolutionary army had gone to Pei's family, he understood that it must be Su Fei's team. He always thought that Su Fei's banner of the refugee revolution was just to incite, but he didn't expect that they would actually choose to give food. Distribute to refugees. In refugee areas, food is the most important material. A willingness to distribute food is equivalent to distribution of life.

The revolutionary army's willingness to distribute food for free, instead of using enough food as an exchange condition for the refugees to sacrifice their lives for them, has already proved its original intention. It is necessary to be so troublesome.

As for someone leaking secrets, Ning Zhe is not surprised. Maybe in the eyes of the fortress people, this kind of behavior is shameful, but for the refugees who may be starved to death at any time, they have no righteousness in their hearts, and they do everything just for the sake of alive.

Thinking of this, Ning Zhe looked at the young woman: "If one day, you meet the revolutionary army, maybe you can join them. At least this way, you don't have to separate from him!"

"Revolutionary Army." The woman repeated the name that sounded a little scary to her, and then looked at Ning Zhe, who didn't look like a bad guy: "Little brother, what kind of people are they?"

Ning Zhe looked at the two hard-working women: "For you, they...maybe a group of good people."


Twenty minutes later, Ning Zhe went to Hu Yihan's room. Like him, the two women in Hu Yihan's room were also neatly dressed. Hu Yihan claimed to be not a gentleman, and spent the night with a girl before leaving the fortress. In exchange for a woman, he has no interest in it.

After Ning Zhe sent the two women in the room to his, he said to Hu Yihan, "I talked to Jiao Baldzi, and I am going to find the place where the bandits trade and find out about the chip that the company lost. I will not hide the news from you, I have made a deal with the Lu family on this matter, so they will provide us with some help."

"Lushi? So you've been hiding it from me before, including the fact that Mrs. Lu helped us fight off the gangsters, and it wasn't to requisition our minecarts?" Hu Yihan narrowed his eyes and looked at Ning Zhe, "Why did you tell me this all of a sudden? ?"

Ning Zhe looked at the cups that Hu Yihan poured hot water for the two women before, and did not answer.

Hu Yihan didn't ask too much: "Who are you going to take?"

Ning Zhe raised Erlang's legs: "Everyone in the transport team, all set off! Including the driver!"

Hu Yihan was surprised: "Are you crazy? We can't tell if the inside of the transportation team is clean now! You are going to trade chips with Lu's. Once this kind of thing spreads, there is no need for Cheng Wenhan to do anything, and the company will not let it go. ours!"

Ning Zhe raised the corner of his mouth: "It is because of the internal unease that I want to take this opportunity to deal with the matter thoroughly."