
Chapter 518: special identity

After several commercial vehicles of the Dark Horse Company entered the blocked area of ​​the Blood Lake Memorial Hall, they began to drive in a scattered manner. The commercial vehicle where Ning Zhe and others were located drove directly to the back door of the Blood Lake Memorial Hall.

Pei Qing, as a man of the fortress No. 87, was assassinated in the public eye. The impact was very bad. In order to combat the arrogance of criminals, Pei Mu deliberately arranged his memorial service at the Blood Lake Memorial Hall where the tragedy occurred.

Because there were a lot of officials coming to participate in the mourning activities that day, the security measures around the memorial hall were extremely strict. When Ning Zhe and the others arrived in this car, they were surrounded by police officers with live ammunition.

The driver of the commercial vehicle parked the vehicle in the media parking space according to the on-site signs, got out of the car and opened the door. Ning Zhe looked out, and the first thing that caught his eye was the huge elegiac couplet on the outer wall of the Blood Lake Memorial Hall: Defending the land and coexisting with death, I will first whip as the spirit of our three armies, and wield Ge Siyong to believe in the history and be famous for hundreds of generations.

Ning Zhe raised his eyes and frowned when he saw the five characters "Blood Lake Memorial Hall" at the top of the building.

The driver didn't notice the change in Ning Zhe's expression, handed a few ID cards hanging around his neck to Ning Zhe and others, and said in a low voice, "There are related equipment and travel bags in the trunk, hide the weapons, Bring something with me."

Hu Yihan turned around and opened a large box at the back. He found that there were cameras and some travel bags in it. He took out a few and distributed them to everyone. After hiding his weapons, he looked at the military police patrolling in the backyard and said to Ning Zhe: "Do you feel that the atmosphere is a bit weird, shouldn't the company really plan to let us fight against the official people?"

"Impossible, our car drove in directly, and we didn't stop during the process. We didn't accept the inspection, which means that we have passed the gas with the official people." Ning Zhe put the rifle in the travel bag and shook his head slightly, but I also wondered why the company's people would arrange for them to come to a place under martial law with weapons.

After making a simple disguise, the group entered the memorial hall through the back door, carrying interview equipment such as cameras, and were then taken to the memorial hall inside the hall.

At this moment, the empty memorial hall has been transformed into a mourning hall, with wreaths sent by people from all walks of life on both sides, and the air is full of the ink smell of writing elegiac couplets.

After Ning Zhe saw the elegiac couplets written on the wreaths to Pei Qing, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

This unease did not come from his situation, but because he thought of Su Fei.

Although the revolutionary army has planned two assassination operations against Pei's military and political personnel, but because the process was very smooth, the details have not been investigated so far.

Pei's people didn't know what happened to the revolutionary army, but Ning Zhe was very clear.

The reason why Su Fei chose to assassinate Pei Qing on the day he participated in the mourning activities of the Blood Lake Regiment was because the Blood Lake Memorial Hall was a form of humiliation for the people of the revolutionary army. , a monument to his own hypocrisy.

Ning Zhe didn't understand why the company arranged for them to come here, but he could think clearly that Pei Qing's memorial service chose the place where he was assassinated. It was the official who expressed contempt and challenged them.

For most of the military and police on that day, they did not believe that the revolutionary army would appear, because it was clearly an official trap.

They chose Pei Qing's memorial service at the Blood Lake Memorial Hall, just to calm the panic of the people, and they would naturally make all preparations. In the thinking of normal people, they did not think that the revolutionary army would get into this open space. in the trap.

Others don't believe it, but Ning Zhe believes it.

The Blood Lake Memorial Hall itself is Su Fei's inverse scale. This incident is enough to anger him completely. In Pei Mu's plan, using himself and the military and political leaders of No. 87 as bait, it is very likely that the revolutionary army will be transferred. When they come out, as long as they can seize the live account and find out the details of the revolutionary army, they can accurately locate the identity of the revolutionary army.

Regarding the assassination of the revolutionary army, although Pei's handling of the assassination was not satisfactory, everyone understood that it was only because the revolutionary army was in the dark, making it difficult for them to guard against, but once the identity of the other party was exposed, then with the power of the fortress , it is not difficult to eradicate them.

This kind of thinking is not wrong, but the biggest problem is that they chose the location of the memorial service at the Blood Lake Memorial Hall.

The starting point of Pei Mu and others was very simple. They just wanted to use this incident to appease the emotions of the people and to express the management center's determination to maintain law and order.

Looking at Pei Qing's photo, Ning Zhe firmly believed that people from the revolutionary army would definitely appear, but he didn't know what method they were going to take.

In a trance, Hu Yihan bumped Ning Zhe with his elbow and gestured to the distance with his chin: "Meng Fan is here."

Ning Zhe looked up, was looking at Meng Fan, nodded and said hello, "Uncle Meng."

"Yeah." Meng Fan nodded: "Your mission today is to disguise as an interview team to protect Pei Mu. When he appears, you will guard him as accompanying reporters."

"Pei Mu?"

When Ning Zhe heard this, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. He originally thought that the presence of the people from the dark horse company was because someone at the top of the company wanted to attend the memorial service, so they would come forward to provide some protection.

"Yes, protecting Pei Mu is your task today. Be smart when you do things. If there are other changes to the I will notify you." Meng Fan confirmed that there was nothing wrong with everyone, and then Turned around and left, and began to inspect the situation of the other groups.

Ning Zhe looked at Meng Fan's leaving back, and his mood became more solemn.

At this moment, he can be sure that Pei's side must be absolutely prepared for today's memorial service. Now, on the 87th, military and political officials have been killed in a row. Under such circumstances, the security forces around Pei Mu. Being strengthened is also understandable.

However, this kind of security that should be officially in charge of, it seems quite strange that people from the dark horse company actually participate. Ning Zhe pondered for a long time, and a bold idea came to his mind.

Qu Xiangran and Pei Mu have a very close personal relationship, which is not a secret to the outside world. Now the government has been making mistakes in the investigation of the revolutionary army, and the dark horse company suddenly dispatched Ning Zhe and others to perform tasks, and communicated with the outside world. The disconnection shows that they are likely to be used as a private force against the revolutionary army.

At this moment, Ning Zhe has realized that the situation of the revolutionary army is in danger, because the addition of the dark horse company means that they are not only a threat in the eyes of the official, he did not expect that he would actually become a dark horse One of the people the company sent out to deal with the Revolutionary Army.