
Chapter 519: seamless arrangement

After Ning Zhe figured out the purpose of the dark horse company, he wanted to disclose the news to Su Fei so that he could take precautions, but since the moment they received the transfer order, they have completely cut off contact with the outside world. Conditions for contacting Su Fei.

Before Ning Zhe could come up with a countermeasure, several side doors of the room had been opened, and then the police who were responsible for maintaining the order at the scene entered the door first. At the same time, reporters from other newspapers and TV stations, as well as military and political dignitaries participating in the memorial service began to enter.

In the blink of an eye, at least two or three hundred people had gathered in the auditorium. Ning Zhe heard the voice coming from the headset and began to greet Shangguan Xiaohu. They were playing with the camera and took up a position close to the podium.

During the period, Ning Zhe was always looking at the crowd at the scene. He originally thought that if he could meet an acquaintance in the revolutionary army like Tu Shi, he would find a way to send a message to the other party to let them know that apart from the military police and plainclothes at the scene In addition, there is another group of people who can be prepared in advance, but this plan immediately fell through.

Looking at the unfamiliar faces in the room, Ning Zhe couldn't be sure at this moment whether someone from the revolutionary army had gotten in, or if he was going to take other actions.

At this moment, Meng Fan's voice came from the headset: "Ning Zhe, I heard the answer."

Ning Zhe retracted his gaze and pressed the headset: "I'm here."

"Pei Mu will take the stage immediately, pay attention to the suspicious people at the scene, if you find something wrong, don't ask for instructions, just shoot."

"Are you firing a gun here?" Ning Zhe glanced at the guards under the stage with live ammunition: "There are official people here!"

"You don't need to care about the official people, everything is dominated by Pei Mu." Meng Fan paused: "After the gunshots, someone took care of them."


Hearing this, Ning Zhe answered in a calm tone, but his heart thumped, because what Meng Fan said to him was that someone had solved the soldiers, not that the soldiers had already been dealt with.

This means that the military police at the scene did not know the identities of Ning Zhe and his group. Their identities were completely independent, and this was most likely Pei Mu's personal deployment.


After Meng Fan's order was given, it didn't take long for Pei Mu to get on the podium and start delivering his eulogy.

In order to consolidate power, the chaebols all take the family as the political core, so they attach great importance to blood.

Although Pei Qing's identity is only Pei Mu's secretary, his bloodline is actually much purer than Pei Mu's. Although Pei Mu is a direct line of blood, he is the leftover son of the father-in-law and his daughter-in-law who committed adultery, while Pei Qing is the righteous one. The collateral blood relatives of the Eight Classics also have names on the genealogy, so after the accident, the body was sent back to the headquarters. Today's so-called memorial service is only an official form.

When Pei Mu was giving a speech, Ning Zhe noticed that Meng Fan was always standing on the side of the podium, less than five meters away from Pei Mu in a straight line, to ensure that no matter what happened, he could respond immediately.

Meng Fan is Qu Xiangran's housekeeper and bodyguard, and he is also a demon. Ning Zhe has seen his fighting ability. In his impression, when Qu Xiangran appears, Meng Fan is almost always inseparable. , but today he appeared here, responsible for protecting Pei Mu's safety, it was enough to see that Qu Xiangran attached great importance to this matter.

For Pei Mu's long speech, Ning Zhe did not listen to the whole process, and was always nervously waiting for the gunshot, but until Pei Mu stepped down, there was no change in the venue.

After Pei Mu stepped down, Meng Fan immediately followed, and at the same time said into the microphone: "Ning Zhe, bring your people with me."

Ning Zhe heard the voice, immediately called Hu Yihan and others, and followed him over there in the name of an interview. At this moment, many relevant reporters were surrounding Pei Mu, wanting to interview him, and Pei Mu also used the heavy duty as an excuse. , can only choose one media as a representative, Ning Zhe and others naturally became the selected group and walked into the back corridor.


Knowing to avoid everyone's attention, Pei Mucai breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Meng Fan: "It seems that those chaotic parties are not the beasts I imagined."

"A group of rabble, it's hard to be in a classy hall." Meng Fan commented lightly: "The reason why those chaotic parties have been making continuous assassination incidents is clearly that they want to make a big noise, create a terrifying atmosphere, and have a propaganda effect. The memorial service we are holding here today is a trap on the bright side. If they come, they will inevitably pay huge casualties, but if they don’t come, the terrifying atmosphere created before will be broadcast with today’s news. And at a big discount, it seems that they are still afraid of this kind of thing that they know will be sent to death."

"It's a pity." Pei Mu shook his head: "They didn't come, and our plan to catch the survivors was affected because of this."

Hearing Pei Mu's words, Ning Zhe's mind was also jumping fast. He had seen the revolutionary army fight and had contact with the revolutionary army. With his understanding of the revolutionary army, he would never die of a group of people who were greedy for life and fear of death. Pei Mu's words gave him some new clues.

Since Pei Mu can tell Meng Fan this, it means that the purpose of these people from the Dark Horse Company is to protect Pei Mu and arrest the revolutionary army. Shi Congjian and Shen have never seen a shadow. Kang, Daguang, and others must have been arranged to support them on the periphery. The reason why Ning Zhe was kept by Pei Mu's side was probably because he and Meng Fan were both demons and could exert their most powerful explosive power at critical moments.

Meng Fan didn't feel the same regret as Pei Mu: "These people didn't even dare to drill today's set, which means they are not too strong opponents. This is a good thing. Let's go, we will send you out of here first."

After speaking, the two walked towards the exit on the side of the corridor. Ning Zhe and his party were in charge of Pei Mu's security work at the moment. Seeing Meng Fan leaving, they all carried cameras and followed suit with guns on their backs.

Although some senior members of the Pei clan have already set their sights on Pei Mu and took away his jurisdiction over the military and police, he is the person in charge of No. 87 after all, so the guards who should be assigned will also be equipped with the ~Although the guard class around Pei Mu is also formed by the army, but under the offensive of interests, he has already become his personal bodyguard. For this kind of people who follow him with guns, Pei Mu must ensure their loyalty. .

The members of the security team who had been guarding outside saw Pei Mu appear from a distance, and immediately gathered around, surrounded Pei Mu, Meng Fan saw this, turned to Ning Zhe and said, "You wait here, our car will be in a while. will come to pick you up."

"it is good."

Ning Zhe saw that Pei Mu was about to leave, and there was no commotion at the scene, so he was relieved. He knew that the number of the revolutionary army was not large. It seemed that Su Fei still chose this obvious trap. gave up.

At the same time, one of Pei Mu's guards also walked to a car in the distance. In order to ensure Pei Mu's safety, they made multiple plans. Even Pei Mu's car to and from the memorial hall was different. After getting out of the car, I stepped on the brake pedal and skillfully pressed the start button.


The moment the car was electrified, an explosion occurred suddenly, and the car turned into a huge fireball, which was directly lifted more than two meters high.