
Chapter 520: One more group?

The sudden explosion took everyone by surprise.

The scorching air waves rolled over the gravel on the ground and spread, and Pei Mu's guard squad leader also wrapped his arms around Pei Mu's shoulders and ran towards the building: "Retreat! Fast!"

As Pei Mu's personal guards, the guards had practiced countless times for this kind of sudden situation, but just as everyone turned around, a guard suddenly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at the back of Pei Mu's head. Location.


Before the guard could shoot, his head exploded like a watermelon falling from a height.


As soon as the guard died, an explosion occurred on a second-floor building in the distance, and then Shen Kang's voice sounded in the communication system: "The commanding heights on the west side are exposed, my sniper is gone!"

"Enter the house! Fast!"

Meng Fan didn't have time to respond at the moment. Under the **** of the guards, he quickly escorted Pei Mu back to the memorial hall. Seeing this, Ning Zhe also quickly followed.

The guard suddenly shot at Pei Mu just now. This is unreasonable. Let's not talk about whether the revolutionary army has the ability to place an undercover beside Pei Mu. Wait until it explodes?

Although Ning Zhe didn't want to understand what was going on here for a while, but under the circumstances of unknown circumstances, he also followed Meng Fan into the house.

At this time, Shi Congjian's voice also sounded in the headset: "Mr. Meng, I have an accident here. The military and police in the front parking lot have begun to block the entrance to the parking lot, and they have begun to line up. It seems that they are preparing to carry out Check, I have weapons in my car, how should I negotiate with them?"

Meng Fan heard the words, pressed his earphone and said quickly: "There is a note in the glove box of your car. If they find your car, they will take the note..."


Before Meng Fan could finish speaking, an explosion sounded again, and there was a noise in everyone's earphones. Obviously, the explosion occurred at Shi Cong's school.

Although Ning Zhe and Shi Cong were collaborating with Liangzi, they got along pretty well in the later period. At this moment, when he heard the sound of an explosion, he pressed his headset and asked, "A-Xiao, how are you?"

"Damn it! A trolley on my side rushed into the military and police team and blew itself up... Fuck, there are still cars rushing this way, get out! Quickly get out... don't **** drive! Get out of the car and run!"


As Shi Congxue's voice came out of the headset, bursts of explosions sounded immediately. Ning Zhe squatted in the room and could already feel the tremor of the ground under his feet. Then, the sound of gunshots entered everyone's ears. inside.


At this moment, because of the explosion that just happened, the outside of the memorial hall has turned into a pot of porridge. Under the protection of guards, the military and political dignitaries at the scene began to evacuate to the memorial hall. The police shouted loudly, and the wounded wailed.

On the street on the west side of the memorial hall, more than a dozen masked members of the revolutionary army have also approached the memorial hall at this moment. Team, what's the situation, have we arranged other action teams?"

Tu Shi looked at the flaming parking lot and responded decisively: "We do have other action teams, but this is definitely not what we did! People from the Revolutionary Army will not take the initiative to attack civilians!"

"Then what's the situation?" The young man looked at the chaotic scene with a puzzled look in his eyes: "Is there anyone else who has a grudge against Pei?"

"Withdraw! First withdraw!" After Tu Shi heard the youth's response, he turned around and left without hesitation: "Someone should be using the identity of the revolutionary army to riot!"

After that, the group began to quickly evacuate in the opposite direction.

On the commanding heights 100 meters away, Daguang looked at the figures of Tu Shi and his group, and said quickly: "I have a situation here! In the alley on the west side, a group of unidentified masked people appeared. , are evacuating far away."

"West?" Meng Fan frowned, "Isn't there any entrance there?"

"I don't know either. Before, my attention was attracted by the explosion in the parking lot, and I just discovered the existence of this group of people!" Daguang was noncommittal: "What should I do, I can't cut it?"

"Intercept!" Meng Fan made a decisive decision: "Everyone pay attention, gather to the west, and stop the group of attackers for me! Do your best to catch the survivors!"




There were several responses in the headset soon.

When Ning Zhe heard Meng Fan's order, he was also anxious. He was eager to pass the news to the revolutionary army, but Meng Fan's arrangement was to let him stay to protect Pei Mu. Thinking of this, Ning Zhe looked sideways at him. To Meng Fan: "Uncle Meng, I'll go too. If you want to catch a living, I'll do it better than them!"

"You don't have to go." Meng Fan shook his head: "Your task today is to protect Mayor Pei with me!"

After listening to Meng Fan's words, Ning Zhe was anxious, but he didn't insist on it, because there was a lot of gunfire outside. If he rushed out and tried his best, it would inevitably lead to suspicion.


At this moment, Tu Shi and his party had already crossed the street on the west side and walked towards the opposite residential area, preparing to evacuate through the passage connected to the underground network.

While Tu Shi was advancing, he said to the young man beside him: "Send a signal to the other action groups, the situation here is not right, let them evacuate immediately!"


Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^white! "When the young man heard this, he lifted off his coat, pulled out the flare gun from his waist, and pressed a bullet inside.


Just as the young man was about to raise his arm, a gunshot suddenly sounded from the street.


The young man was shot in the chest, and a blood line burst out of his chest. After falling to the ground, he subconsciously pulled the trigger, but the flare did not hit the sky, but flew out diagonally, shattering the glass of a house, and a large amount of magnesium A fire started soon in the house.


At the same time an off-road vehicle's engine roared and began to gallop in the direction of Tu Shi and the others. After the two gunmen in the vehicle leaned out, the rifle began to shoot frantically.

"Da da da!"

The gunshots started, bullets hit the roadside and buildings, bursts of fire, and two members of the revolutionary army were immediately swept to the ground.


Tu Shi held the Remington in his hand and shot the off-road vehicle from a distance. He didn't have time to deal with the body of his companion, and quickly ran into the community: "Retreat! Hurry up!"

As Tu Shi and a group of people entered the courtyard of the community, Shi Congxiao and Shen Kang all chased in that direction with their respective men. After the off-road vehicle stopped at the door of the community, a young man in the car led his men He also started rushing into the courtyard, and while changing bullets, he said, "Daguang, the other party's people entered the courtyard!"

In the courtyard of the community, Daguang, who had just driven down from the roof, loaded his rifle and quickly led people closer to the main entrance. He responded with a steady pace: "Don't worry, they can't escape!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^