
Chapter 534: Tigers and wolves look around, can't esc

Inside the torture house, the atmosphere was tense.

The sharp tea knife in Ning Zhe's hand rested on Wu Weibang's Adam's apple, causing many guards to throw the rat's weapon.

It has to be said that Ning Zhe's resistance exceeded everyone's expectations.

The people who can follow Wu Weibang are already the elites of the military police department. No matter their quality and physical ability, they are all outstanding leaders in the military police department. Zhe couldn't hurt Wu Weibang at close range.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

A group of people who had never dealt with Demon Seeds completely underestimated Ning Zhe's reaction speed.

The people at the military police were stunned, and Ning Zhe's brain was buzzing.

He originally thought that by holding Wu Weibang hostage, he would gain a way out for himself, but he glanced outside the door and found that there were at least twenty or thirty soldiers with live ammunition crowded in the corridor outside, and there was no way out at all.

At this moment, if a soldier misses his gun, under the siege of so many people, Ning Zhe will never have any chance of winning.


After the two sides began to stalemate, the door on the other side was also opened, and four military policemen wearing full-covered exoskeleton armor rushed into the house. Mechanical vibrating knife for cutting steel plates.

Seeing the armored soldiers appear, Ning Zhe moved his body and blocked Wu Weibang in front of him. He knew the exoskeleton very well, and knew that at this distance, even if the opponent wanted to shoot flies, he might not make mistakes.

The tense situation between the two sides did not last long, and a loud shout came out along the door: "What are you doing! Are you going to mutiny?!"

With the shouting, the soldiers outside the corridor retreated to the sides and made way for a passage. Then Wu Kangyu, the deputy commander of the infantry division, who carried the rank of colonel on his shoulders, accompanied by the guards, walked into the torture room with a gloomy face. He was accompanied by Meng Fan from the Dark Horse Company.

Meng Fan originally thought that Ning Zhe was detained by the gendarmerie, and he should be tortured, but he saw such a scene unexpectedly, and was slightly startled: "Ning Zhe, you are..."

"What are you doing! Didn't you see the division commander coming?" A security guard beside Kang Wannian saw the soldiers with guns in the house, and said solemnly: "Put down the guns for me!"

The crowd remained motionless.

Seeing the actions of the military police, Kang Wannian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why, do you want me to ask you to put down your guns?"

Facing Kang Wannian's gaze, a military policeman hesitated for a moment, and finally pressed down the muzzle and turned off the insurance.

Seeing this, the rest followed suit. Although there is a saying that military personnel take obedience to orders as their natural duty, and their superiors are also Wu Weibang, but facing the suppression of a senior officer, these military police do not have the kind of stubborn courage Wu Weibang has. .

Kang Wannian did not have the military power to command the gendarmerie, but he is now the supreme commander of the garrison command, and he still has the power to appoint personnel. If they were transferred from the gendarmerie and thrown outside the fortress as cannon fodder, who would Can't stand it.

Tough guys and soldiers who obey orders will please their bosses, and this kind of plot often appears in film and television works.

In the face of capable soldiers, generals will really like it, but the premise is that they have to obey the leader, not against the leader. If they show absolute loyalty to Wu Weibang at this moment, will they be appreciated by Kang Wannian? It can be seen, but if someone is specially "taken care of", it is estimated that there is no future in this life.

Seeing that Kang Wannian had suppressed the scene, Meng Fan scolded Ning Zhe in a deep voice, "Ning Zhe! Put down the knife! Put the man away!"

In the face of Meng Fan's request, Ning Zhe did not move.

At this time in this room, he is probably the one who is most stressed. The group of guards from Wu Weibang had already made him uncomfortable enough. He didn't expect Kang Wannian to break in again. Judging from the situation on the scene, the soldiers outside It should be a member of Kang Wannian's guard company.

He was surrounded by heavy troops, and it was out of his mind to force his way in. Ning Zhe was also hesitating at the moment, should he take the opportunity to hold Kang Wannian hostage and use his identity to run out.

At this moment, Ning Zhe's hostage of Wu Weibang is equivalent to admitting Wu Weibang's accusation in disguise. Then, with Wu Weibang's character, if he takes Kang Wannian hostage, Ning Zhe even doubts whether this mad dog will shoot himself and Kang Wannian. Although the probability is not high, Wu Weibang's behavior really makes him unable to figure it out.

After thinking about it, the safest way is to kill Wu Weibang first, and then hold Kang Wannian hostage, but there are four armored soldiers standing in the room at the moment, and I can't rush to Kang Wannian's side. With Meng Fan's attitude, if Meng Fan tried to stop him, the probability of him wanting to escape would also be low.

Seeing that Ning Zhe was unmoved by his own words, Meng Fan frowned: "Ning Zhe! I told you to put down the knife! We have already come, and now no one can threaten your safety, come to me!"

"...Can't let it go!" Wu Weibang's face flushed, and he tried to speak with great difficulty, but Ning Zhe tightened his neck.

At this moment, Ning Zhe was already motivated to kill, but he couldn't do it, because once Wu Weibang died, he would be beaten into a sieve in minutes.

Kang Wannian could clearly see Ning Zhe exerting his strength, and his eyes were sharp: "Let him speak, or I will immediately order you to be executed!"


As soon as Kang Wannian said these words, all the guards around him raised their guns and pointed at Ning Zhe and the two of them, and the crisp loading sound was uniform.

Ning Zhe wanted to justify his injustice, but at the moment the next door was checking his fingerprints, and any of his excuses were in vain.

Since there is no way to break the game, but at the juncture of life and death, if you don't want to be shot immediately, you can only do it.

Wu Weibang felt that his breathing became with a grim expression: "This person is an accomplice of the chaotic party... shot and killed... military police! The crime is unforgivable... shoot and kill us!"

When Kang Wannian heard this, he frowned: "What did you say?"

Meng Fan's expression froze when he heard the words: "Wu Weibang! You must speak with evidence! Not everyone in our dark horse company can bite!"

At this moment, Wu Weibang has become extremely angry and demented because of the behavior of being kidnapped by Ning Zhe: "I didn't bite! I have evidence!"


At the same time, Jin Zhi also walked into the room with a folder: "The test report is out!"

Kang Wannian stared at the two of them: "Read!"

Jin Zhi opened the folder in his hand and said loudly: "According to the data comparison, the firearms submitted for inspection do not match the firearms that killed the three military police! The fingerprints, palm prints and **** residues on the guns do not match the samples submitted for inspection! "

When Ning Zhe, who had already planned to work hard, heard this conclusion, surprise flashed in his eyes, and Wu Weibang looked even more shocked.