
Chapter 639: Burning sea, **** on earth

On the North Bridge battlefield, in the rear garrison of the garrison, a large number of soldiers of the garrison who came to support had begun to gather.

In front of the team, the commander shouted with a loudspeaker: "Listen up, everyone, change the gas masks and protective clothing on the spot. The rear has already begun to prepare for the shelling. After the shelling, you will rush up to **** the bridgehead as a commando! Change the equipment for me as soon as possible, and conduct a detailed inspection, any mistakes are just a joke with your little lives!"

Along with the officer's yelling, many civilians with white gauze wrapped around their left arms began to move equipment to the square. They were all citizens who voluntarily joined the army, but because they had not been trained, they could only do some logistics work.

On a cold winter night, a group of soldiers began to change their clothes in the open air, each one shivering from the cold.

Among the team, a young man with tender cheeks looked at the middle-aged man on one side and asked, "Captain, let's go to war, and instead of giving us bulletproof vests, they give us chemical protective suits. What does that mean?"

"You ask me, I don't know. I have worked in the joint defense team for ten years, and I have only fired three shots in total. But since I use a gas mask, I should be able to release poisonous gas or something." Looking at the people around him, he lowered his voice and said, "Remember, you guys, after the fight starts, follow me and don't rush forward like fools!"

When the young man who asked the question heard the word poisonous gas, his arms trembled slightly: "I'm such a pure and wronged person. I just joined the joint defense team for three days, and I was dragged to the battlefield in a daze."

"Tom tom tom!"

While the few people were talking, muffled sounds suddenly came from several artillery positions in the distance, and the officer in front raised the loudspeaker again: "The shelling has already begun! Replace the equipment as soon as possible, and prepare to enter the battlefield! "

Bridgehead, guard position.

"Bang bang bang!"

Accompanied by a round of volley fire from the garrison, countless shells fell into the position, embedded in the ground and the ruins, but did not explode, but began to spew out flames, illuminating the position of the guard in an instant.

Seeing this, an experienced officer yelled loudly: "This is a marked bomb from a large-scale bombardment! Everyone hide! Look for cover!"

"Hula la!"

As the shouting spread, all the guards at the scene began to hide, and at the same time shouted "hide", the guards on the ground were like frightened mice for a while, and all began to look for their own bunkers, ready to hide. Meet the shelling.


In less than half a minute, there was a hiss in the air, and then the white phosphorous bombs painted white fell towards the guard position like hail.


The first shell hit the ground, and after it exploded, the white phosphorus inside began to spray out, and at the same time, it gave off a pungent smell similar to garlic.

White phosphorus is a colorless or light yellow, translucent waxy substance with a strong irritant and a very low ignition point. Once in contact with oxygen, it will burn. It emits a yellow flame and emits thick smoke at the same time. It can be used to burn ordinary Combustible material A substance that is difficult to burn.

Different from ordinary flames, the burning temperature of white phosphorus can reach more than 1,000 degrees, and its durability is extremely strong. Objects touched by this substance will burn for a long time. Even stones and concrete can burn for a long time. When attached to the human body, the fleshy skin will be penetrated first, and then go deep into the bone and burn to the marrow until it is extinguished. This kind of tragedy will not only bring a great psychological shadow to the burnt person, but also cause great psychological distress to other soldiers. shadow.

The power of white phosphorus bombs lies not only in burning, but also in its toxicity.

A large amount of phosphorus is poisonous to the human body. A single touch of a finger is enough to kill a person. As long as the human skin is touched, the white phosphorus can stick to burn. Even if the fire is extinguished, the white phosphorus on the epidermis can be directly absorbed through the skin. If it enters the human body and causes secondary damage, even if it survives, the injured person will suffer extremely. This kind of inhumane weapon has now been completely banned by the Federation.

After the first white phosphorus bomb exploded, the sound of the explosion became a continuous piece on the guard position.

Sea of ​​fire!

In just a few seconds, the guard position has become a sea of ​​flames.


As far as the eye can see, everything on the battlefield is burning.

Stones, ruins, roads, corpses, vehicles, weapons...

A round of bombing caused everything at the bridgehead to burn, and the air became dense and distorted due to the high temperature.

Purgatory on earth!

A round of attacks by white phosphorus bombs caused the defense line of the guard to collapse completely. The soldiers burning with flames screamed and ran, screamed, and then died. It was found that the temperature outside was higher, and the flames stained on the body could not be extinguished at all.

The bombing greatly reduced the vitality of the guards. The soldiers who escaped the bombing also suffered from systemic hemorrhage and vomiting due to inhalation of a large amount of toxin-containing smoke, and died of acute kidney failure and circulatory system failure.

According to the experience on the battlefield, if someone is unfortunately contaminated by a white phosphorous, there is almost no way to give first aid, but to wait for it to burn through the flesh in pain. Only by picking out the burning white phosphorus can the flames be extinguished, but this kind of pain is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people.

A veteran soldier was splashed with white phosphorus, turned around and ran towards the moat: "Diving! Diving quickly! White phosphorus cannot burn without air!"

The surrounding soldiers heard the roar, and all followed the veteran and began to flee the battlefield, and the defense line was completely defeated.

In the guard headquarters, Kang Wannian looked at the front-line video transmission, his eyes were full of shock and anger: "Who can tell me why the rebels have such things as white phosphorus bombs in their hands?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be our equipment!" The corner of the chief of staff's eyes twitched: "This kind of conventional chemical weapon of mass destruction is strictly prohibited, and we have never installed it, but last year In autumn, Fort 88 was once attacked by insect swarms.

At that time, in order to prevent the insect swarm from attacking our Fort 87, the management center had discussed the preventive plan with the military. Batch white phosphorous bombs! But as far as I know, these weapons should have been destroyed, and now they can be found, which means that Wu Kangyu should have kept these weapons in private! "

Seeing this, another staff officer also said: "White phosphorus can burn as long as there is oxygen, and it is difficult to extinguish it with water. I suggest immediately mobilizing all available foam spray fire extinguishers to put out the fire in the position and continue to hold on!"

"No way." The chief of staff shook his head: "Even if the fire can be extinguished, the toxic substances in the air will hinder us! The appearance of white phosphorus bombs has completely disrupted our rhythm!"