
Chapter 679: Unpredictable

When Hu Lang rushed to the west window, he glanced outside and found that the members of the dark horse company outside the courtyard wall had indeed been dispersed, and only a few people were still relying on the terrain to exchange fire with Lu's agents. , and gunfire flashed in the factory next door.

The west side of this office building is another factory area. The window is about five meters away from the courtyard wall. Because this is not suitable for forcibly attacking the building, it is also the side that suffers the least damage in the firefight. At this moment, the lobby on the first floor is close to the west side. Most of the curtain walls on the side are still intact, while the windows on the second floor were broken in many places due to the strafe of machine guns.

When Zhang Hao next to Hu Lang saw the situation below, he was about to pull out a smoke bomb and throw it down, while Ning Zhe took a step faster and grabbed his wrist and shook his head slightly at him: "Don't throw the smoke! Let's throw the smoke away. , the purpose is exposed! Ah Bao, take off your protective equipment and give it to Zhang Hao! Then you will stay inside with Zhang Duo! As long as we attract other people's attention, you will immediately take Zhang Duo out of the yard ,Understand?"

"Understood!" Lin Bao nodded and began to take off his exoskeleton.

Seeing Ning Zhe's assignment, Hu Lang asked him, "Do you have a plan?"

Ning Zhe nodded: "The reason why the people from the Dark Horse Company retreated was that they mistook us for Pei's armored soldiers. Although this exoskeleton has no power, if it is worn on Zhang Hao's body, he can provide it through Lu's exoskeleton. Let the people in the dark horse company believe it! Only in this way will they dare not surround us rashly!"

After listening to Ning Zhe's words, Hu Lang glanced at the surrounding crowd and said, "Now there are our people attacking the factory area, and the people from the Dark Horse Company must think that we are waiting for rescue, but once we go down, we will inevitably be besieged. Guo Shu alone cannot stop them, so you go first, and Zhang Hao and I stay!"

"Zhang Hao can't stay in the building, he has to block the people rushing over from outside the building!" Ning Zhe paused and looked at the people around him: "I have to go out of the yard to call Shen Kang, at least two Personally stay and cooperate with Hu Lang!"

"I'll stay." Hu Yihan took the initiative to stand up: "I have the best marksmanship here, suitable for blocking!"

"I'll stay, too." Fatty Li hesitated for a while, but also stood up: "I can also play a role in blocking the attack."

"Okay." Ning Zhe saw the two people standing up and said to Hu Lang, "Take care of them!"

"Don't worry!" Hu Lang agreed and threw a rope down the window.


In the lobby on the first floor, Shen Kang called Zhang Yuan's name in the communication system for a long time, but got no response. He became extremely anxious and looked at one of his subordinates: "Awen! Go out and see Zhang Yuan. What is the situation, if he has a problem, you take over his command."

"Okay!" The young man threw a smoke bomb out of the door, then turned the window and rushed out of the office building, running towards the door.

Shen Kang was staring at the young man's back, and a young man behind him suddenly pointed to the rear window: "Brother, the situation is not right! Look at the rear window!"

Shen Kang followed the sound and saw a hemp rope swaying outside the window, and then a Pei's armored soldier followed the rope and landed to the ground through the rope.

Shen Kang saw the figure descending, and after a moment of stunned, he said in the headset: "Damn! The people in the building are going to run away! Awen! What's the situation on your side?"

"Brother Kang! It's a mess outside!" Awen had already rushed into the hospital and found Zhang Yuan's body. He saw the muzzle of the heavy machine gun aimed at him, and quickly rushed into a drainage channel by the roadside. , lowered his body and responded: "Zhang Yuan is dead! The situation outside has been messed up, and our people have been scattered! But I have already got his walkie-talkie and can coordinate!"

"Fuck!" Shen Kang clenched his teeth when he heard that Zhang Yuan was dead: "Let everyone go to the west to block, including the armored vehicles! Don't bother, just block the people in the courtyard. !"

Awen adjusted the walkie-talkie channel and began to give orders: "Everyone pay attention! Assemble to the west side! Blocking is the main thing! Don't fight!"


In the hall on the first floor, Shen Kang saw that people were constantly forced to land along the ropes outside. He took off the fuel bottle on his back, took off the body armor and covered it on the corpse next to him, and then reached out and opened the pressure valve of the flamethrower. : "Everyone gathers! Prepare for a second charge! Hold these people at any cost, and never let them escape!"

After Ning Zhe landed outside, he quickly climbed up the wall.

"Old Shen, don't be impulsive!" A middle-aged man next to him heard Shen Kang's words, and pointed to several figures outside the window: "Look carefully, these people who came down are all Pei's armored soldiers, we can't be their opponent!"

"Don't you see it yet? We've been fooled!" Shen Kang swiftly carried the fuel bottle on his shoulder, and said with a fierce look: "If these people are really armored soldiers, with their mobility, do they still need to use ropes to land? ?"

After listening to Shen Kang's explanation, the middle-aged man was also slightly startled, and then he realized that something was wrong. Before they heard that Pei's armored soldiers were in this building, everyone panicked, because Pei's armored soldiers were really too deterrent. .

But now that I think about it, the situation at the scene is indeed very strange.

If the Pei's armored soldiers guarded the office building before to protect something, this is understandable, but then foreign aid came here, and they did not come out to help, but at this moment they chose to retreat, which seems to be unreasonable. .

The middle-aged man saw that several people had fallen outside, and he rushed to a window with a gun in his hand: "Block them, stop them first!"


When the voice fell, a group of people in the room began to move. A young man took out the sticky C4 and stuck it on the glass with a quick movement: "Blast!"


The explosion sounded, the bulletproof glass was violently shattered, and Cao Xinglong, who had just landed outside wearing an, was thrown five or six meters away, and fell heavily to the ground. Because of excessive dizziness, he struggled twice. Couldn't get up.

"Damn it! It really is fake!" Seeing the scene outside, the middle-aged man quickly rushed to the blown-up window and put the gun out.


As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, Zhang Hao, who was wearing a full-coverage exoskeleton, rushed to the window, grabbed the middle-aged man's wrist with one hand, dragged him out abruptly, and punched him in the chest.


With a muffled sound, the body armor on the middle-aged chest collapsed, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

A young man following the middle-aged man saw this and stopped in an instant: "What's going on, didn't you say that the armored soldiers are fake?"

Shen Kang's eyes flashed fiercely: "I can't handle that much anymore! Hard work!"


Just as Shen Kang moved, the satellite phone on his waist began to vibrate continuously.