
Chapter 681: unexpected call

After the explosion on the west side of the chemical plant, Shen Kang's first reaction was that something had happened on Ning Zhe's side, but he was trapped in the office building by swarms of rats, and he couldn't do anything, and the scene was a mess. Completely lost command.

Ning Zhe and the others retreated to the west, and Lu's spy team quickly picked them up.

Until he got into an off-road vehicle and started to evacuate, Ning Zhe finally let go of his dangling heart.

Zhang Duo had been sent to the nearest Lu's stronghold for treatment because of his injuries, while Ning Zhe was sitting in a car with Hu Lang.

It was not until the vehicle completely left the industrial zone that Ning Zhe looked at Hu Lang, ready to ask about him, but after Hu Lang answered a call, he said a few words, then turned around and handed the satellite phone to Ning Zhe: "Fourth Master wants to talk to you."

Ning Zhe took the call: "Fourth Master?"

Lu Meng asked bluntly, "Tell me, what do you need us to do?"

"Now the management center has been controlled by Qu Xiangran. The defense there is very tight. I need your help to make the management center chaotic. You can let me sneak in and save a person."

"Can I know who you are trying to save?"

Ning Zhe thought for a while, but didn't tell the truth: "A person who is very important to me."

"Okay." Seeing that Ning Zhe didn't seem to want to mention the details of the incident, Lu Meng responded, "You should have seen that, in order to save you from breaking through, all the special teams that Lu's can use have been transferred to the industry. On the other side of the district, they are still entangled with the people of the dark horse company, and it is difficult to get out for a while, I can agree to your conditions, but the time of the action has to be set by me."

"No problem." Ning Zhe knew that Lu Meng was in trouble right now, so he didn't urge it. For the dark horse company, he should be a missing person during the war, but he wouldn't attract the attention of others.

"Give the phone to Hu Lang. I want him to bring you to see me. If you have anything to say, let's meet."

Ning Zhe just handed the phone to Hu Lang, and the satellite phone he used privately also rang, and he saw Song Jia's name written on the caller ID, he hesitated, and then chose to answer: "Hello?"

Song Jia heard Ning Zhe's voice and asked indifferently, "Ning Zhe, can I understand that you broke your promise?"

Ning Zhe was slightly startled in the face of the sudden accusation: "Why do you say that?"

"If you still remember the conditions between us, then you shouldn't have forgotten. You promised to take me out of the fortress, right?" Song Jiaqiang suppressed her anger: "Now the city is in such a mess, why have you never contacted me? I?"

When Ning Zhe was searching for the whereabouts of Yu Liangjun of Guangzhi Company in the dark horse company, he once asked Song Jia for help, and Song Jia offered the condition that Ning Zhe would take her away from Fortress No. 87.

The reason why Ning Zhe didn't contact Song Jia was not because he forgot about it, but because he didn't believe Song Jia, because Song Jia's identity was a spy chief established by Pei Xiangtong's father at No. 87, and Ning Zhe did these things , Most of them are invisible, and naturally they don't want outsiders to know, especially Song Jia.

Although Song Jia helped Ning Zhe get rid of the crime in Wu Weibang's hands, Wu Weibang was already crazy at that time, and he was not a member of Pei's family. Ning Zhe was really not at ease when dealing with her.

Ning Zhe was wary of Song Jia, but he couldn't show this kind of thing. Seeing the other party asking, he immediately explained: "Now the five administrative districts have been reduced to an isolated island, and even I myself live in danger, so what's the point of contact? What? I promised to take you away, but I never promised to protect you!"

"You..." Song Jia was speechless by Ning Zhe's words, and said angrily, "If I die, how will you keep your promise?"

Ning Zhe licked his lower lip: "Then I can take your body out of the city!"

Song Jia: "!!!"

Ning Zhe did not continue to irritate Song Jia, and said, "Don't worry, I will remember my promise. Once I have the opportunity to leave, I will contact you."

"You have a conscience!" Song Jia's mood eased a little, and she said, "I'm calling you this phone, not to find fault, but to tell you that someone is eyeing Su Fei."

Ning Zhe, who was in a relaxed state after escaping from the chemical factory, suddenly sat up straight: "Is the news accurate?!"

Song Jia asked back, "Has there been any mistakes in the information I provided you?"

Ning Zhe suddenly became nervous: "What's the specific situation?"

Song Jia didn't hang Ning Zhe's appetite: "I got the information that the dark horse company is going to arrest Su Fei, and it has already started! Moreover, the personnel are rapidly moving to Jiangtian District. I think you should be very interested in this news."

Ning Zhe frowned: "Why did you tell me this news?"

"Otherwise, who do you think I should tell this news, Mrs. Pei?" There was a hint of contempt in Song Jia's tone: "You still don't believe me, so you haven't thought about it. With the information I have, if it is true What do you want to do to you, you have been run over long ago, I said I want to leave the fortress, I mean it."

"Thank you." Ning Zhe didn't continue to struggle with this question: "Do you know how many people the dark horse went to?"

"I just received relevant news. The fortress is now in a mess, and my situation system has been seriously affected. Jiangtian District is the hardest hit area where the test bodies are ravaged. My people can't approach, so the news I just told you has It's all information."

After listening to Song Jia's answer, Ning Zhe asked, "Where are you now?"

"Treasure City, when the test body attacked Bao City I hid in the safe house."

"Find a way to go to Cannes by yourself, wait for my call, and I will contact you when I can leave." After Ning Zhe left a sentence, he hung up the phone and patted the driver's seat: "Stop, hurry! "

As soon as Ning Zhe's car stopped, Fatty Li in the car behind him didn't know what was going on, and they all got out of the car with guns. Ning Zhe also reached out and pushed the car door open, looked at Fatty Li and asked, "I asked you to take Su Fei off before. , do you remember where he lived?"

Fatty Li nodded: "Remember, what's wrong Brother Zhe?"

"Don't ask! Find transportation and go to Baoshi! Fast!" Ning Zhe waved his hands to several people in a row before he could explain.

Seeing that Ning Zhe and his party were about to leave, Hu Lang also came over: "What's the situation, do you need my help?"

"No! You go to see the fourth master first, I have some personal matters to deal with! I'll contact you when I'm done!" Ning Zhe didn't want to let Mr. Lu know about his relationship with the revolutionary army at this time, so he left a word, seeing that Hu Yihan was no longer Knowing where to find a bike, I ran over and sat on the back seat.