
Chapter 799: Deputy Head Liao

When Lu Tao came to meet Lu Meng, his original intention was to persuade him to turn back.

He knew very well in his heart that Lu Tianhe would never agree to let Lu Meng join the independent column, because Lu Tianhe was not a member of the military world. If their brothers joined the Baisheng Army together, it would inevitably leave a Lu Tianhe family trying to take full control of this one. The voice of the army.

Lu Tao could have left this matter alone. The reason for doing so was just to do his part to maintain the unity of the family and prevent outsiders from laughing.

What he can think of, Lu Meng can also think of, and Lu Meng believes that Lu Tao is not perfunctory, as long as he is willing to agree to Lu Tao's request, then Lu Tao will try to persuade Lu Tianhe, but Lu Tianhe's stubbornness, Both of their brothers are clear.

Being able to join the 11th Army is already a rare opportunity for Lu Meng. Now that he has reached Wugu City, it is naturally impossible for him to give up the opportunity he finally won to make a phantom promise.

Lu Tao looked at his stubborn younger brother and took a deep breath: "Lu Meng, have you really thought about it, are you going to develop in a motley army like the Eleventh Army?"

"I can't look back, because even if I take a step back, I'm afraid I won't have a second chance to touch a gun in my life." Lu Meng responded without hesitation: "The moment I left Daosui City, I had already done it. Good decision, in your eyes, the Eleventh Army is just a motley army, but in my opinion, this is my hope."


After listening to Lu Meng's words, Lu Tao took a deep breath: "Actually, before I came to see you, I thought of this outcome, and I also knew that we would have an unhappy ending, you are too stubborn, this is what Dad chose I'm not your reason, and you know that, right?"

"Is this still important for a family that distributes affection based on ability?" Lu Meng showed a self-deprecating smile: "You're right about one thing, maybe you shouldn't come today."

"But I'm your brother. I'm here not only for Dad, but also for you." Lu Tao shook his shoulders, took off his cloak, and put it on Lu Meng's shoulder: "Lingnan Wind Lie, take care of yourself."

"You too." Lu Meng felt the warm cloak pressed against his shoulders, and put away his fighting face: "It's no child's play on the battlefield, just hide from the shells."

"Bunny!" Lu Tao reached out and patted Lu Meng's head, shouting, "Guards!"

The captain of the guard trotted over and saluted, "Master!"

"Selection of a battalion of soldiers to **** my brother to Wugucheng, protect his safety on the road, and when he settles down, you can return to the team by yourself."


When Lu Meng heard Lu Tao's order, he instinctively wanted to refuse: "Second brother..."

"Since you have decided to do it, then do something like that. You and I don't tell lies between your brothers. Your business has disappointed Dad, but I can't let him down any more. The help my brother can provide you is very good. Little, but no matter what time it is, you are my younger brother, you have to remember that the conflict between you and me only stems from different ideas, but family love cannot be given up." After Lu Tao said, he patted Lu Meng's arm. , then turned around without looking back, sat back in the armored vehicle, and merged into the rolling traffic on the road.

It was not until the convoy of the independent column passed completely that an off-road vehicle appeared and began to notify the release along the way. A battalion soldier left by Lu Tao also began to adjust the convoy and formed an **** formation.

Ning Zhe was sitting in the car in the distance, and when he saw Lu Tao put a cape on Lu Meng, he knew that the conflict between the two brothers had been resolved, and he relaxed a lot.

With the **** of a battalion of soldiers in the independent column, the bandit problem that Ning Zhe and the others were worried about before was solved, and more than a dozen military vehicles began to line up to Wugucheng.

After walking in the desert for a few hours, the outline of Wugucheng also caught Ning Zhe's eyes.

As the southernmost fortress of the Lu family, Wugucheng stands alone in the endless desert. Just like the architectural style of other fortresses of the Lü family, the wall of Wugucheng is only a dozen meters high, and the city wall built with loess is severely weathered. The Lu family's emblem flag on the city wall is hunting drums in the wind. The Lu family's emblem flag is green, with a yellow rice ear on it, and the lower leaves are composed of swords, which means that the Lu family will protect the rear at all costs. granary.

Because there are many bandits in Lingnan, and Wugu City is the first line of defense against bandits, the security level is very high. The city wall is almost at the point of three steps and one post, five steps and one post, and the city gates are not open all day long.

After Hu Lang finished negotiating with the city gate defenders, everyone was allowed to enter the city, but because they did not send orders, the large army could not enter the city. There were only three places. After thinking about it, Lu Meng chose to bring Ning Zhe and Zhang Duo. into town.

In Lv Meng's independent battalion, Zhang Duo served as the deputy battalion commander, and Hu Lang was his adjutant. The so-called adjutant actually refers to the secretary with the military rank. According to common sense, Hu Lang and Ning should enter the city. Although Zhe was a platoon leader under the independent battalion, in fact this was just a false name, and it was Ning Zhe who managed to get Lu Meng back into the army. In this case, Lu Meng brought Ning Zhe into the city, In fact, it is a manifestation of trust, and Ning Zhe is well aware of this.

After the city gate was opened, the first thing that caught Ning Zhe's eyes was a medium tank with its muzzle aimed at them, and there were two chariots behind it, and the garrison in the city was also very close to the city gate. From the layout point of view, It should be set up to deal with emergencies at any time. It can be seen that the local banditry is indeed rampant to a certain extent.

Under the guidance of the defenders, Ning Zhe and others were quickly taken to the headquarters of the logistics group and met Liao Meng, the deputy head of the logistics group.

Liao Meng's name sounds, but he is actually a middle-aged man with a pot belly. He is only a little over 1.6 meters tall, and wearing a military uniform on him looks a bit nondescript.

Ning Zhe glanced at Liao Meng's epaulettes. His rank was the same as that of Lu Meng, and he was also a major. The logistics force was generally one level lower than the combat troops, so Lu Meng should be the one with the highest rank among the four battalion commanders of the logistics regiment. The other three battalion commanders are also captains.

After Lu Meng entered the door, he straightened his back and gave a military salute: "Hello, Deputy Commander Liao! Commander of the Independent Battalion of the Logistics Regiment, Lu Meng is reporting to you!"

Liao Meng sat at the table reading the newspaper, waved his hand lazily, and didn't return the salute at all: "We are the logistics group, there are not so many rules, sit down!"

Lu Meng was born in the army, so he was not used to Liao Meng's laziness, but he was his superior after all, so he could only respond patiently: "Deputy Commander Liao, I still have some subordinates waiting outside the city, Please issue a warrant first to let them enter the city, okay?"

"It's not easy to handle this." Liao Meng blinked: "Your independent battalion doesn't even have a number. I don't know how to fill in the approval slip. Besides, your station is not in the city, so there's no need to come in."