
Chapter 800: Visitors from Daosui City

Liao Meng's words made Lu Meng, Ning Zhe, and Zhang Duo all stunned.

After about two seconds, Lu Meng looked at Liao Meng: "Deputy head Liao, you said our station is not in the city, where is it?"

"Outside the city." Liao Meng scratched his nose: "The specific location has not yet been selected."

"Deputy Head Liao, I'm afraid this is not right?" Zhang Duo asked first: "According to the military regulations, only combat troops will be stationed outside the fortress, and we are just a logistics group, we don't need to leave the fortress?"

"Hehe, you went outside the city not for combat, but for agricultural reclamation tasks." Liao Meng grinned: "We are a logistics group, what we have to do is to provide supplies to the first division stationed here, and the first battalion is responsible for Weapons dispatch, the second battalion is responsible for the supply of medicines, the remaining third battalion and your independent battalion basically have to do everything. To put it bluntly, it is responsible for eating, drinking and lhasa. Recently, the front line has been tense and can provide us with the garrison troops. The share of materials has always been decreasing, and when I learned that the regiment was going to expand an independent battalion, I had already assigned your tasks, starting today, as a farming camp, you will grow vegetables and crops outside the city."

Zhang Duo retorted: "Deputy Head Liao, there are serious bandits in Lingnan. You asked us to develop agriculture outside the city. Isn't the risk too great?"

"You are soldiers, and if you are soldiers, you have to carry out orders. Farming is your task, and it is also your task to protect the agricultural base. Wugu City is small and there is no extra land for reclamation. You can only go outside the city." Liao Meng paused. After a while, he smiled at Lu Meng: "Of course, if battalion commander Lv feels unable to complete this task, he can also ask his superiors to apply for transfer. I think you have already spent a lot of money as an independent battalion commander. Changing yamen is nothing more than a matter of spending some money, hehe."

Seeing Liao Meng's words being so straightforward, Lu Meng understood that the other party was blatantly asking for bribes, but Liao Meng's contempt and style made him very disgusted, and he responded decisively: "No problem, since I can take office, I will overcome the difficulties, but I don't know when the soldiers under my command will be assigned?"

"You are an independent battalion. The regiment pays nothing to you except for the salaries, uniforms, and weapons. You are responsible for recruiting soldiers. We will pay you full salaries and supplies on a monthly basis." Liao Meng lit up. A cigarette: "But let's talk about it first. If you deduct the army's salaries and make it impossible to complete the task of agricultural reclamation, I will not be lenient when I punish you."


Ten minutes later, Lu Meng took Zhang Duo and Ning Zhe out of Liao Meng's office. Zhang Duo walked beside Lu Meng and said softly, "Fourth Master, this Liao Meng's behavior just now is obviously trying to get rid of us. Your attitude is a little too radical!"

"I came here to make achievements and realize my ambitions, not to be willing to be a mercenary all my life to please my superiors." Lu Meng stopped and looked at Zhang Duo seriously: "If you rely on Liao Meng This kind of stuff can make me bow my head, it's completely pointless for me to come here."

"That's right, this Liao Meng asked us for money the first time he saw him. He's a guy with a lot of appetite. I'm not familiar with this kind of person." Ning Zhe also nodded: "It's just that he asked us to go to camp outside the city. There are still risks involved.”

"Liao Meng is right, we are soldiers, so naturally we shouldn't be afraid of bandits, and we can't avoid the things we should face." Lu Meng thought for a while: "Since the army is paid enough, the immediate problem is to recruit soldiers, Zhang Duo, tomorrow You go to the barracks to put up a notice for a three-day audition."

"Fourth Master, if we are stationed outside the city, I'm afraid it's not easy to do what this proves." Zhang Duo raised his concerns: "People in the fortress are generally reluctant to leave the city, especially in the Lingnan area. Bandits, if the recruits know that they are going to leave the city as soon as they join the army, the difficulty of recruiting will definitely increase.”

"Add more money." Ning Zhe directly made a decision for Lu Meng: "There must be brave men under the heavy reward. As long as we are willing to spend money, people are not the problem. What is the normal salary standard for mercenaries?"

Zhang Duo quickly responded: "The salary of soldiers is calculated according to their grades. For guards, the average is around 2,000. For mercenaries, it should be about 200 lower, around 1,009."

"We recruit soldiers from the independent battalion, and the salary will be directly paid to 3,000. I will pay for the insufficient part!" The gold value in Ning Zhe's hand was about 500 million. He had spent more than 40 million in order to deal with Lu Meng's affairs, but The rest in his hand is still an astronomical figure. Throwing more than 300,000 yuan every month is just a drop in the bucket for him.

"Isn't this inappropriate." After listening to Ning Zhe's words, Lu Meng looked at him a little embarrassedly: "Before you have spent a lot of money to help me, this time..."

Ning Zhe couldn't wait for Lu Meng to finish his words, so he interrupted him: "The most important thing right now is to pull up your team first, there are many people waiting outside to see your jokes, at this time, spend Some money is a trivial matter, I spend an extra 300,000 yuan a month, and a year is more than 3 million yuan, this amount of money will not drag me down."

Seeing Ning Zhe's eyes, Lu Meng showed a smile: "I have made many friends over the years, and I always thought they could help me when I was in trouble, but for you, I just admired you at first and wanted to I gave you a hand, but I didn't expect that the person who helped me in the end was precisely you."

Ning Zhe waved his hand: "Don't talk about this, it's business to get the conscription done as soon as possible, don't forget that there are still a group of people waiting outside the city."

"The team that Lu Tao left behind will not leave until we have finished dealing with the matter here. You don't need to worry about Lin Xun's safety for the time As Lu Meng spoke, he walked forward. : "Let's go, let's go to the Propaganda Department first and make the draft announcement. "


The recruitment of soldiers from the independent battalion is a military operation, and it needs to be reviewed by the regiment. During the afternoon, Lu Meng and the others were busy with it.

That night, Liao Meng, the deputy head of the logistics group, hurried to a restaurant in the city after receiving a call.

The person who asked Liao Meng for dinner that day was Zhou Hai, the deputy teacher of the first division they belonged to. This person is in his fifties this year, but he looks very young. Usually, he has little interaction with Liao Meng except for work.

Although Liao Meng is currently in charge of the whole regiment in place of Wang Hongyang, he has not yet straightened up and is trying to maintain relations. Zhou Hai's phone call really made him a little flattered, so after entering the door, he nodded and complimented: "Senior Zhou, It's such an honor for you to invite me to dinner today!"

"Haha, if this is the case, you are doing a good job in your usual work. I should thank you for your cooperation." Zhou Hai smiled heartily and pointed to the young man beside him: "By the way, let me introduce you to this guy. It's Lu Feiliang, the director of the torture department of the Daosui City Imperial Army Headquarters."