
Chapter 852: Benefit layout, family give way

After Lu Tao gave the order, he was a little sullen at the adjutant's obstruction: "You think I violated the military order above by deploying troops, but have you ever thought that you are my subordinate, and to you, my words are the military order? "

"Sorry, sir, my allegiance is to the Lu family, not you!" The adjutant looked directly at Lu Tao and responded with a strong attitude: "I can choose to refuse an order that I know is wrong!"

"In this matter, you have no right to refuse, either go to assemble the troops, or I will revoke your position now!" Lu Tao suddenly burst out with the breath of a superior: "Am I clear enough? "

"Yes!" Seeing that Lu Tao was unreasonable, the adjutant turned around and left the tent.

A minute later, Lu Tao didn't wait for the adjutant's response, but Lu Tianhe called him first.

Lu Tao looked at the call from Lu Tianhe, hesitated for a moment, muted the satellite phone and put it aside.

Soon, the adjutant walked into the house and gestured with the satellite phone: "Sir, sir's phone!"

Lu Tao waved his hand: "I'm in command of the front line, so it's inconvenient to answer the phone!"

The adjutant stepped forward and handed over the phone: "The phone has been connected!"

"You..." Lu Tao heard the adjutant's response, pointed at him, and finally answered the phone: "Dad!"

On the other side of the phone, Lu Tianhe's energetic voice came out: "Fight your battle with peace of mind, you don't have to deal with Lu Meng's affairs!"

Lu Tao glanced at the adjutant and asked, "Dad, have you received this news?"

"I said, you don't need to worry about this matter!" Lu Tianhe's tone had become a little displeased: "Your mission is to lead good soldiers and fight good battles, don't be distracted by things outside Qiongling!"

"I can turn a blind eye to other things, but Lu Meng is my younger brother!" Lu Tao sternly said, "I want to know how you dealt with my younger brother!"

Seeing Lu Tao's emphasis on the word "little brother", Lu Tianhe responded in a low voice, "Lu Tao, you should know that you are not only the hope of our family, but also the hope of the family! Lu Meng has willful capital, but You don't! You're his brother, but I'm also his father. Maybe we deal with it differently, but we're all his relatives. Do you understand when I say this?"

Lu Tao took a deep breath: "Lu Meng, is it really going to be alright?"

Lu Tianhe said, "It's a good thing for him that you don't move. For others, Lu Meng's only use value is that he is my son and your younger brother. If someone really does something to him. What small moves are made, and the target is also the family and your independent column, not him, can you understand me when I say this?"

Seeing Lu Tianhe answering his question politely, Lu Tao said seriously, "Dad, I hope you can assure me that Lu Meng is safe."

"I can't guarantee his safety, but I will try my best to ensure his safety." Lu Tianhe did not deceive Lu Tao: "Lu Kuan is in Wugu City, and you are aware of his abilities."

Lu Tao clenched his fist slightly: "What is Lu Kuan's mission?"

Lu Tianhe said bluntly: "Get rid of Lu Meng's useless friends and bring him back to Wugu City. In order to prevent him from being used, house arrest may be the best result for him."

Lu Tao frowned: "Little Si won't go back!"

"It's not up to him, and it's up to you!" Lu Tianhe said, and hung up the phone.

Lu Tao heard the busy tone on the phone, and slowly raised his head to look at the adjutant: "You reported the news to my dad, right?"

The adjutant did not answer the question: "Sir, from now on, I will be with you around the clock!"

"You are my adjutant! But your allegiance is not me, don't you think this is ridiculous? You keep saying that your allegiance is to the Lu family, but in fact, your allegiance is Lu Tianhe!" Lu Tao saw the adjutant use such a Treating himself indifferently, with a bit of threat in his tone: "Trust me, when the Qiongling Battle is over, I will definitely replace you!"

The adjutant smiled: "Sir, I was sent to the independent column by the master, you can't replace me, the master asked me to tell you that you and the fourth master have different identities, but the responsibilities are the same, both serve the family, please Don't take yourself too seriously."

"Fuck you!" Lu Tao lost interest in talking to the adjutant, picked up his satellite phone, and dialed Lu Meng's number.

A few seconds later, Lu Meng's voice came out: "Second brother?"

Hearing Lu Meng's voice, Lu Tao suddenly asked in distress, "You're going to Chaoxi Town, aren't you?"

Lu Meng was stunned for a moment, and then responded, "Yes, I'm already on my way."

"Have you thought about the consequences?"

When Lu Meng heard Lu Tao mention this place in Chaoxi Town, he probably understood what was going on: "You can give me this call to show that this matter has already reached the capital, right?"

"Since you know everything, why ask me!" Lu Tao sighed: "Now look back, you can continue to stay in the barracks, if something goes wrong in this matter, the outcome is out of your control!"

"Second brother, just a few months ago, I thought that Lu Meng was very popular and had many, many friends, but since Pei's return, I feel that I have grown up and have understood many things. The environment in which I am destined to be the first impression that pops up in everyone's mind when they look at me for the first time must be the word value."

Lu Meng paused for two seconds, and then said seriously: "I don't have any friends, and I cherish my friends, so I have to go to Chaoxi Town to bring Zhang Duo back!"

"In case someone from another family intervenes, can you guarantee your own safety?"

"I don't have many friends, and it just so happens that I am all around this time." Lu Meng smiled freely: "I don't know if I can succeed, but I know that they will do their best to protect me, and they are also me here. The most trusted person in the world."

Lu Tao heard that Lu Meng put his friends in front of his His face was flushed, but the reality was in front of him. Lu Meng was worried about his life at the moment, but he, the elder brother, couldn't do anything. As a father, he only wanted to kill Lu Meng's friends. Lu Tao knew better than anyone else that Lu Tianhe said that he was afraid that his friends would lead him astray. Abandoned sons, can't, and can't have their own power.

And Ning Zhe and others are the most taboo "criminals" in the political circle.

Lu Tao wanted to say something to remind Lu Meng, but after thinking about it again and again, he hesitated: "I wanted to help you, but I'm sorry, you know, I can't beat the military order!"

"Second brother, I'm already very happy that you can make this call." Lu Meng smiled: "How is the battle on the front line?"

Lu Tao pursed his lips: "Everything is fine."

"be careful."

"You too."

After Lu Tao hung up the phone, he leaned on the seat tiredly. He felt sorry for his younger brother, but at the same time he could sense that the affection between him and him had become weaker and weaker.