
Chapter 853: beast of power

Ning Zhe accompanied Lu Meng to Chaoxi Town. Almost all of his men were dispatched. Except for the disabled Cao Xinglong and Ma Si who did not come, none of the others were left behind. They also brought more than 30 elite bandits.

There are no roads and no official jurisdiction in Lingnan. Although there are bandits everywhere, the bandits will not be responsible for infrastructure construction. Therefore, from Wugucheng to Chaoxi Town, you can only travel through the desert. The route along the way is very complicated, not only need to avoid Some gangsters have to avoid mountains and quicksand areas.

Because there is no specific coordinate point in Chaoxi Town, Li Shezi, who has been to Chaoxi Town, can only lead the way with experience, and there are four motorcycles constantly alternately exploring the road ahead, which causes the team to travel very slowly. .

When Lu Meng received a call from Lu Tao, the convoy was parked behind a sand dune for fuel supply. Ning Zhe noticed that Lu Meng's mood had become a little off. He walked over to him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Meng shook his head: "No, my second brother called me just now, saying that what happened here has already reached the capital."

Ning Zhe thought for a moment: "Do you think the people who want to deal with you are from the capital?"

"It's not clear at the moment, but if this matter is really related to the capital, there is indeed some danger." Seeing a gust of yellow sand being swept in by the wind, Lu Meng adjusted his cap and continued: "Let me I feel chilled, not because of what kind of enemy I'm facing, but because my family also knew about it, but they didn't provide me with any help. My second brother called me and he wanted to help me, but he couldn't. Get started."

Only then did Ning Zhe realize that Lu Meng felt uncomfortable because of the attitude of his family, and said with a smile, "You remember, when you came to Lingnan, your father was clearly against it. From the moment you choose to join the army, aren't you ready to fight your family to the end?"

"I'm not worried about this, but..." Lu Meng glanced at Ning Zhe, then smiled and shook his head: "Forget it, don't mention it."

"Don't think about it, if family matters really bother you, just treat yourself as an ordinary person." Ning Zhe handed the kettle to Lu Meng: "Even treat yourself as a person without family, I know what to say. It's not suitable, but you can actually try to think differently, separate family from family, and treat your dad and your brother as ordinary people. You are a family, but they can't help you. When you think of them , It's not good to have only the word family, isn't it?"

"People are in the temple, can't help themselves!" Lu Meng smiled: "Forget it, I can adjust myself!"

At this time, Wei Li also shouted from a distance: "Commander! The vehicle is full of fuel, we can continue to set off!"

"Okay!" Ning Zhe agreed, then got up and said to Lu Meng, "I'll go check this vehicle, you can adjust yourself too."

Lu Meng sat on the sand dune, looked at Ning Zhe's retreating back, and said to Hu Lang, who was beside him: "After we arrive at Chaoxi Town, you must follow Ning Zhe's side, and don't let Ning Zhe go. He's out of your sight!"

Hu Lang was stunned: "Fourth Master, what does this mean?"

"In the matter of Chaoxi Town, my second brother did not move because the family did not want him to be stained. In my father's eyes, I was a poor and unsatisfactory waste, not worth my second brother to take risks for me, my second brother I was also persuaded, which shows that the family is prepared for this matter for me."

Lu Meng paused for a moment, then continued: "Since I arrived in Lingnan, I have not been smooth, but I always believed that there must be a purpose behind the harassment of the bandits, and this target must be me, with the energy of my family, I want to It may not be difficult to protect me, but I am more afraid that they are not here to protect me."

"Fourth Master, are you too sensitive?" Hu Lang looked at Lu Meng with some incomprehension: "If your family doesn't protect you, will they still hurt you?"

Lu Meng narrowed his eyes: "The word hurt doesn't have to be used only for oneself! I'm afraid they will hurt my friends!"

The corner of Hu Lang's eyes twitched: "This is what the second master said to you?"

"My second brother didn't say anything, but his words were more serious than what he said." Lu Meng took a deep breath: "We are brothers, we grew up together since childhood, I know him too well. Yes, my dad definitely doesn't want me to have an accident, but equally, he doesn't want to see me succeed."

Feeling Lu Meng's suppressed emotions, Hu Lang unconsciously clenched his fists: "I really don't understand, you are obviously a family, why are you so intriguing, other people's parents are all hoping their children will become dragons, but why does the master think so To see you fail?"

"My family environment is very special. It is destined that only one dragon can fly in our family. My dad doesn't care about what I can achieve now, or what I do now. In their eyes, it's all about the size of sesame seeds. , what he is doing now is to prevent problems before they happen!"

Lu Meng smiled: "Now the whole family's energy is poured into my second brother, when he grows up, he can replace my father's position and continue to make the family cohesive, the fortress cannot be broken from the outside. , and looking at the entire family, the only person who can threaten the status of my second brother is me, a direct descendant of the same origin as him, who has the advantage of blood."

Hu Lang said sternly: "But everyone knows that you are not such a person!"

"Yeah, my dad knows that too, but what he wants to do is to be foolproof. If I were a mediocre person, I would definitely not be treated like this, but would be very favored! But I am not, I am an ambitious person. People!" The corner of Lu Meng's mouth raised slightly: "The head of a big the throne of one of the thirteen elders, these things are very attractive, no one doesn't want them, including me, you Can't see my thirst for power, but my dad can!"

Lu Meng, who has always shown indifference to power, was able to say these words, which made Hu Lang, who was always by his side, a little shocked: "Fourth Master, is this really what you really think in your heart?"

"People will change with the environment. In the past, I didn't want power, but after I arrived in Lingnan, I found that even the low-level armed forces like bandits didn't care about the Lu Clan. It was really difficult for me to accept it! I think I want power, not for my own benefit, but to change everything! I don't know if I can do better than my second brother, but I am confident that I can do better than him! I won't Fighting for power with my own brother! But there is a beast in my heart that wants to devour power!"

Lu Meng paused for a moment, and suddenly showed an incomprehensible smile: "This beast is terrifying and powerful, so powerful that I don't even know if I can control it! And my father is the one who can control it. The person who saw this beast! He wants to kill this beast! He wants to protect our family, but my ambition is to break the family infighting of the chaebols and make the Lu family stronger. At this point, we It's the opposite of itself! I don't care if he can kill this beast! But now, I have to protect my friend who guards this beast with me!"