
Chapter 854: Twilight falls, killing hearts rises

The convoy drove in the desert for a whole day and night, and finally arrived at Chaoxi Town in the evening of the next day.

Looking up from the sand dunes in the distance, a large continuous building is scattered near an oasis. The lake in the center of the town is like a gem inlaid on the ground, shining brightly. The shadow of the building is elongated by the setting sun. Like a lost city in legend.

Ning Zhe put down the telescope in his hand, and was also shocked by the scene in the distance: "I originally thought that Chaoxi Town is only a small town, but I didn't expect it to have such a large area!"

"It is said that the old world cities are like this, open, free, without high walls, and they can do business with each other!" Lu Meng looked at the endless buildings in Chaoxi Town: "Didn't you watch old world movies? almost!"

Ning Zhe smiled: "When I watch old world movies, I always have an unreal feeling, maybe because I have never experienced that world! And here, it should be the biggest I have ever seen outside the fortress so far. city!"

"Yeah! Strictly speaking, this is no longer a town, but a city! But I never imagined that such a big city would be built by bandits!" Lu Meng also has Ning Zhe's That feeling: "The refugee area is chaotic and disorderly, plundering is the most common thing, and the order here is amazing! You know, tearing down the city wall of the fortress is something that the chaebols can't even think about!"

"The chaebols don't dare to do that because the world is not unified, and they are attacking each other. Once the city is not protected by high walls, if the opponent rushes into their territory, it will really be a long drive! And this place in Lingnan , on the contrary!" Ning Zhe expressed his thoughts: "In our opinion, the Lingnan area is disordered, but these people living here always have their own space, and bandits are already at the top of the food chain. , they can provide stability to this kind of place.”

"Yeah, at least for now, Lingnan is a closed circle. I have never looked down on bandits, but looking at Chaoxi Town, I found that I was prejudiced against this group before." Lu Meng Looking at the town in the distance, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes: "If the Lu family doesn't stop the bandits in Lingnan, there will be big problems here sooner or later."

Ning Zhe gave Lu Meng a sympathetic look: "This doesn't seem to be your concern. What you need to think about now is how to get in here and come out alive."

"Hey... Kong has an ambition, but he can't show it! Maybe I'm the poor person!" Lu Meng's smug enthusiasm was extinguished by Ning Zhe's words, and he returned to the cold reality. Looking at the sunset, he said, "Yong Wu made an agreement with us. The location is the Desert Inn in Chaoxi Town, but we are not familiar with the terrain there, so I don’t think everyone should enter it hastily.”

"Weili! Take a few people into the city to survey the terrain and set up an ambush in the desert inn!" Ning Zhe told Wei Li, and then continued to say to the others: "Wait a minute, let's spread out, Lin Bao, Zhang and I will leave. Put it next to Lu Meng, and the others will act in groups, Wu Hao and Li Lin, each of you will lead ten people to ambush outside the desert inn, and the others will pretend to be guests and enter the inn, and obey Hu Yihan's command!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

"Let's go, enter the city!" Ning Zhe put a cloak over himself, and then walked into Chaoxi Town at the same time as Lu Meng.


At the same time, next to the tea stall facing the street in Chaoxi Town, Grizzly Bear, also wearing a cloak, sat opposite Yong Wu and looked at him with one eye: "Brother Fifth, according to your instructions, brothers are all It's scattered around."

Yong Wu held the tea bowl and asked, "Have you found any trace of Lu Meng and the others?"

Grizzly shook his head slightly: "Not yet, Chaoxi is a big town, and there are too many passages, but the people below reported that there are many faces around the desert inn, I suspect that Lu Meng should have come!"

Yong Wu continued to ask: "Are you sure that the surrounding area of ​​the Desert Inn has been armed?"

"Don't worry, the people who entered the city this time are from the same village as me, and they are trustworthy!" Grizzly nodded earnestly: "As long as Lu Meng leaves the Desert Inn, my people will follow and keep an eye on him. As soon as Lu Meng leaves Chaoxi Town, they will do it!"

"No! Let's not do it outside the town!" Yong Wu shook his head again: "Chaoxi Town is located in the Gobi, and the surrounding terrain is too complicated. If we miss, we may lose Lu Meng's trace again, so my thinking is, Kill him directly in town!"

"Fifth brother?!" Grizzly heard this, his eyes widened in surprise: "Are you crazy? This is not our territory, and it is also a town guarded by the Xinmeng. We shoot here because we are selfish. Dig the grave!"

The Xinmeng mentioned by Grizzly Bear, the full name is Xinyi Alliance, is an organization jointly established by several big bandits in this area. Its main job is to open a bandit city for other bandits to trade to earn tax from it, which is considered a Lingnan bandit group. Among them, the more prestigious organizations.

"Take this one!" Yong Wu's wide sleeves brushed across the table, leaving behind a token made of brass: "This is the pass token of Chaoxi Town, as long as you hold this token, The pursuit will not stop you, and after we succeed, we can leave here without hindrance!"

Grizzly picked up the token and glanced at it: "Is this thing really useful?"

Yong Wu smiled: "I have reached an agreement with the Yelang Gang of the Lutheran Alliance. I bought this token at a huge price, and it is the Yelang Gang who is on duty in Chaoxi Town this week!"

"You can actually get the opportunity to kill people in Chaoxi Town!" Grizzly muttered in surprise, and got ready to stand up: "I haven't notified the brothers about this, now go and designate a retreat route with them!"

Yong Wu raised his head: "Grizzly bear, this token cannot let everyone leave, it is only valid for one person."

Grizzly was stunned.

Yong Wu said calmly: "The Lutheran Alliance is not a gang that Yelang can call the shots. If people are killed here, he must have an explanation, so except for the two of us, everyone else has to die. This is what I negotiated with Yelang. One of the conditions!"

At this moment, the setting sun has completely sunk into the horizon, the orange-red sky has dissipated, and the lanterns on both sides of the street are gradually lighting up.

"Let's go, it's time!" Yong Wu put down the tea bowl, got up and walked towards the street.

A gust of wind blows, and the yellow sand is long.

When the wind and sand dissipated, a three-story building at the end of the street lit up with neon lights. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!