
Chapter 933: cut meat to feed the eagle

After Ning Zhe finished speaking, Lao Ka, who was sitting in the main seat, changed his face: "Third shopkeeper, what you said just gave me an ominous premonition, are you planning to fight with the chaebol?" Shall we eat?"

"Uncle Ka, I don't think my action should be called grabbing food from the chaebol. As I said just now, we all think that we are the ones in charge of the relics. In fact, the chaebol sees gangsters like We are at the bottom of the food chain just like gangsters look at refugees.”

Ning Zhe didn't explain the interests of the chaebol to the bandit leaders in detail, and knew that these bandits who were refugees didn't know much about the chaebol, so he made a straightforward condition: "I can assure you that once my company can If it is successfully established, our profit from selling relics can be multiplied by five times!"

After listening to Ning Zhe's words, Diao Henda looked at him with wide eyes: "Only five times?"

Seeing Diao Hen's big gaze, Ning Zhe suddenly heard what Song Jia said before, this guy is indeed an incomprehensible person, and his reaction at this moment shows that he may have some understanding of the profits in this area. So he changed his mind and said: "Five times is our initial estimate, and it can be up to eight times! What kind of concept is this, I think everyone should be clear, if we used to need to make 30 shipments every month to maintain the operation of the gang, So now you only need to go five or six times.

Fewer shipments mean we can take smaller risks, or we can still use the previous method to operate gangsters, but the benefits can be doubled. It only takes one or two months, and the speed of expansion can be Worth the past year, what kind of concept is this, I don't need to explain too much, right? "

After listening to Ning Zhe's words, Lao Ka narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "But you have to be clear, it is difficult to realize what you said. The reason why the plutocrats can control the lifeblood of the bandits is because they have what we need. For all materials, there is no industry in Lingnan, and we cannot farm. If we want food and weapons, we can only cooperate with the chaebol. You just said that our interests can be multiplied. Where does this interest come from? What do you use to provide us with it? Weapons and food?"

"The reason why the chaebols dare to squeeze us like this is because they have grasped our minds and know that we can't get food and weapons from other sources except them, so they squeeze us, but there is no free lunch in the world, they I am willing to help us because I can get a more efficient return!"

Ning Zhe paused for a moment: "The chaebol bought the relic materials from us, and the purchase price has been lowered several times. This is only the price of the materials. After they process, the materials produced can bring them even higher prices. For the chaebol, they are selling rules and technology, while we are selling human life and blood and sweat!

Just now the second shopkeeper thought it was a ridiculous thing for me to say that starting a company, but in fact we have always been doing business with chaebols, and it was almost plundering, and our resources were taken away from us! We need weapons, and they also need our supplies. Everyone obviously takes what they need, but they insist on stepping on us. We negotiate! "

"Your idea is a bit too bold!" After hearing Ning Zhe's response, Lao Ka's face became a little more serious: "You only considered the supply and demand relationship between us and the chaebol, but you ignored the scale of our relationship with each other. , the bandits in Lingnan leave the chaebol, they will definitely die! But the chaebol has left us, and there is still a vast territory to obtain resources! Let’s not talk about it, even if you really integrated the materials of the entire Lingnan, but the chaebol cut off our food, I'm afraid it will only take two or three months, and Lingnan will be disrupted!"

"This kind of situation will never happen, because what we are facing is not one chaebol, but three. They cannot have such a tacit understanding. Once a chaebol really plans to cut off cooperation with us, someone will definitely copy them. On the back road, I want to take all the supplies, after the war, supplies are especially important for the chaebols!"

After Ning Zhe answered Lao Ka's question forcefully, he continued: "I assure you here, as long as the Faith League can provide me with help, I have full confidence that this matter can be done, and I will never Sorry everyone!"

"This matter is too risky. If something goes wrong, it will cause big problems. The size of the Faith League is not small, but our gangs all started with the equipment given by the chaebol. The chaebol can make us grow stronger. It can also make us perish!" Lao Ka shook his head: "I personally think that your idea is a bit too childish."

"If you want to win, you must not only have confidence and courage, but also strength and capital! If we give up, we will completely lose this opportunity and way of life. As long as we try, we will have a chance to win!" Ning Zhe looked at it seriously Lao Ka: "As long as Xinmeng is willing to join, I can give 40% of the shares to Xinmeng. As the company grows, more gangsters will definitely choose to join the company in the future. The 40% of the original shares will inevitably be one in the future. A great fortune."

Diao Hen laughed loudly: "The money you get in your hands is money, and the benefits that can be raised steadily are benefits."

"I agree." Zhao Ying also shook his head: "This is very risky, 40% will benefit a lot, but your success rate in this matter is too low, I don't agree with the Faith League to participate in this business."

Chen Yan looked disdainful: "I don't think it's a big deal! What's so great about chaebols!"

"Zhou Lie is drunk, and abstained according to the usual practice." Lao Ka looked at Zhou Lie who was still sleeping, and said to Ning Zhe, "There are four shopkeepers here besides you, and only Chen Yan voted for it. It is already obvious, the third shopkeeper, the purpose of our formation of the Confidence Alliance is to grow and grow, not to draw chestnuts out of the fire. If you want to fight against the chaebol, you are destroying the foundation of the gang’s survival, so this proposal cannot be accepted by the Confidence Alliance.”

Ning Zhe originally thought that with so many businesses under the Xinmeng League, several shopkeepers should have business acumen, but now it seems that they are just the best of the bandits, and their way of thinking is completely different from that of people like himself who have entered the fortress , including Lao Ka, is also short-sighted, only thinking about making himself a big bandit.

Thinking of this, Ning Zhe said seriously: "If Xinmeng is not willing to take a stake in the company, how about I make a deal with the bosses in my own name?"

Zhao Ying looked sideways: "What deal?"

Ning Zhe said loudly: " I need to buy a lot of supplies. When I pass by the bosses, please provide me with safety protection! And I can also buy your supplies at a high price! Used to trade with chaebols!

If it is my own goods on your site, no matter whether you participate or not, I will give you 20% of the net profit, and your goods will be sold by me, and I will give you 80% of the extra profit. Only charge 20% hard work fee! You take the benefits, no matter what problems arise, I, Ning Zhe, will bear it all, and will never involve anyone! "

After listening to Ning Zhe's words, Lao Ka looked at him with distrust: "Do you have this strength?"

"Since I dare to say this, I will definitely do it." Ning Zhe and Lao Ka looked at each other, and responded decisively.

His choice is completely cutting meat to feed the eagle, choosing to sacrifice his own interests in exchange for living space, especially the purchase of goods from the Faith League, which basically has no benefits, but compared with his grand plans and wishes, this initial effort is a lot. Pretty trivial.

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