
Chapter 934: If you have money, you don't make money

In the Loyalty Hall, after Ning Zhe finished speaking, Zhang Fang, Qin Xiaoyu and others standing behind all frowned.

The ratio of Ning Zhe's interests ceded is too great.

When he communicated with several shopkeepers of the Xinmeng League just now, he had already promised them that the price of Lingnan's materials would be at least five times higher in his hands. The business in the hands of the shopkeeper is running.

During the recent period, due to the impact of the war, the progress of material transportation in Lingnan is generally relatively slow. It is not easy for the convoys of other chaebols to cross Qiongling, so there is a backlog of goods in the hands of the major gangs.

Ning Zhe has already boasted to Haikou, and is going to buy the goods from other shopkeepers. Naturally, he needs to advance the money himself.

As soon as these words came out, all the shopkeepers at the scene fell into thinking.

On the contrary, Qin Xiaoyu from behind glanced at Ning Zhe's back appreciatively.

She knew what Ning Zhe was doing. At this moment, he told the other shopkeepers to get high profits without having to do anything. It seemed to be a loss, but in fact it was a profit.

If the shopkeepers of Xinmeng agree to Ning Zhe's first condition and choose to become a shareholder of the company, then from now on, they can get dividends for every transaction. Over the years, this is a very large amount. Ning Zhe's plan can be implemented smoothly, and the amount of money is even more astronomical.

It's a pity that these bandits don't seem to understand the importance of the economic foundation. They only want to develop the gang's power, and they only look at the three-acre land in Lingnan, and they don't want to fight against the chaebols who provide them with supplies.

Facing the short-sightedness of these bandits, Ning Zhe no longer recruited them into the gang, but chose to directly talk with them through interests.

In this way, when Ning Zhe did not find a market, he directly chose to buy the materials of these shopkeepers at a high price. He must have lost money. People trade, at best, they don't make their money.

As long as these people agree with Ning Zhe's plan, although Ning Zhe will have some investment in the early stage, he can also get the support of the Xinmeng League. In addition to the gangsters of the six shopkeepers, there are many small gangsters under the Xinmengmeng, who can get With the help of these people, Ning Zhe's business can also get on the right track in the shortest possible time.

The bandits in the room thought for a while, and Lao Ka took the lead to ask, "Have you really decided to set up a so-called resource company?"

Ning Zhe nodded decisively: "This is the purpose of my coming here."

Seeing Ning Zhe's resolute attitude, Lao Ka continued to ask, "Have you thought about how to end up after failure?"

Ning Zhe shook his head: "Since I did this, I never thought it would fail."

"You don't want to, but we can't." Lao Ka looked at Ning Zhe and said, "I admit, your proposal just moved my heart, and my Zhongbang can also cooperate with you, but if you insist on setting up a company, We also want to put the ugly words in front of us. Each of our gangs is supported by different chaebols, but within the Faith Alliance, everyone will promise to support each other and not attack each other.

Now you are also a member of the Confidence League. Although the Confidence League is not prepared to participate in your business, and will provide you with assistance within its capacity according to the rules, if your behavior arouses strong dissatisfaction among the chaebol, we will definitely not do it for you. Fight against the chaebol, and in order to keep other people's jobs and living space, you may take more radical actions, for example, clear you out of the Faith League!

Although these words are harsh, at least we are still in the same room as an alliance. I'd better tell you clearly in advance. "

Ning Zhe nodded: "Uncle Ka, don't worry, if there is such a day, I will definitely not embarrass the Xinmeng, but will choose to withdraw voluntarily to preserve the reputation of the Xinmeng."

"Okay, since that's the case, I accept the conditions you just offered. As long as you can offer a price five times higher than the purchase price of the chaebol, I will sell you the backlog of goods!" After the old card said, he looked at the other Person: "What about the opinions of the other shopkeepers?"

"If you have money, don't make money, you bastard! My Falcon Gang also agrees to cooperate!"

"The Fire Gang agrees to cooperate!"

Seeing that the two people around Ning Zhe agreed, Lao Ka looked at Zhou Lie of the caravan who was still sleeping soundly, and Diao Henda of the immortal gang: "What do you two mean?"


Zhou Lie snored loudly, and Diao Hen said with a sinister smile, "I still need to think about it."

Lao Ka didn't say much, and asked Ning Zhe: "Third treasurer, you said it yourself, you haven't convinced the chaebol yet, where are you going to store the purchased materials?"

Ning Zhe replied: "The Green River Valley of the Gun Gang has a wide terrain, so it is no problem to store supplies."

While the few people were chatting, Lin Bao behind him muttered softly: "According to Lao Ka, the supplies in the hands of their shopkeepers have been piling up for a long time and cannot be sold. Why should we give them five times? I think they will be very happy if they give it twice."

"Twice the price can promote cooperation, but it can't attract people's hearts! Now these shopkeepers are still in awe of the chaebol, but when they get used to the high purchase price here, wait for the chaebol to trade with them at a low price Do you think that these people’s mentality may not have changed at all?” Zhang Fang smiled: “Ning Zhe is plowing in the spring now, and sooner or later there will be a harvest.”

Lao Ka continued to chat with Ning Zhe in the front, and slapped his hands: "Okay, since the business of the third shopkeeper has been discussed, let's go to another place to chat, come here! Set up wine and hold a banquet! Clean up the dust for the third shopkeeper !"

Zhou Lie, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes: "Wine? Where is there wine?!"

Although Ning Zhe failed to successfully join the Xinmeng, he also reached cooperation with several shopkeepers, and this trip was finally not in vain.

The luncheon that followed seemed much more normal. It was nothing more than bandits drinking and chatting. Because Ning Zhe was the protagonist, he was also given a lot of alcohol. It is worth mentioning that the Zhong Gang's banquet is very different from other gangs The big difference is that in addition to meat, there are also a lot of fruits and vegetables, which is very rare in the Lingnan area.

After drinking for three rounds, Ning Zhe walked out of the banquet hall while the others were drinking, stood in the gazebo and looked at the strange rocky cliff ahead, and lit a cigarette.

He wanted to join the Alliance of Trustees not on a whim, but because of the influence and scale of the Alliance of Trustees. Once the two sides stand on the same front, Ning Zhe can use the channels and strength of the Alliance of Trustees to relieve a lot of pressure , but the relationship between the two parties has changed from binding to ordinary cooperation, which has lost a lot of meaning.

Not long after, Diao Henda appeared behind Ning Zhe, he laughed and said, "Third shopkeeper, why did you come here to hide from the wine?"

Ning Zhe turned around, looked at Diao Henda, and smiled, "I'm waiting for you."

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