
Chapter 949: Mistakes that should not have occurred

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After Jiao Baldzi and Ning Zhe finished urinating on the side of the road, the two continued on their way.

The desert wind at night is not very strong, but it is very strong. The evening wind is wrapped in sand and blows on the face, like sandpaper, and it hurts people's cheeks.

Suddenly, Ning Zhe glanced at him, and then rushed towards Jiao Baldzi, pressing his head and knocking him down: "Be careful!"


When the words fell, the two fell to the ground at the same time, and Jiao Baldzi was thrown a strange cry: "Brother Zhe, what's wrong?"

"Damn it, it scared me to death!" Ning Zhe glanced at the dunes in the distance and explained, "A small whirlwind rolled up on the dunes in the distance just now. I thought someone had appeared! Instinct reaction!"

Jiao Baldzi laughed and said, "Haha, you are too suspicious! There are minefields on both sides of this official road, how could someone exist!"

"That's not right." Ning Zhe's face suddenly became serious: "If no one can walk through this minefield, how did you get in?"

"Brother Zhe, what's wrong with you? Did you hit the evil?" Jiao Baldzi looked at Ning Zhe unexpectedly: "How did I get in, don't you know?"

Ning Zhe looked at Jiao Baldi seriously: "Answer my question, how did you get in?"

"It's the middle of the night, don't scare me!" Jiao Baldzi and Ning Zhe looked at each other: "I came in from the entrance of the official road and was inspected!"

Ning Zhe smiled: "Like! Really like!"

Jiao Baldzi was a little uncomfortable when Ning Zhe looked at it: "Like what?"

Ning Zhe looked up and down at Jiao Baldzi: "You disguise too well! Not only does your appearance look like Jiao Baldzi, but your voice is also similar! I originally thought you were disguised, but when I just pressed you to the ground, I deliberately pinched you. I got rid of your scalp and found that your skin is actually real!"

Jiao Baldzi looked helpless: "Brother Zhe, don't scare me, okay? What is like! I am Jiao Baldzi!"

Ning Zhe narrowed his eyes: "Then let me ask you, what is Jiao Baldzi's belief?"

Jiao Baldzi scratched his head: "It's not the first day you met me, don't you know that I believe in Atomic Buddha?"

When Ning Zhe heard this answer, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes: "In recent days, you are the one who pretends to be a ghost on official roads. How many companions do you have."

"Big brother, don't play with me, okay?" Jiao Baldzi reached out and rubbed his bald head: "Are you in the dark?"

"Stop pretending! You disguised well the whole time, but I know you're not Jiao Bald." Ning Zhe raised the gun in his hand: "Where is Jiao Bald?"

"You..." Jiao Baldzi saw Ning Zhe's movements and reached out to touch his waist, but his palm was empty.

"Don't look for it, your gun is here." Ning Zhe raised the other gun in his hand: "I just knocked you down, not only to tear off your disguise, but also to take away your gun! "

"Amazing!" Jiao Baldzi smiled when he saw the two guns in Ning Zhe's hand: "You are still the first person who can see through my disguise, but I am very curious, how did you do it."

Ning Zhe responded slightly arrogantly: "It's very simple, the real bald man, he fought with a wild boar and was bitten off an egg, but when you just urinated, I found that you have two!"

Fake Jiao Bald: "!!"

"My marksmanship is not very good, but within this distance, if you want to kill you, there is absolutely no problem! Don't think about challenging me!" Ning Zhe held the gun firmly in his hand: "Your ability is very special, Since it's not a disguise, it means that you are a demon, right?"

"That's right." Fake Jiao Baldman showed a smile, and while nodding, his face began to change, his hair began to grow rapidly, and he became exactly the same as Ning Zhe: "I am very observant. Seeing the amulet hanging around Jiao Baldzi's neck, he even thought of his beliefs... I knew you were the boss of Jiao Baldzi, but I didn't expect that the boss of yours even knew how many eggs had grown on his subordinates. This was my mistake! "

Ning Zhe didn't discuss this with the other party: "Answer my question first, where is Jiao Baldzi?"

The other party smiled: "I didn't move him, he should still be patrolling the camp."

"The disappearance cases in the camp these days, as well as those buried mines, are all done by you!" Ning Zhe raised his eyebrows: "This kind of thing cannot be done alone, so you have companions!"

The other party nodded: "Smart."

Seeing the guy agree, Ning Zhe narrowed his eyes and asked, "What is the purpose of your coming here?"

"Sorry, you are not qualified to know this." The opposite fake Ning Zhe shook his head gently: "But what I can tell you is that my transformation ability can only last for an hour at most. Do you know why I chose to become you? Because I'm going to kill you and replace you! If you're a smart guy, I advise you to put your gun down because our snipers have you locked down!"

Ning Zhe didn't move: "You can't cheat me, you can enter the minefield because you killed our soldier and replaced him, and entered the minefield from the regular channel, you can, but others can't! The mines around this place are densely arranged, and other people can't get in without passing through the channel we opened!"

"You are really smart." Fake Ningzhe smiled: "But have you ever thought that I am a demon, and my companions will also be demons. If I can come in, they will naturally have their own ways."

Ning Zhe was unmoved: "Even if you do have snipers, it's too close to the camp. Shooting here will only reveal your position. That's why you're going to lure me into the distance. We Suppose this sniper really exists, but he should be ambushing where you are going to take me, not here!"

Fake Ning Zhe did not answer after listening to his words.

"With so many demons appearing at the same time, are you from the Spark Organization?" Ning Zhe looked at each other: "If so, we can talk."

"You actually know Xinghuo." The other party glanced at Ning Zhe unexpectedly, and then shook his head: "You are really smart, but it's a pity, in order to complete the task, I have to kill you, otherwise, I will still I really want to talk to you a little longer."


Fake Ning Zhe's voice fell, and a human-like thing suddenly appeared on the ground next to him.

The reason why the thing is said to be human-shaped is because it has the outline of a human, but it looks like a pile of stones, as if a stone man suddenly stood up from the ground.

When Ning Zhe pointed his gun at the fake bald man, he had already activated his abilities, but he never sensed the existence of that guy. Roughly smashed towards Ning Zhe's temple.