
Chapter 1122: Two Zhao Minghai

"Long my time, I want you to never be born forever!" Zhao Minghaisen glared at Lin Fei coldly, and put Lin Fei behind his head, immersing himself in the body, and trying his best to stop the loss of the power of the God Stone.

However, after a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of shock and incredible.

In the short moment just now, he tried dozens of methods to prevent the loss of the power of the Shenshi, but I don't know why, all these means are ineffective, and the power of the Shenshi still cannot escape from his body...

Encountered this situation, Zhao Minghai suddenly forgot Lin Fei, Qiang calmed down.

For monks, there are only two reasons for this.

Either get out of the way or fix it to the end!

Either way, it is devastating!

Could it be that there was a problem with the fusion of the Shenshi just now? Falling into a fire?

That's impossible, just to prevent this kind of accident, when dealing with the Shenshi, he didn't even show up, all relying on Lin Fei to shoot, so well-planned, how could there be problems?

By the way, Lin Fei?

There was a flash of light in Zhao Minghai's mind. Just now Lin Fei was under his finger, and he was fearless. This must be related to him!

"Lin Fei!" Zhao Minghai turned his head and glared at Lin Fei. The Shenshi had the essence, condensed into a net, and enveloped Lin Fei, preparing to capture it directly to search the soul...

However, at this time, a familiar voice came from his ear...

"Brother, it's been a long time..."

As this soft voice sounded, as if everything had been quiet, Zhao Minghai froze, and he could see that he was in a state of confusion, and the net of consciousness covering Lin Fei lost his support, and disappeared silently. Suddenly for a while, he eased his nerves, and his neck turned around stiffly, looking at the source of the sound...

"Brother, I'm back." He was talking about a young man. It is strange that he was exactly the same as Zhao Minghai, but now Zhao Minghai's expression is different. He looks calm and smiles when he looks at Zhao Minghai, and There was no aggressiveness in his eyes, and there was even a hint of honesty in the ordinary face.

"Is it stupid, this is your brother, I have to find you back, thank you very much?" Lin Fei suddenly broke away from the threat, and looked at the incredible Zhao Minghai at this time, some gloating and gloating: " By the way, everyone is back. Isn’t it appropriate for you to seize the identity of others? Or will I call you Brother Lu Qi in the future?"

Although Lin Fei was mocking, he was relieved in his heart. All of this was basically within his expectations.

But looking at how Lu Qi could not return to God for a long time, the effect was better than he expected.

It seems that Lu Qi's impression of this genuine Zhao Minghai is extremely profound...

And this authentic Zhao Minghai was dug out by Lin Fei from the **** stone...

Lin Fei always gave 120,000 points of caution when dealing with the old monster that lived for tens of thousands of years, whether it is the illusion or the story, it was the words of Lucy’s family, he didn’t even need to lie, It only takes a few clips to modify the whole story.

Lin Fei had never believed in Lu Qi from beginning to end.

Therefore, when he met the Shenshi, he did not directly use the doll, but first engraved the nine-character mantra on the Shenshi, resisting the Shenshi is only one of them. The biggest intention is to explore the Shenshi, so as to find the truth of the year, it is best to be able to Find the real soul of Zhao Minghai.

Although the process was a bit difficult, at the moment when Lu Qi devoured the God Stone, Zhao Minghai's soul responded to the nine-character mantra, but Zhao Minghai did not appear immediately, but was hiding in Luqi's body with the help of the nine-character mantra. When the time is right, wait for the opportunity to appear.

It was not until just now that Zhao Minghai recaptured most of the divine stone's power, and suddenly appeared, and the effect was not bad. Lu Qi was obviously caught off guard.

However, after Zhao Minghai appeared, Lin Fei suddenly discovered that he seemed to underestimate the honest and honest student in the illusion...

Not to mention, he has been in the **** stone for tens of thousands of years, has not been swallowed, and can keep his mind clear, this is not easy.

Moreover, Lin Feiming had a feeling that Zhao Minghai could appear even without himself.

Lin Fei couldn't help wiping his cold sweat as soon as this thought appeared in his heart. If that was the case, the two brothers and sisters were too perverted. If they cooperate sincerely, what school can't be revitalized. After fighting for tens of thousands of years, I don't know what evil Xuanyin Sect created...

At this time, Lu Qi also slowed down. He pointed to Zhao Minghai in front of him, his fingertips were trembling, and his face was fierce: "You have been entangled in my life, why are you still dying now, why are you not dead!" Why did you refuse to die!"

Although they have the same face, the genuine Zhao Minghai is calm in face: "Brother, I haven't entangled you, it's your own heart."

"You bullshit!" Lu Qi interrupted violently, and said angrily: "What kind of demons do I have? I have fought my life to kill the demon, and exhausted my thoughts to revive the Xuanyin Sect. I might have slacked one day! I am worthy of the master's Entrust, but you! You, you and the old man, want me to die! Why, I am the hope of Xuanyin Sect, Xuanyin Sect depends on me to revitalize! You are just a waste, you should die in those days !"

The more Lu Qi said that his face was more terrible, and in the end, it was already roaring, and the whole person was mad.

Lin Fei called out Zhao Minghai and stopped participating. Now he consciously eats melons, but hearing Lu Qi's roar, he can't help but look at Minghai twice.

Lu Qi can be regarded as a generation of owls, but Zhao Minghai turned to this point in a few words. This is obviously abnormal, and there must be something stupid in it.

However, Lin Fei was not interested in these greasy things. Now, seeing how Lu Qi would run away at any time, Lin Fei stepped back quietly and immediately prepared to walk away.

But at this moment, Lu Qi turned his head suddenly, his eyes full of madness, and those eyes looked at Lin Fei, laughing like crazy: "Do you think you can defeat me if you find this waste? Impossible! That doll is him The body has been ruined now! How dare you fight me if this waste loses its body!"

"I rely on?" Lin Fei was shocked when he heard the words, and looked at Lu Qi with surprise in his eyes. He didn't even know the true origin of the doll? I thought it was Zhao Minghai's shell drive for himself?

He glanced at Zhao Minghai again, but he was calm...

Lin Fei immediately felt that even if he didn't participate in this battle, Zhao Minghai must have won the final victory.