
Chapter 1166: Hall

"Who said I will present the treasure?"

"..." Little Devil could not catch his breath, almost suffocating on the spot, but he could not care much, his fingers were trembling and pointing at Lin Fei, his eyes widened, as if there was a thousand words to say, in a hurry, But he couldn't even say a word.

But the meaning is coming out, you die as long as you die, why do you have to take me to death?

Why don't you come here without offering treasures?

Lin Fei also looked strange: "What are you in a hurry? This is a treasure that the ancient Yueren commissioned the Lingyue faction to refining. Of course, it should be presented by the Lingyue faction. What's the matter to me?"

Hearing this, the little demon suddenly froze, and his anger disappeared by three points. This really makes sense.

This was originally a matter of the Lingyue faction. Lin Fei was at best a helper. There was no reason to help yourself in. It should be precisely the people of the Lingyue faction to meet the real talents of Gu Yue...

As for the candidate...

Suddenly the little devil turned his head and looked at Li Beixing who was stunned...

Li Beixing looked left and right, some uneasy pointed at himself, said inconceivably: "Do you know how many pounds I do? Won't you let me meet Gu Yue real people?"

"What do you say?" The little devil sneered. He did not hesitate after determining the target. He stepped directly to Li Beixing's side and stared at him like an eagle. Some fat body was lying there, as insurmountable as a city wall. .

For a moment, Li Beixing was somewhat desperate to find that no matter how he moved, he could not escape the little devil's head.

No wonder...

Although the little devil had no choice but to face Lin Fei, in fact, he was one of the top two or three among the millions of young monks from the world.

Although he and Li Beixing are the same as Jin Dan nine, but really want to fight, Li Beixing loses no suspense, even the opportunity to resist.

At this time, the entire airship was shocked, and the three people shook slightly, but their faces were different.

The airship landed, this is the Three Demon Sect...

Little Devil's face was excited, and he was afraid to be afraid along the way, and finally came back, but Li Beixing was pale, and now he really wants to see Gu Yue and a real person, it is like a sheep...

Lin Fei was quite calm, and patted his shoulder and said: "It's a knife to stretch your head and shrink your head, look away."

Li Beixing wants to cry without tears, are you so comforting?

However, Lin Fei ignored him, but waved it casually. The airship disappeared suddenly, and the three of them landed on the ground steadily. However, there were several plopping sounds behind them, which were the same three demon heads cruelly abused by the grandfather. , Almost all became half disabled.

The little devil took them to the airship, and it was considered a benevolent act. Now he is safely brought back, but he does not care about him.

Lin Fei did not care about the three people, but looked at the scenery of the Three Demon Sects.

There are three peaks in front of me. The left and right peaks are slightly lower and the highest in the middle. However, all three peaks are above tens of thousands of feet. Soaring from a distance, it looks like a huge trident halberd standing upright.

These three peaks are covered by a faint white cloud and mist, until the middle of the peak, you can see the top of the peak as a halberd, straight into the depths of the cloud.

This cloud is not just covering the eyes, but imprisoning the consciousness, even the monk Jin Dan can only see a dozen feet from the square. This is obviously a kind of prohibition.

"Recently, my three demons and ancestors' orders have been opened, please don't talk casually." The little devil headed to Lin Fei's ear and whispered to warn that now is a very special time. In case Lin Fei does something extraordinary, he serves as the guide People, it would be bad if they were found to be traitors.

Lin Fei nodded recklessly and suddenly looked.

"See your brother!" Suddenly there was a disturbance in the mountain peaks and clouds, and then they walked out a few young disciples with young faces. After seeing the little devil, they quickly and respectfully saluted, and looked at Lin Fei with some vigilance.

"This is the main person, you don't need to bother, yes, deal with them." The little devil nodded at random, pointing to the three men who had been beaten by the patriarch.

When the few disciples heard that this was the main sect, they hurriedly gave way, and after the three people who had been moaning and groaning on the ground, helped them up, they disappeared into the clouds and mist again.

"Your disciples of the Three Devil Sects are good." Lin Fei saw them disappear and smiled back.

"Where and where, now is a special period, they are a little nervous and offended." Little Devil wiped his forehead cold sweat, fortunately Lin Fei went into trouble without any time, and quickly said: "Master should receive the news, let's go quickly ."

Lin Fei smiled, and he followed Li Beixing with a desperate look.

Walking on the secret road in the mountains, there are strong guards everywhere. Various large arrays can be seen everywhere. A section of the road, three people met three teams of patrol disciples, and they were not weak.

Obviously, the little devil said nothing exaggerated. Today the three demons are highly nervous, and have armed themselves to their teeth. As long as they behave a little carelessly, they may be under siege.

The little devil is also too careful, no matter how confident Lin Fei is, he will not use Jin Danxiu to fight against this sect that has been rooted for tens of thousands of years, and there is almost no chance of winning...

You can almost try it out...

The little devil is afraid of growing branches outside the festival, and the speed is not slow all the way. Soon, they will reach the top of the three peaks...

Above the top, looking out of nothing, only the violent gang wind that never stopped.

A bizarre palace is located on the top of the mountain, with huge rocks piled up and blood outlined. The poisonous beasts and beasts in the wilderness are all over the temple body. As a decoration, there is no sculptural spirit of the real school. It is a brutal and brutal style.

The little demon head proudly introduced: "This is my patriarch ancestral palace. When my patriarch ancestor came, Fu Lijie was still just a vague, demon rampage, barbarian occupation, the patriarch suppressed many demon, and Drive those barbarians into the jungle of the mountains, and from then on, Fulri becomes the world of monks! This hall is the loot that the patriarch took from the barbarians!"

Lin Fei smiled, it was another scene of the monks' invasion, the extermination of the classic battles of the original owner, and many small worlds developed in this way.

As for the original owner of this world, it should be the people of the Tiger Tribe that Lin Fei met in the mountains.

But looking at their dismal appearance, I am afraid they have forgotten that their ancestors were once the masters of the world.


This hall is not like the so-called barbarian can build, but Lin Fei feels a bit like the taste of the ancient Wu people...

Could it be said that when the Three Demon Patriarchs came, the ancient Wu people were dealt with? But weren't the ancient Wu people extinct in the days of heaven? How did it appear here?