
Chapter 13: Industry specializing in surgery

After more than ten days, Lin Fei had enough of the last dozen demon pill.

Still as usual, first urge Zhenyuan to introduce Huang Quan's death energy into the jade bottle, and watching the jade bottle, a cloud of black mist has become more and more dense, just like living creatures, slowly in the jade bottle Swimming, Lin Fei knew that this was a sign that Huang Quan's real water was about to be conceived. He quickly put a jade bottle out and went out to find a dark and dense place outside.

As soon as the Jade Bottle opened, Yinsha flooded in, and then I only saw that the black mist was moving faster and faster, gradually turning into substance, Lin Fei was not in a hurry, and used the demon Dan cloth to get a next gathering. , Just waiting next to it, after being dragged by the Lingling Array, more and more shadows poured into the Jade Bottle. Finally, the black mist was turned into a drop of crystal clear water droplets...

The water droplets were attached to the bottom of the jade bottle. If you were not careful, you could not even see it clearly, but the sensation of coldness in it, even Lin Fei, a monk with a peak of energy, couldn't bear it, just glanced at it, So quickly put the jade bottle back on.

"Finally, I'm not busy..." Once again, a drop of Huangquan real water was born, and Lin Fei's mood suddenly became better. The role of Huangquan real water is not only as simple as dismantling the magical instrument. At one point, it would immediately be eroded by Huang Quan's death air, and Zhenyuan's damage was still the second, even the realm would fall down accidentally.

It can be said that this is the most powerful thing in Lin Fei's hands after crossing.

Lin Fei carefully put the jade bottle back in his pocket and walked all the way to where he lived. The time was almost the same. The young Master in the Tianshi Mansion was also asking Jianzong to be a guest for two or three months. As for the Chinese New Year? When they left, it was almost time for them to go out. They had to take the time out of these two days to get the thing out first...

"Well?" Lin Fei was looking down at these, but suddenly saw that someone was approaching not far away.

Looking at this man, Lin Fei couldn't help but smiled: "What a coincidence, Brother Song."

It was Song Tianxing who came head-on, and the true disciple who asked Jianzong came to Lin Fei with a sneer, and after looking up and down, he hummed from his nose: "Huh, this It’s not just a coincidence. Brother Lin, this time I was specially assigned to guard the Xuan Bing Cave. Next time we have the chance to meet, I am afraid there will be many more..."

After saying this sentence, Song Tianxing began to wait.

As for what to wait...

Of course, waiting for Lin Fei to beg for mercy!

Need to say...

From what he looked like, I knew that the cold weather was brought to this shady and dark place, and my face turned purple. It must be that Brother Su executed his orders very well and let this kid go The ice cave had suffered enough, and might have been packed and cried several times.

Now I will tell him again, sorry young people, those were just appetizers. Next, Uncle Ben will come to Xuan Bingdong to clean up for you. What else can you say about him? Crying and crying without holding her thigh on the spot is already a bone.

Hum, if the confession attitude is good, I might consider tidying you up twice...

As a result, waiting to wait, Song Tianxing felt a bit wrong...

Why not beg for mercy?

Song Tianxing was a little uneasy. Although the smile on his face did not change, he really wanted to remind the other person. Hey, do you understand what I’m saying? I’ll be at Xuanbing Cave from today. Isn't it terrible to repair you? Don't worry, because I will continue to repair you, and I will repair you even worse!

If you don’t want to be miserable, you can ask me for mercy. Will you beg for mercy?

Until Song Tianxing couldn't help it, when he wanted to remind him again, Lin Fei finally nodded.


"..." Song Tianxing was almost crazy. Have you heard me clearly? I said, but I'm going to be at Xuanbing Cave next time. Do you want to be at Xuanbing Cave?

Do you use your brain, okay? You offended me so badly, if I were on duty at Xuan Bingdong, you must have no good fruit to eat, right? At this time, shouldn’t you cry and ask me for mercy, so that my adults don’t care about the villains?

What do you mean by giving me "oh"?

Okay, I will give you another chance...

"How about, Brother Lin, have you been here okay these days?" Song Tianxing thought, I am reminded enough now, you must have suffered enough for so many days in Xuanbing Cave, if you don't want to Go on like this, it's very simple, just ask me for mercy.

As a result, Song Tianxing asked this sentence and waited a long time.

Wait until Song Tianxing's mouth is straight, damn, it's almost okay. Don't overdo it. You don't do this. People don't know that I am a prisoner. Asking you is so laborious to ask in a word, do you think I really dare not pack you up?

After a while...


"..." This time, Song Tianxing finally burst: "Lin Fei!"


"You, you..." Song Tianxing suddenly found that you didn't come out of his own way. Do you blame the other side for ignoring yourself? It’s not embarrassing to pass it out. It’s a bit embarrassing. Song Tianxing regretted it for a while. Why didn’t he learn a lesson?

By the way, Su Yuan...

Let Su Yuan come!

That's right, that's it. I'm a disciple of Tian Xingfeng anyway. I don't know much about it as a prisoner, but it's not pleasant to hear. But Su Yuan is a different disciple. Su Yuan is a disciple outside. In his capacity, he's not afraid of shame. These days, Su Yuan has been in charge of packing up the kid and letting him come over. This kid must have been weak first.

This is called a specialization in the art industry...

I was planning to ask someone to call Su Yuan, but Su Yuan himself came. The younger brother Su came very quickly and trot all the way. When he saw Song Tianxing, he said hello with a smile on his face: "Brother Song. "

"Well." Song Tianxing nodded with satisfaction, this is the attitude that should be faced with the true disciple...

As a result, before waiting for Song Tianxing to speak up, the sensible younger brother Su in his eyes passed by with a smile on his face, and greeted Lin Fei directly: "This is such a cold day, Lin How did Brother come out on his own, what could I do if I could not handle it..."


Originally, Song Tianxing had already stretched out his hand, and when he was going to see the ceremony, he helped him and showed his manners as a corporal of Lixian, but he could not get it back when he stretched it out. With a flattering smile on his face, Song Tianxing wondered if he had taken the wrong script again...

What the **** is this...