
Chapter 1346: Sacrifice

At this time, Guilao and others sighed and bowed behind the real person of Gu Yue...

At this time, the oil lamp is thousands of feet away from several people, coupled with the demon emperor stirring in the middle, the middle power can simply crush the acquired gold.

Although Gu Yuezhen's body is also among the top in the Fa, it is so fragile in front of this power.

After taking a step, the figure shook, a crack appeared on the surface of the flesh, and the blood flowed out. However, it was evaporated by the high temperature just after it came out, and his face was pale.

However, just as the flesh was about to collapse, a dim yellow light was like a lead, emanating from the oil lamp, opening a way for Gu Yue people to go straight to the direction of the oil lamp...

Gu Yue stepped forward and walked out of the newly opened path. Soon, he walked to the oil lamp fluttering in the flames, bowed, and said loudly, "The Three Demon Sects The nineteenth generation heir, Gu Yue, today dedicated himself to his ancestors."

As Gu Yue's voice fell, the bean-sized light on the oil lamp became brighter and brighter...

The faint yellow flame was full, and the tongue of fire was wrapped around Gu Yue's body. More cracks appeared on the surface of Gu Yue's body. The whole person gradually melted in the flame. Under that high temperature, for a moment, it was no longer humanoid.

However, until the last one, Gu Yue's face was always calm, as if it was not him who was burned...

Until the body of Gu Yue completely burned, Gu Yue didn't say a word, but in the flame, it turned into three drops of purple blood.

The surface of these three drops of fuchsia blood still exudes a metallic luster, which looks quite strange. After appearing, it floated into the oil lamp...

All of a sudden, a little bean-sized fire in the oil lamp was bright.

Looking at this scene, the ghosts and old people on the ground all had complex faces and sighed, but soon, several heads could not wait to sigh.

Because with three drops of blood falling into the lamp, a moment later, an unmatched will suddenly awakened from the little oil lamp...

For a time, this raging sea of ​​fire quietly calmed down a bit...

The riotous space seemed to be gently brushed by an invisible large hand, and calmness was restored in an instant...

And the oil lamps floating in the sea of ​​fire, the flames are burning more and more vigorous, the flames are gradually twisted, forming a figure of a thousand-foot old man composed of flames.

The old man's eyebrows and hair are condensed with a faint yellow flame, and his hair burns and jumps like a flame. There is a vicissitudes and ancient taste in the eyes. The whole person is like a **** born from the flame...

The old man reached out and waved gently

Suddenly, the flame spreading to the world, completely calmed down, the space seemed to freeze...

Between heaven and earth, only this huge figure of the old man stood, standing in the sea of ​​fire, opposite the demon emperor Qianzhang's body opposite...


Under this unprecedented coercion, Guilao and others were suffocated, but nowadays, several people don't care about these anymore. When they look at the old man in the sky, they are full. Reverent, so excited that I can't speak...

This is the ancestor of Fuli

Several heads grew up listening to the deeds of this ancestor of Fuli from an early age. They are legends of the life of Fuli. From 10,000 years ago, the first batch of human ancestors who came to Fuli from the world were once humans. Has taken root and made outstanding achievements.

Only later, in order to maintain Shouyuan, ancestors rarely appeared, even if they were the first time they saw ancestors appear in this incarnation.

At this time, the sea of ​​fire subsided, but the power did not decrease, but under the high degree of condensation, it seemed to become a substance. From a distance, it looked like the sky was covered with a layer of flaming glass.

But the demon emperor wrapped in the flame glass is like a butterfly stuck in the mud. Every movement seems to be enduring a huge force, so slow.

The most important thing is that this time, the terrifying healing speed of the demon emperor is no longer effective.

After a while, the body was already full of holes, and even the double horns made of metal showed signs of melting.

"Old things, enjoy sacrifices from generation to generation, and gouyan remnant to the present day, I see your means, but much more ruthless than our demon."

The demon emperor snorted with fierce eyes.

However, the old man who was condensed by the flame was unmoved, just pointing at the incarnation of the demon emperor.

All of a sudden, this unbelievable sea of ​​fire seemed to be lifted by giant hands, and layers of flames wrapped towards the demon emperor.


The demon emperor did not want to roar, and the strange symbol in his eyes spun up and turned into two divine lights.

All of a sudden, this divine light penetrated hundreds of layers of flames, but there were countless layers of flames behind it again blocking the road.

In the end, this divine light failed to reach even the old man in front of him, but was burned into the void by countless layers of flames.


The old man stood in the sea of ​​fire, his face was unreal, and it was unrealistic. Some of the vague words fell, but the sea of ​​fire seemed to have heard the order. The power was suddenly great, and the speed of wrapping the demon emperor became faster.

Surrounded by layers of flames, the demon emperor's thousand-footed body was like being gathered together by a flame flower, and soon it could not be seen as real, only one or two blurry black lights, from the heavy flames In the middle, accidentally revealing a trace...

Even as the flames became tighter, the demonizing roar gradually weakened and was continuously refined.

But at this time, the ghost old and the Xuan Yao Sect Master who were in the battle situation for a moment, also looked nervous, and their breathing was relaxed.

They know that now is the critical moment...

Today, this demon emperor is actually just an incarnation of the demon emperor. The reason why the demon emperor can exert his real power is that it must have cost a lot.

Maybe, a ray of primordial spirit with the demon emperor in it...

As long as it can be refined today, the body of the demon emperor will also be hit hard. At that time, maybe Fuli can rely on the ancestors of the ancestors to counter the demon world...

If it is successful, then at least it can be out of bounds forever.

Looking at this now, the ancestor hopes to succeed...

At this time, the demon emperor is already wrapped in flames, and the roar is like thunder: "Old things, sacrifice countless young generations, and force yourself to prolong life. Are you not afraid of being retaliated?"

The illusory figure, but said nothing about it, just urged the flames, erupted into infinite power, and continued to refine the demon emperor.