
Chapter 163: Guiming

With a loud noise, a clear foot print on the ground was left. As the ghost claw came out, the ghost mist faded, and the shadow of a behemoth nearly three feet high was looming.

While Lin Fei pulled away and retreated, his brows could not help but wrinkled up, and it turned out to be a half-step ghost king...

The ghost stepped out of the ghost fog, and the shape has changed greatly. The original fluttering ghost body is now condensed into a substance, the body surface is even more shiny like metal, and the green ghost fire in the eyes is burning There are two horn-like nodules on the frontal horn. There are two white lines above the nodule. At first glance, it looks like two white eyebrows...

Seeing the real body of the ghost, Lin Fei suddenly understood why this ghost is obviously only a half-step ghost king, but he can master so many magical powers that the real ghost king can master.

The corners of the head are horny, the frontal horn grows, and the tumor has white eyebrows. Isn't this the most typical feature of the ancient ghost-mong tribe...

This ghost is obviously a blood vein of the ancient ghost-middle tribe. According to legend, the people of the ancient ghost-middle tribe with strong blood veins will all have tumors, but the blood vein of the ghost is not very strong, but this blood vein, It was enough to bring him earth-shaking changes.

To say that this ancient ghost-nether tribe is one of the ancient hundred tribes, and it is one of the strongest races among the ancient hundred tribes.

The ancient Ghost-Ming tribe is extremely old, and the time of birth can no longer be truly determined. What is certain is that the time of their birth is much earlier than the time of birth of the human race.

According to legend, the birth time of the ancient Ghost and Ming Clan can be traced back to the time when the heaven and earth first opened. At that time, a ray of congenital yin gasified between heaven and earth to become the first Ghost and Clan, and then the entire Ghost and Clan continued.

The Guiming tribe is inherently strong, and does not cultivate souls and souls, but it is inherently capable of communicating yin and yang. It is born with ten thousand years of Shouyuan. After the Shouyuan is exhausted, it will turn into yin and return to the world.

Because of this, when the court was established on that day, when the prefecture was not opened, the Guiming tribe had become the overlord of the Luofu world, commanding the ancient hundreds of tribes, and at the most prosperous time, it even brought thousands of worlds into rule together. in.

Among the legends nowadays, the most powerful legend of the Guiming tribe at that time is that the ghosts of the Guiming tribe are walking at night, and the prince is patrolling.

Hundred ghosts travel at night, from the ancient hundred people to the ancient beasts, to the beasts and birds, all of them must retreat for more than a hundred miles. The prince went on tour, no one dared to block the road, even if there was a clan's palace on the route of the prince's tour, it must be demolished in advance Give way.

That kind of mighty dominance is extremely rare in the years of the Luofu World. Only in the era of the ancient heaven and earth, did it have a rival.

It's a pity that if you don't die, you won't die. This ghost-clan group doesn't know which rib is choked. It gives birth to a sad and mad idea. It is necessary to turn the entire Luofu world into ghosts on earth, and let all billions of living spirits be transformed into all. For ghosts...

The Ghosts and Crows did this, and the ancient Hundreds must be going crazy. It was at this time that the Clan of the Heavens and Humans took advantage of the situation and led the Hundred Clan to overthrow the Ghosts and the Clan. Lord's time...

Although the ancient ghosts and ghosts were destroyed very early, after all, they were also the dominators of Luofu, the hegemon who ruled thousands of worlds, and many blood lines still passed down.

Even when it was 100,000 years ago, Lin Fei once heard an elder say that the five-party ghost emperor of the last life was a descendant of the Guiming clan, but other than that, I have never heard of any more. The descendants of the Guiming tribe exist.

Lin Fei did not expect that this ghost was actually a descendant of the Guiming Clan, bearing the bloodline of the Guiming Clan, even after showing the true body, there are typical characteristics of the Guiming Clan...

All thoughts turned around in a blink of an eye, Lin Fei's eyes became more dignified, the ghost stepped out again, and the whole ground seemed to tremble with the footsteps of the ghost, every step was as powerful as a thousand Jun, there is a black footprint left on the ground...

Lin Fei urged the sun's sword energy once again, a ray of rising sun shining on the surface of the ghost object, the ghost's breath of steam rose up, the speed of the ghost suddenly rushed, and then the ghost's eyebrows sounded a golden iron symphony The sound of the voice came, the ghost's movements came, a wave of black blood appeared in the eyebrows, and the sun's sword gas was forcibly flew out.

In a blink of an eye, the wound on the ghost's eyebrows healed, and the ghost smirked. When he stepped out again, there was a dark and strange rune on his shoulders, knees, and chest. At the same time, the ghost's figure disappeared...

In the blink of an eye, a giant figure appeared again behind Lin Fei. Two sharp claws staggered towards Lin Fei's head.

In the blazing sun, the rich sword light wrapped Lin Fei's body, turning into a sharp sword and slashing behind him. The ghost claws were cut with dense sword marks, but the ghost was still grinning, and the sword light was squeezed... …

Beyond ten feet, a sword light flashed, Lin Yun's forehead dripped a drop of cold sweat, his eyes dignified. If he had not exploded with the sword light, he forced the body to transfer instantly. The blow was just alive.

This ghost has a trace of the blood of the ghost-clan, and it really inherited some of the ability of the ghost-clan. It flew between the yin and yang in a blink of an eye. This is not a complete transformation, but it escapes into the gap between the yin and yang, which is equivalent to At that moment disappeared in this world...

The ghost was grisly, like the same way, the strange rune of the body surface was lit again, and the body disappeared...

Behind a ray of strong wind came, Lin Fei squeezed the sword seal, Xi Ri Jian Qi suddenly turned into a round of hot sun rising into the sky, hard shaking the claws of ghosts.

But at the moment of collision, the ghost's body was slightly twisted, and the ghost's body suddenly became virtual, turning into a vague phantom. The rising sun traversed through the body of the ghost, but the movement of the ghost was only a little bit. pause.

At the next moment, the claws of the ghost suddenly turned from false to real, and slapped fiercely on Lin Fei...

With a swish, Lin Fei flew out, and stopped three walls in a row before stopping. A mouthful of blood spit out. Lin Fei rushed out of the ruins, and his expression became more dignified.

Zhen Nima's unreasonable supernatural powers...

Not only can you escape between the yin and yang, but you can communicate between the yin and yang in an instant, and transform between the yin and yang. The virtual and the real are constantly transformed. After the virtual, you can almost ignore most of the power damage...

If it wasn't for Xiri Jianqi to restrain this ghost, it would have been completely dead now...

As soon as his thoughts turned, the figure of the ghost appeared again, and it was an instant change between the reality and the reality, the sword light flashed, Lin Fei appeared outside ten feet, his face pale...