
Chapter 19: Cemetery

Almost as soon as Song Tianxing disappeared, the Yin River, which had been Fengping's waves, finally turned up the rolling waves...

"This guy finally smelled Huang Quan's real water..."

At this time, Lin Fei was standing on the edge of the Yin River, and behind him was a dense winged snake demon, which was like a dark cloud covering Lin Fei's head. Looking at the Yin River where the waves were rolling, Lin Fei finally stopped. Looking back, he smiled at the dense winged snake demon.

At the next moment, a huge and gritty head suddenly floated out of the Yin River, an ice-cold breath, instantly covering the radius of the square, only to see the big mouth of the blood basin suddenly opened, breathing In between, the whole world suddenly turned into an ice and snow...

"Sky snake freezing day!"

All of a sudden, frost covered the snow, and countless winged snakes turned into ice sculptures, and fell from the sky.

The whole world is clean...

The previous moment also forced Lin Fei to flee the winged snake demon swarm, and the next moment vanished in front of the power of this prestige...

"Good job." Lin Fei leaned over and jumped over the head of the python. He reached out and patted the huge and gritty head. The giant python that was just now fierce and powerful, now looks like a tame puppy, very Han Hou turned his head, seemingly responding to Lin Fei's praise.

"Okay, don't be cute, take me back first."

With Lin Fei's instructions, the python fell into the water again, but raised his head high, carrying Lin Fei upstream, swimming all the way up the Yin River.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged on the head of the python, and the soaring spirit deep inside Yingzui Cliff still gave Lin Fe a feeling of being on his back. This time it was really a fluke. If it were not for the last moment, If the 33 bans of Haoyue Astrolabe were cracked and Haoyue's power was re-excited, even if the final python can respond in time, I am afraid that he will be in great trouble.

Once the demon emperor was released from the suppression of the real red hair, the upper and lower sides of the Yin River would completely become a monk's forbidden land. Even if he got that thing and pushed Wan Jianjue to the realm of no ancients, it would never be in this place. Survive.

Otherwise, you will not be willing to take risks just now, and you will have to send Song Tianxing back.

Only when Song Tianxing is sent back, everything in the depths of Yingzui Cliff will be asked to know what Jianzong knows, and then someone will come down to repress the Wing Snake Demon Emperor.

Fortunately, the little guy remembers the breath of Huang Quan's real water...

When I raised the little guy under the Yin River, I really didn't think that one day I would rely on its sky snake to freeze from the siege of thousands of winged snake demon...

Next, go to the upper reaches of the Yin River and retrieve your own things...

Although there are many monsters in the Yin River, sitting on the head of a demon king, even if the monster is not open, it will not provoke Lin Fei at this time. On this way, it can be said that Feng Pinglang is exhausted. Less than one hour later, One person and one python came to the upper reaches of the Yin River.

Here is the birthplace of the Yin River, where Xuanyin is the most intense...

Everything around him was covered in frost, and only the murky Yinhe River flowed slowly from the ground. Under the thick mysterious air, the whole world seemed to be stained with an insoluble gray...

The giant python sent Lin Fei to the end of the Yin River. It seemed that he was afraid of the Yinsha around him. The huge body shrank back into the Yin River. Lin Fei shook his head helplessly, leaping from the top of the python and falling. On a rock on the shore covered by snow and ice.

Before waiting for Lin Fei's feet to stand steady, a splash of water was already rising in the Yin River. The huge body of the python was completely sunk into the water. I saw a huge shadow flowing down and disappeared into Lin Fei's sight.

"It ran quite fast..." Lin Fei knew that this guy was afraid of being locked back into the cemetery by himself, so he just ran away impatiently when he was sent.

Never mind...

Anyway, this place is also different from ten thousand years ago, as long as the Winged Snake Demon Emperor is not born, with the strength of this guy's Demon King Realm, he can walk under the Yin River without worrying about his life. .

After watching the giant python leave, Lin Fei looked up and looked forward. At the end of the Yinhe River, there was a world of ice and snow. There was a gray mist in the air. It was like a mysterious Xuanyin, don’t look at it. It looks like mist, if it gets a little bit, even Lin Fei at the peak of the foundation will have to take off a layer of skin.

In the face of this pervasive shadow, Lin Fei did not dare to indiscriminately, reached out and took out the three treasures glazed lamp, injecting a real element into it, a little red glaze fire suddenly ignited.

It is strange to say that after the previous fierce battle, the Chiyang Liuli fire lit by the Sanbao Liuli lamp was only the size of a soybean, so weak that it could be extinguished as soon as the wind blows, but with this point the Chiyang Liuli fire Burning, the black mist around was instantly dispersed.

This is the so-called one thing one thing.

Although Xuan Bing Yinsha has a fierce name, he was completely restrained in front of Chiyang Liulihuo. Otherwise, when Lin Fei refinished the Sanbao Liuli lamp, he could choose a more powerful magical power.

Dispelling Xuanyin's evil spirits around him, Lin Fei walked all the way to the east, carrying the wind and frost through the vast snowfield...

After about three hours, I finally walked under a huge ice cliff. Standing in front of this ice cliff is like standing at the end of the world. There is no shame or wind and snow here. Some are just endless silence... …

It is estimated that only Lin Fei knows that this is far from the end of the world. If you have the ability to cross this ice cliff, you will see a crazy and twisted world where there are countless legends and taboos, even Lin Fly yourself, now dare not step into that world.

At least not before the dharma body...

Fortunately, what you are looking for is not in that world...

Lin Fei secretly rejoiced, while reaching out and gently pushing.

It is strange to say that with Lin Fei’s gentle push, the ice cliff as high as a thousand feet suddenly began to tremble. First, a burst of noise followed by a rumbling vibration, the broken ice rolled down and diffused. The water mist covered the sky, Lin Fei had to urge Zhenyuan to resist, so he was not hurt by the ice falling from the sky.

I don’t know how long it took before the whole world became quiet again. At this time, under the ice cliff that was so high, a gate covered with ice appeared abruptly. Open slowly, revealing a path covered with frost...

"Time flies..." Lin Fei walked into the gate and walked along the path covered with frost. Half an hour later, Lin Fei came to a gloomy cemetery.